# frozen_string_literal: true require_relative '../config/boot' require_relative 'dependencies' class MetricsServer # rubocop:disable Gitlab/NamespacedClass class << self def spawn(target, metrics_dir:, wipe_metrics_dir: false, trapped_signals: []) raise "Target must be one of [puma,sidekiq]" unless %w(puma sidekiq).include?(target) pid = Process.fork if pid.nil? # nil means we're inside the fork # Remove any custom signal handlers the parent process had registered, since we do # not want to inherit them, and Ruby forks with a `clone` that has the `CLONE_SIGHAND` # flag set. Gitlab::ProcessManagement.modify_signals(trapped_signals, 'DEFAULT') server = MetricsServer.new(target, metrics_dir, wipe_metrics_dir) # This rewrites /proc/cmdline, since otherwise tools like `top` will show the # parent process `cmdline` which is really confusing. $0 = server.name server.start else Process.detach(pid) end pid end end def initialize(target, metrics_dir, wipe_metrics_dir) @target = target @metrics_dir = metrics_dir @wipe_metrics_dir = wipe_metrics_dir end def start ::Prometheus::Client.configure do |config| config.multiprocess_files_dir = @metrics_dir config.pid_provider = proc { "#{@target}_exporter" } end FileUtils.mkdir_p(@metrics_dir, mode: 0700) ::Prometheus::CleanupMultiprocDirService.new.execute if @wipe_metrics_dir # We need to `warmup: true` since otherwise the sampler and exporter threads enter # a race where not all Prometheus db files will be visible to the exporter, resulting # in missing metrics. # Warming up ensures that these files exist prior to the exporter starting up. Gitlab::Metrics::Samplers::RubySampler.initialize_instance(prefix: name, warmup: true).start default_opts = { gc_requests: true, synchronous: true } exporter = case @target when 'puma' Gitlab::Metrics::Exporter::WebExporter.instance(**default_opts) else exporter_class = "Gitlab::Metrics::Exporter::#{@target.camelize}Exporter".constantize settings = Settings.new(Settings.monitoring[name]) exporter_class.instance(settings, **default_opts) end exporter.start end def name "#{@target}_exporter" end end