# frozen_string_literal: true require 'rubocop/cop/rspec/base' require 'rubocop/cop/rspec/mixin/top_level_group' module RuboCop module Cop module RSpec # Cop that detects duplicate EE spec files # # There should not be files in both ee/spec/*/ee/my_spec.rb and ee/spec/*/my_spec.rb # # # bad # ee/spec/controllers/my_spec.rb # describe MyClass # ee/spec/controllers/ee/my_spec.rb # describe MyClass # # # good, spec for EE extension code # ee/spec/controllers/ee/my_spec.rb # describe MyClass # # # good, spec for EE only code # ee/spec/controllers/my_spec.rb # describe MyClass # class DuplicateSpecLocation < RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Base include RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::TopLevelGroup MSG = 'Duplicate spec location in `%s`.' def on_top_level_group(node) path = file_path_for_node(node.send_node).sub(%r{\A#{rails_root}/}, '') duplicate_path = find_duplicate_path(path) return unless duplicate_path && File.exist?(File.join(rails_root, duplicate_path)) add_offense(node.send_node, message: format(MSG, path: duplicate_path)) end private def ee_spec?(path) File.fnmatch?('ee/spec/**/*.rb', path, File::FNM_PATHNAME) end def find_duplicate_path(path) return unless ee_spec?(path) if File.fnmatch?('ee/spec/**/ee/**', path) path.match('\A(ee/spec/[^/]+)/ee/(.+)') do |match| File.join(match[1], match[2]) end else path.match('\A(ee/spec/[^/]+)/(.+)') do |match| File.join(match[1], 'ee', match[2]) end end end def file_path_for_node(node) node.location.expression.source_buffer.name end def rails_root File.expand_path('../../..', __dir__) end end end end end