#!/usr/bin/env ruby # frozen_string_literal: true require 'optparse' require_relative 'base' class JobFinder < Base DEFAULT_OPTIONS = API::DEFAULT_OPTIONS.merge( pipeline_query: {}.freeze, job_query: {}.freeze ).freeze MAX_PIPELINES_TO_ITERATE = 20 def initialize(options) super @pipeline_query = options.delete(:pipeline_query) || DEFAULT_OPTIONS[:pipeline_query] @job_query = options.delete(:job_query) || DEFAULT_OPTIONS[:job_query] @pipeline_id = options.delete(:pipeline_id) @job_name = options.delete(:job_name) @artifact_path = options.delete(:artifact_path) end def execute find_job_with_artifact || find_job_with_filtered_pipelines || find_job_in_pipeline end private attr_reader :pipeline_query, :job_query, :pipeline_id, :job_name, :artifact_path def find_job_with_artifact return if artifact_path.nil? client.pipelines(project, pipeline_query_params).paginate_with_limit(MAX_PIPELINES_TO_ITERATE) do |pipeline| $stderr.puts "Iterating over #{pipeline}" # rubocop:disable Style/StderrPuts client.pipeline_jobs(project, pipeline.id, job_query_params).auto_paginate do |job| next if job_name && !found_job_by_name?(job) return job if found_job_with_artifact?(job) # rubocop:disable Cop/AvoidReturnFromBlocks end end warn 'Job not found!' end def find_job_with_filtered_pipelines return if pipeline_query.empty? client.pipelines(project, pipeline_query_params).paginate_with_limit(MAX_PIPELINES_TO_ITERATE) do |pipeline| client.pipeline_jobs(project, pipeline.id, job_query_params).auto_paginate do |job| return job if found_job_by_name?(job) # rubocop:disable Cop/AvoidReturnFromBlocks end end warn 'Job not found!' end def find_job_in_pipeline return unless pipeline_id client.pipeline_jobs(project, pipeline_id, job_query_params).auto_paginate do |job| return job if found_job_by_name?(job) # rubocop:disable Cop/AvoidReturnFromBlocks end warn 'Job not found!' end def found_job_with_artifact?(job) artifact_url = "#{client.endpoint}/projects/#{CGI.escape(project)}/jobs/#{job.id}/artifacts/#{artifact_path}" response = HTTParty.head(artifact_url) # rubocop:disable Gitlab/HTTParty response.success? end def found_job_by_name?(job) job.name == job_name end def pipeline_query_params @pipeline_query_params ||= { per_page: MAX_PIPELINES_TO_ITERATE, **pipeline_query } end def job_query_params @job_query_params ||= { per_page: 100, **job_query } end end if $PROGRAM_NAME == __FILE__ options = JobFinder::DEFAULT_OPTIONS.dup OptionParser.new do |opts| opts.on("-p", "--project PROJECT", String, "Project where to find the job (defaults to $CI_PROJECT_ID)") do |value| options[:project] = value end opts.on("-i", "--pipeline-id pipeline_id", String, "A pipeline ID (defaults to $CI_PIPELINE_ID)") do |value| options[:pipeline_id] = value end opts.on("-q", "--pipeline-query pipeline_query", String, "Query to pass to the Pipeline API request") do |value| options[:pipeline_query] = options[:pipeline_query].merge(Hash[*value.split('=')]) end opts.on("-Q", "--job-query job_query", String, "Query to pass to the Job API request") do |value| options[:job_query] = options[:job_query].merge(Hash[*value.split('=')]) end opts.on("-j", "--job-name job_name", String, "A job name that needs to exist in the found pipeline") do |value| options[:job_name] = value end opts.on("-a", "--artifact-path ARTIFACT_PATH", String, "A valid artifact path") do |value| options[:artifact_path] = value end opts.on("-t", "--api-token API_TOKEN", String, "A value API token with the `read_api` scope") do |value| options[:api_token] = value end opts.on("-E", "--endpoint ENDPOINT", String, "The API endpoint for the API token. (defaults to $CI_API_V4_URL and fallback to https://gitlab.com/api/v4)") do |value| options[:endpoint] = value end opts.on("-h", "--help", "Prints this help") do puts opts exit end end.parse! job = JobFinder.new(options).execute return if job.nil? puts job.id end