desc 'GitLab | Sets up PostgreSQL' task setup_postgresql: :environment do require Rails.root.join('db/migrate/20180215181245_users_name_lower_index.rb') require Rails.root.join('db/migrate/20180504195842_project_name_lower_index.rb') require Rails.root.join('db/post_migrate/20180306164012_add_path_index_to_redirect_routes.rb') end desc 'GitLab | Generate PostgreSQL Password Hash' task :postgresql_md5_hash do require 'digest' username = ENV.fetch('USERNAME') do |missing| puts "You must provide an username with '#{missing}' ENV variable" exit(1) end password = ENV.fetch('PASSWORD') do |missing| puts "You must provide a password with '#{missing}' ENV variable" exit(1) end hash = Digest::MD5.hexdigest("#{password}#{username}") puts "The MD5 hash of your database password for user: #{username} -> #{hash}" end