# frozen_string_literal: true module Slack module Manifest class << self delegate :to_json, to: :to_h def share_url "https://api.slack.com/apps?new_app=1&manifest_json=#{ERB::Util.url_encode(to_json)}" end def to_h { display_information: display_information, features: features, oauth_config: oauth_config, settings: settings } end private def display_information { name: "GitLab (#{Gitlab.config.gitlab.host.first(26)})", description: s_('SlackIntegration|Interact with GitLab without leaving your Slack workspace!'), background_color: '#171321', # Each element in this array will become a paragraph joined with `\r\n\r\n'. long_description: [ format( s_( 'SlackIntegration|Generated for %{host} by GitLab %{version}.' ), host: Gitlab.config.gitlab.host, version: Gitlab::VERSION ), s_( 'SlackIntegration|- *Notifications:* Get notifications to your team\'s Slack channel about events ' \ 'happening inside your GitLab projects.' ), format( s_( 'SlackIntegration|- *Slash commands:* Quickly open, access, or close issues from Slack using the ' \ '`%{slash_command}` command. Streamline your GitLab deployments with ChatOps.' ), slash_command: '/gitlab' ) ].join("\r\n\r\n") } end def features { app_home: { home_tab_enabled: true, messages_tab_enabled: false, messages_tab_read_only_enabled: true }, bot_user: { display_name: 'GitLab', always_online: true }, slash_commands: [ { command: '/gitlab', url: api_v4('slack/trigger'), description: s_('SlackIntegration|GitLab slash commands'), usage_hint: s_('SlackIntegration|your-project-name-or-alias command'), should_escape: false } ] } end def oauth_config { redirect_urls: [ Gitlab.config.gitlab.url ], scopes: { bot: %w[ commands chat:write chat:write.public ] } } end def settings { event_subscriptions: { request_url: api_v4('integrations/slack/events'), bot_events: %w[ app_home_opened ] }, interactivity: { is_enabled: true, request_url: api_v4('integrations/slack/interactions'), message_menu_options_url: api_v4('integrations/slack/options') }, org_deploy_enabled: false, socket_mode_enabled: false, token_rotation_enabled: false } end def api_v4(path) "#{Gitlab.config.gitlab.url}/api/v4/#{path}" end end end end