# frozen_string_literal: true module RuboCop module Cop # Cop that blacklists the injecting of EE specific modules anywhere but on # the last line of a file. Injecting a module in the middle of a file will # cause merge conflicts, while placing it on the last line will not. class InjectEnterpriseEditionModule < RuboCop::Cop::Cop INVALID_LINE = 'Injecting EE modules must be done on the last line of this file' \ ', outside of any class or module definitions' DISALLOWED_METHOD = 'EE modules must be injected using `include_if_ee`, `extend_if_ee`, or `prepend_if_ee`' INVALID_ARGUMENT = 'EE modules to inject must be specified as a String' CHECK_LINE_METHODS = Set.new(%i[include_if_ee extend_if_ee prepend_if_ee]).freeze DISALLOW_METHODS = Set.new(%i[include extend prepend]).freeze def ee_const?(node) line = node.location.expression.source_line # We use `match?` here instead of RuboCop's AST matching, as this makes # it far easier to handle nested constants such as `EE::Foo::Bar::Baz`. line.match?(/(\s|\()('|")?(::)?(QA::)?EE::/) end def on_send(node) return unless check_method?(node) if DISALLOW_METHODS.include?(node.children[1]) add_offense(node, message: DISALLOWED_METHOD) else verify_line_number(node) verify_argument_type(node) end end def verify_line_number(node) line = node.location.line buffer = node.location.expression.source_buffer last_line = buffer.last_line # Parser treats the final newline (if present) as a separate line, # meaning that a simple `line < last_line` would yield true even though # the expression is the last line _of code_. last_line -= 1 if buffer.source.end_with?("\n") add_offense(node, message: INVALID_LINE) if line < last_line end def verify_argument_type(node) argument = node.children[2] return if argument.str_type? add_offense(argument, message: INVALID_ARGUMENT) end def check_method?(node) name = node.children[1] if CHECK_LINE_METHODS.include?(name) || DISALLOW_METHODS.include?(name) ee_const?(node.children[2]) else false end end # Automatically correcting these offenses is not always possible, as # sometimes code needs to be refactored to make this work. As such, we # only allow developers to easily blacklist existing offenses. def autocorrect(node) lambda do |corrector| corrector.insert_after( node.source_range, " # rubocop: disable #{cop_name}" ) end end end end end