# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' RSpec.describe Settings, feature_category: :system_access do using RSpec::Parameterized::TableSyntax describe 'omniauth' do it 'defaults to enabled' do expect(described_class.omniauth.enabled).to be true end end describe '.load_dynamic_cron_schedules!' do it 'generates a valid cron schedule' do expect(Fugit::Cron.parse(described_class.load_dynamic_cron_schedules!)).to be_a(Fugit::Cron) end end describe '.build_ci_component_fqdn' do subject(:fqdn) { described_class.build_ci_component_fqdn } where(:host, :port, :relative_url, :result) do 'acme.com' | 9090 | '/gitlab' | 'acme.com:9090/gitlab/' 'acme.com' | 443 | '/gitlab' | 'acme.com/gitlab/' 'acme.com' | 443 | '' | 'acme.com/' 'acme.com' | 9090 | '' | 'acme.com:9090/' 'test' | 9090 | '' | 'test:9090/' end with_them do before do allow(Gitlab.config).to receive(:gitlab).and_return( GitlabSettings::Options.build({ 'host' => host, 'https' => true, 'port' => port, 'relative_url_root' => relative_url })) end it { is_expected.to eq(result) } end end describe '.attr_encrypted_db_key_base_truncated' do it 'is a string with maximum 32 bytes size' do expect(described_class.attr_encrypted_db_key_base_truncated.bytesize) .to be <= 32 end end describe '.attr_encrypted_db_key_base_12' do context 'when db key base secret is less than 12 bytes' do before do allow(described_class) .to receive(:attr_encrypted_db_key_base) .and_return('a' * 10) end it 'expands db key base secret to 12 bytes' do expect(described_class.attr_encrypted_db_key_base_12) .to eq(('a' * 10) + ('0' * 2)) end end context 'when key has multiple multi-byte UTF chars exceeding 12 bytes' do before do allow(described_class) .to receive(:attr_encrypted_db_key_base) .and_return('❤' * 18) end it 'does not use more than 32 bytes' do db_key_base = described_class.attr_encrypted_db_key_base_12 expect(db_key_base).to eq('❤' * 4) expect(db_key_base.bytesize).to eq 12 end end end describe '.attr_encrypted_db_key_base_32' do context 'when db key base secret is less than 32 bytes' do before do allow(described_class) .to receive(:attr_encrypted_db_key_base) .and_return('a' * 10) end it 'expands db key base secret to 32 bytes' do expanded_key_base = ('a' * 10) + ('0' * 22) expect(expanded_key_base.bytesize).to eq 32 expect(described_class.attr_encrypted_db_key_base_32) .to eq expanded_key_base end end context 'when db key base secret is 32 bytes' do before do allow(described_class) .to receive(:attr_encrypted_db_key_base) .and_return('a' * 32) end it 'returns original value' do expect(described_class.attr_encrypted_db_key_base_32) .to eq 'a' * 32 end end context 'when db key base contains multi-byte UTF character' do before do allow(described_class) .to receive(:attr_encrypted_db_key_base) .and_return('❤' * 6) end it 'does not use more than 32 bytes' do db_key_base = described_class.attr_encrypted_db_key_base_32 expect(db_key_base).to eq '❤❤❤❤❤❤' + ('0' * 14) expect(db_key_base.bytesize).to eq 32 end end context 'when db key base multi-byte UTF chars exceeding 32 bytes' do before do allow(described_class) .to receive(:attr_encrypted_db_key_base) .and_return('❤' * 18) end it 'does not use more than 32 bytes' do db_key_base = described_class.attr_encrypted_db_key_base_32 expect(db_key_base).to eq(('❤' * 10) + ('0' * 2)) expect(db_key_base.bytesize).to eq 32 end end end describe '.cron_for_service_ping' do it 'returns correct crontab for some manually calculated example' do allow(Gitlab::CurrentSettings) .to receive(:uuid) { 'd9e2f4e8-db1f-4e51-b03d-f427e1965c4a' } expect(described_class.send(:cron_for_service_ping)).to eq('44 10 * * 4') end it 'returns min, hour, day in the valid range' do allow(Gitlab::CurrentSettings) .to receive(:uuid) { SecureRandom.uuid } 10.times do cron = described_class.send(:cron_for_service_ping).split(/\s/) expect(cron[0].to_i).to be_between(0, 59) expect(cron[1].to_i).to be_between(0, 23) expect(cron[4].to_i).to be_between(0, 6) end end end describe '.encrypted' do before do allow(Gitlab::Application.secrets).to receive(:encryped_settings_key_base).and_return(SecureRandom.hex(64)) end it 'defaults to using the encrypted_settings_key_base for the key' do expect(Gitlab::EncryptedConfiguration).to receive(:new).with(hash_including(base_key: Gitlab::Application.secrets.encrypted_settings_key_base)) described_class.encrypted('tmp/tests/test.enc') end it 'returns empty encrypted config when a key has not been set' do allow(Gitlab::Application.secrets).to receive(:encrypted_settings_key_base).and_return(nil) expect(described_class.encrypted('tmp/tests/test.enc').read).to be_empty end end describe '.microsoft_graph_mailer' do it 'defaults' do expect(described_class.microsoft_graph_mailer.enabled).to be false expect(described_class.microsoft_graph_mailer.user_id).to be_nil expect(described_class.microsoft_graph_mailer.tenant).to be_nil expect(described_class.microsoft_graph_mailer.client_id).to be_nil expect(described_class.microsoft_graph_mailer.client_secret).to be_nil expect(described_class.microsoft_graph_mailer.azure_ad_endpoint).to eq('https://login.microsoftonline.com') expect(described_class.microsoft_graph_mailer.graph_endpoint).to eq('https://graph.microsoft.com') end end describe '.repositories' do it 'sets up storage settings' do described_class.repositories.storages.each do |_, storage| expect(storage).to be_a Gitlab::GitalyClient::StorageSettings end end end describe '.build_sidekiq_routing_rules' do using RSpec::Parameterized::TableSyntax where(:input_rules, :result) do nil | [['*', 'default']] [] | [['*', 'default']] [['name=foobar', 'foobar']] | [['name=foobar', 'foobar']] end with_them do it { expect(described_class.send(:build_sidekiq_routing_rules, input_rules)).to eq(result) } end end end