#!/usr/bin/env ruby # frozen_string_literal: true require 'json' QUARANTINE_TYPES = %w[stale bug investigating flaky broken test_environment waiting_on].freeze missing_issues = [] quarantine_type_errors = [] invalid_type_message = %"\n*** The following quarantined tests have invalid types:\n\n%s\n" missing_issue_message = %"\n*** The following quarantined tests are missing issue links:\n\n%s\n" test_metadata_file = ARGV.shift unless test_metadata_file puts "usage: #{__FILE__} " exit 1 end file = File.read(test_metadata_file) data_hash = JSON.parse(file) unless data_hash['examples'].count > 1 puts "\nRspec output does not contain examples. Check test-metadata.json file.\n" exit 1 end puts "\nAnalyzing quarantined test data...\n" tests = data_hash['examples'] tests.each do |test| next unless test['quarantine'] unless QUARANTINE_TYPES.include?(test['quarantine']['type']) quarantine_type_errors.push( <<~TYPE_ERRORS ==> #{test['full_description']} in file: #{test['id']} with type: "#{test['quarantine']['type']}" TYPE_ERRORS ) end missing_issues.push(" ==> #{test['id']} - #{test['full_description']}\n") unless test['quarantine']['issue'] end if quarantine_type_errors.empty? && missing_issues.empty? puts "\nNo errors found." else puts "\n*** Quarantine format violations detected! ***\n" unless quarantine_type_errors.empty? puts invalid_type_message % quarantine_type_errors.join("\n") puts "*** Please use one of the following quarantine types for the tests listed above.\n" puts " #{QUARANTINE_TYPES}\n" end puts missing_issue_message % missing_issues unless missing_issues.empty? puts "See https://about.gitlab.com/handbook/engineering/quality/quality-engineering/debugging-qa-test-failures/#quarantining-tests" exit 1 end