#!/usr/bin/env ruby # frozen_string_literal: true require 'json' class ReleaseEnvironmentsModel COMPONENTS = %w[gitaly registry kas mailroom pages gitlab shell].freeze # Will generate a json object that has a key for every component and a value which is the environment combined with # short sha # Example: # { # "gitaly": "15-10-stable-c7c5131c", # "registry": "15-10-stable-c7c5131c", # "kas": "15-10-stable-c7c5131c", # "mailroom": "15-10-stable-c7c5131c", # "pages": "15-10-stable-c7c5131c", # "gitlab": "15-10-stable-c7c5131c", # "shell": "15-10-stable-c7c5131c" # } def generate_json(environment) output_json = {} COMPONENTS.each do |component| output_json[component.to_s] = "#{environment}-#{ENV['CI_COMMIT_SHORT_SHA']}" end JSON.generate(output_json) end end # Outputs in `dotenv` format the ENVIRONMENT and VERSIONS to pass to release environments e.g. # ENVIRONMENT=15-10-stable # VERSIONS={"gitaly":"15-10-stable-c7c5131c","registry":"15-10-stable-c7c5131c","kas":"15-10-stable-c7c5131c", ... if $PROGRAM_NAME == __FILE__ environment = ENV['CI_COMMIT_REF_SLUG'].sub("-ee", "") puts "ENVIRONMENT=#{environment}" puts "VERSIONS=#{ReleaseEnvironmentsModel.new.generate_json(environment)}" end