# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' RSpec.describe Groups::ClustersController do include AccessMatchersForController include GoogleApi::CloudPlatformHelpers let_it_be(:group) { create(:group) } let(:user) { create(:user) } before do group.add_maintainer(user) sign_in(user) end describe 'GET index' do def go(params = {}) get :index, params: params.reverse_merge(group_id: group) end describe 'functionality' do context 'when group has one or more clusters' do let(:group) { create(:group) } let!(:enabled_cluster) do create(:cluster, :provided_by_gcp, cluster_type: :group_type, groups: [group]) end let!(:disabled_cluster) do create(:cluster, :disabled, :provided_by_gcp, :production_environment, cluster_type: :group_type, groups: [group]) end it 'lists available clusters and renders html' do go expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:ok) expect(response).to render_template(:index) expect(assigns(:clusters)).to match_array([enabled_cluster, disabled_cluster]) end it 'lists available clusters with json serializer' do go(format: :json) expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:ok) expect(response).to match_response_schema('cluster_list') end it 'sets the polling interval header for json requests' do go(format: :json) expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:ok) expect(response.headers['Poll-Interval']).to eq("10000") end context 'when page is specified' do let(:last_page) { group.clusters.page.total_pages } let(:total_count) { group.clusters.page.total_count } before do create_list(:cluster, 30, :provided_by_gcp, :production_environment, cluster_type: :group_type, groups: [group]) end it 'redirects to the page' do expect(last_page).to be > 1 go(page: last_page) expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:ok) expect(assigns(:clusters).current_page).to eq(last_page) end it 'displays cluster list for associated page' do expect(last_page).to be > 1 go(page: last_page, format: :json) expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:ok) expect(response.headers['X-Page'].to_i).to eq(last_page) expect(response.headers['X-Total'].to_i).to eq(total_count) end end end context 'when group does not have a cluster' do let(:group) { create(:group) } it 'returns an empty state page' do go expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:ok) expect(response).to render_template(:index, partial: :empty_state) expect(assigns(:clusters)).to eq([]) end end end describe 'security' do let(:cluster) { create(:cluster, :provided_by_gcp, cluster_type: :group_type, groups: [group]) } it { expect { go }.to be_allowed_for(:admin) } it { expect { go }.to be_allowed_for(:owner).of(group) } it { expect { go }.to be_allowed_for(:maintainer).of(group) } it { expect { go }.to be_denied_for(:developer).of(group) } it { expect { go }.to be_denied_for(:reporter).of(group) } it { expect { go }.to be_denied_for(:guest).of(group) } it { expect { go }.to be_denied_for(:user) } it { expect { go }.to be_denied_for(:external) } end end describe 'GET new' do def go(provider: 'gcp') get :new, params: { group_id: group, provider: provider } end describe 'functionality for new cluster' do context 'when omniauth has been configured' do let(:key) { 'secret-key' } let(:session_key_for_redirect_uri) do GoogleApi::CloudPlatform::Client.session_key_for_redirect_uri(key) end before do allow(SecureRandom).to receive(:hex).and_return(key) end it 'redirects to gcp authorize_url' do go expect(assigns(:authorize_url)).to include(key) expect(session[session_key_for_redirect_uri]).to eq(new_group_cluster_path(group, provider: :gcp)) expect(response).to redirect_to(assigns(:authorize_url)) end end context 'when omniauth has not configured' do before do stub_omniauth_setting(providers: []) end it 'does not have authorize_url' do go expect(assigns(:authorize_url)).to be_nil end end context 'when access token is valid' do before do stub_google_api_validate_token end it 'has new object' do go expect(assigns(:gcp_cluster)).to be_an_instance_of(Clusters::ClusterPresenter) end end context 'when access token is expired' do before do stub_google_api_expired_token end it { expect(@valid_gcp_token).to be_falsey } end context 'when access token is not stored in session' do it { expect(@valid_gcp_token).to be_falsey } end end describe 'functionality for existing cluster' do it 'has new object' do go expect(assigns(:user_cluster)).to be_an_instance_of(Clusters::ClusterPresenter) end end include_examples 'GET new cluster shared examples' describe 'security' do it { expect { go }.to be_allowed_for(:admin) } it { expect { go }.to be_allowed_for(:owner).of(group) } it { expect { go }.to be_allowed_for(:maintainer).of(group) } it { expect { go }.to be_denied_for(:developer).of(group) } it { expect { go }.to be_denied_for(:reporter).of(group) } it { expect { go }.to be_denied_for(:guest).of(group) } it { expect { go }.to be_denied_for(:user) } it { expect { go }.to be_denied_for(:external) } end end it_behaves_like 'GET #metrics_dashboard for dashboard', 'Cluster health' do let(:cluster) { create(:cluster, :provided_by_gcp, cluster_type: :group_type, groups: [group]) } let(:metrics_dashboard_req_params) do { id: cluster.id, group_id: group.name } end end describe 'GET #prometheus_proxy' do let(:proxyable) do create(:cluster, :provided_by_gcp, cluster_type: :group_type, groups: [group]) end it_behaves_like 'metrics dashboard prometheus api proxy' do let(:proxyable_params) do { id: proxyable.id.to_s, group_id: group.name } end context 'with anonymous user' do let(:prometheus_body) { nil } before do sign_out(user) end it 'returns 404' do get :prometheus_proxy, params: prometheus_proxy_params expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:not_found) end end end end describe 'POST create for new cluster' do let(:legacy_abac_param) { 'true' } let(:params) do { cluster: { name: 'new-cluster', managed: '1', provider_gcp_attributes: { gcp_project_id: 'gcp-project-12345', legacy_abac: legacy_abac_param } } } end def go post :create_gcp, params: params.merge(group_id: group) end describe 'functionality' do context 'when access token is valid' do before do stub_google_api_validate_token end it 'creates a new cluster' do expect(ClusterProvisionWorker).to receive(:perform_async) expect { go }.to change { Clusters::Cluster.count } .and change { Clusters::Providers::Gcp.count } cluster = group.clusters.first expect(response).to redirect_to(group_cluster_path(group, cluster)) expect(cluster).to be_gcp expect(cluster).to be_kubernetes expect(cluster.provider_gcp).to be_legacy_abac expect(cluster).to be_managed end context 'when legacy_abac param is false' do let(:legacy_abac_param) { 'false' } it 'creates a new cluster with legacy_abac_disabled' do expect(ClusterProvisionWorker).to receive(:perform_async) expect { go }.to change { Clusters::Cluster.count } .and change { Clusters::Providers::Gcp.count } expect(group.clusters.first.provider_gcp).not_to be_legacy_abac end end end context 'when access token is expired' do before do stub_google_api_expired_token end it { expect(@valid_gcp_token).to be_falsey } end context 'when access token is not stored in session' do it { expect(@valid_gcp_token).to be_falsey } end end describe 'security' do before do allow_any_instance_of(described_class) .to receive(:token_in_session).and_return('token') allow_any_instance_of(described_class) .to receive(:expires_at_in_session).and_return(1.hour.since.to_i.to_s) allow_any_instance_of(GoogleApi::CloudPlatform::Client) .to receive(:projects_zones_clusters_create) do OpenStruct.new( self_link: 'projects/gcp-project-12345/zones/us-central1-a/operations/ope-123', status: 'RUNNING' ) end allow(WaitForClusterCreationWorker).to receive(:perform_in).and_return(nil) end it { expect { go }.to be_allowed_for(:admin) } it { expect { go }.to be_allowed_for(:owner).of(group) } it { expect { go }.to be_allowed_for(:maintainer).of(group) } it { expect { go }.to be_denied_for(:developer).of(group) } it { expect { go }.to be_denied_for(:reporter).of(group) } it { expect { go }.to be_denied_for(:guest).of(group) } it { expect { go }.to be_denied_for(:user) } it { expect { go }.to be_denied_for(:external) } end end describe 'POST create for existing cluster' do let(:params) do { cluster: { name: 'new-cluster', managed: '1', platform_kubernetes_attributes: { api_url: 'http://my-url', token: 'test' } } } end def go post :create_user, params: params.merge(group_id: group) end describe 'functionality' do context 'when creates a cluster' do it 'creates a new cluster' do expect(ClusterProvisionWorker).to receive(:perform_async) expect { go }.to change { Clusters::Cluster.count } .and change { Clusters::Platforms::Kubernetes.count } cluster = group.clusters.first expect(response).to redirect_to(group_cluster_path(group, cluster)) expect(cluster).to be_user expect(cluster).to be_kubernetes expect(cluster).to be_managed end end context 'when creates a RBAC-enabled cluster' do let(:params) do { cluster: { name: 'new-cluster', platform_kubernetes_attributes: { api_url: 'http://my-url', token: 'test', authorization_type: 'rbac' } } } end it 'creates a new cluster' do expect(ClusterProvisionWorker).to receive(:perform_async) expect { go }.to change { Clusters::Cluster.count } .and change { Clusters::Platforms::Kubernetes.count } cluster = group.clusters.first expect(response).to redirect_to(group_cluster_path(group, cluster)) expect(cluster).to be_user expect(cluster).to be_kubernetes expect(cluster).to be_platform_kubernetes_rbac end end context 'when creates a user-managed cluster' do let(:params) do { cluster: { name: 'new-cluster', managed: '0', platform_kubernetes_attributes: { api_url: 'http://my-url', token: 'test', authorization_type: 'rbac' } } } end it 'creates a new user-managed cluster' do go cluster = group.clusters.first expect(cluster.managed?).to be_falsy end end end describe 'security' do it { expect { go }.to be_allowed_for(:admin) } it { expect { go }.to be_allowed_for(:owner).of(group) } it { expect { go }.to be_allowed_for(:maintainer).of(group) } it { expect { go }.to be_denied_for(:developer).of(group) } it { expect { go }.to be_denied_for(:reporter).of(group) } it { expect { go }.to be_denied_for(:guest).of(group) } it { expect { go }.to be_denied_for(:user) } it { expect { go }.to be_denied_for(:external) } end end describe 'POST #create_aws' do let(:params) do { cluster: { name: 'new-cluster', provider_aws_attributes: { key_name: 'key', role_arn: 'arn:role', region: 'region', vpc_id: 'vpc', instance_type: 'instance type', num_nodes: 3, security_group_id: 'security group', subnet_ids: %w(subnet1 subnet2) } } } end def post_create_aws post :create_aws, params: params.merge(group_id: group) end it 'creates a new cluster' do expect(ClusterProvisionWorker).to receive(:perform_async) expect { post_create_aws }.to change { Clusters::Cluster.count } .and change { Clusters::Providers::Aws.count } cluster = group.clusters.first expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:created) expect(response.location).to eq(group_cluster_path(group, cluster)) expect(cluster).to be_aws expect(cluster).to be_kubernetes end context 'params are invalid' do let(:params) do { cluster: { name: '' } } end it 'does not create a cluster' do expect { post_create_aws }.not_to change { Clusters::Cluster.count } expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:unprocessable_entity) expect(response.content_type).to eq('application/json') expect(response.body).to include('is invalid') end end describe 'security' do before do allow(WaitForClusterCreationWorker).to receive(:perform_in) end it { expect { post_create_aws }.to be_allowed_for(:admin) } it { expect { post_create_aws }.to be_allowed_for(:owner).of(group) } it { expect { post_create_aws }.to be_allowed_for(:maintainer).of(group) } it { expect { post_create_aws }.to be_denied_for(:developer).of(group) } it { expect { post_create_aws }.to be_denied_for(:reporter).of(group) } it { expect { post_create_aws }.to be_denied_for(:guest).of(group) } it { expect { post_create_aws }.to be_denied_for(:user) } it { expect { post_create_aws }.to be_denied_for(:external) } end end describe 'POST authorize AWS role for EKS cluster' do let!(:role) { create(:aws_role, user: user) } let(:role_arn) { 'arn:new-role' } let(:params) do { cluster: { role_arn: role_arn } } end def go post :authorize_aws_role, params: params.merge(group_id: group) end before do allow(Clusters::Aws::FetchCredentialsService).to receive(:new) .and_return(double(execute: double)) end it 'updates the associated role with the supplied ARN' do go expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:ok) expect(role.reload.role_arn).to eq(role_arn) end context 'supplied role is invalid' do let(:role_arn) { 'invalid-role' } it 'does not update the associated role' do expect { go }.not_to change { role.role_arn } expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:unprocessable_entity) end end describe 'security' do before do allow_next_instance_of(Clusters::Aws::AuthorizeRoleService) do |service| response = double(status: :ok, body: double) allow(service).to receive(:execute).and_return(response) end end it { expect { go }.to be_allowed_for(:admin) } it { expect { go }.to be_allowed_for(:owner).of(group) } it { expect { go }.to be_allowed_for(:maintainer).of(group) } it { expect { go }.to be_denied_for(:developer).of(group) } it { expect { go }.to be_denied_for(:reporter).of(group) } it { expect { go }.to be_denied_for(:guest).of(group) } it { expect { go }.to be_denied_for(:user) } it { expect { go }.to be_denied_for(:external) } end end describe 'DELETE clear cluster cache' do let(:cluster) { create(:cluster, :group, groups: [group]) } let!(:kubernetes_namespace) do create(:cluster_kubernetes_namespace, cluster: cluster, project: create(:project) ) end def go delete :clear_cache, params: { group_id: group, id: cluster } end it 'deletes the namespaces associated with the cluster' do expect { go }.to change { Clusters::KubernetesNamespace.count } expect(response).to redirect_to(group_cluster_path(group, cluster)) expect(cluster.kubernetes_namespaces).to be_empty end describe 'security' do it { expect { go }.to be_allowed_for(:admin) } it { expect { go }.to be_allowed_for(:owner).of(group) } it { expect { go }.to be_allowed_for(:maintainer).of(group) } it { expect { go }.to be_denied_for(:developer).of(group) } it { expect { go }.to be_denied_for(:reporter).of(group) } it { expect { go }.to be_denied_for(:guest).of(group) } it { expect { go }.to be_denied_for(:user) } it { expect { go }.to be_denied_for(:external) } end end describe 'GET cluster_status' do let(:cluster) { create(:cluster, :providing_by_gcp, cluster_type: :group_type, groups: [group]) } def go get :cluster_status, params: { group_id: group.to_param, id: cluster }, format: :json end describe 'functionality' do it 'responds with matching schema' do go expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:ok) expect(response).to match_response_schema('cluster_status') end it 'invokes schedule_status_update on each application' do expect_any_instance_of(Clusters::Applications::Ingress).to receive(:schedule_status_update) go end end describe 'security' do it { expect { go }.to be_allowed_for(:admin) } it { expect { go }.to be_allowed_for(:owner).of(group) } it { expect { go }.to be_allowed_for(:maintainer).of(group) } it { expect { go }.to be_denied_for(:developer).of(group) } it { expect { go }.to be_denied_for(:reporter).of(group) } it { expect { go }.to be_denied_for(:guest).of(group) } it { expect { go }.to be_denied_for(:user) } it { expect { go }.to be_denied_for(:external) } end end describe 'GET show' do let(:cluster) { create(:cluster, :provided_by_gcp, cluster_type: :group_type, groups: [group]) } def go get :show, params: { group_id: group, id: cluster } end describe 'functionality' do it 'renders view' do go expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:ok) expect(assigns(:cluster)).to eq(cluster) end end describe 'security' do it { expect { go }.to be_allowed_for(:admin) } it { expect { go }.to be_allowed_for(:owner).of(group) } it { expect { go }.to be_allowed_for(:maintainer).of(group) } it { expect { go }.to be_denied_for(:developer).of(group) } it { expect { go }.to be_denied_for(:reporter).of(group) } it { expect { go }.to be_denied_for(:guest).of(group) } it { expect { go }.to be_denied_for(:user) } it { expect { go }.to be_denied_for(:external) } end end describe 'PUT update' do def go(format: :html) put :update, params: params.merge( group_id: group.to_param, id: cluster, format: format ) end let(:cluster) { create(:cluster, :provided_by_user, cluster_type: :group_type, groups: [group]) } let(:domain) { 'test-domain.com' } let(:params) do { cluster: { enabled: false, name: 'my-new-cluster-name', managed: false, base_domain: domain } } end it 'updates and redirects back to show page' do go cluster.reload expect(response).to redirect_to(group_cluster_path(group, cluster)) expect(flash[:notice]).to eq('Kubernetes cluster was successfully updated.') expect(cluster.enabled).to be_falsey expect(cluster.name).to eq('my-new-cluster-name') expect(cluster).not_to be_managed expect(cluster.domain).to eq('test-domain.com') end context 'when domain is invalid' do let(:domain) { 'http://not-a-valid-domain' } it 'does not update cluster attributes' do go cluster.reload expect(response).to render_template(:show) expect(cluster.name).not_to eq('my-new-cluster-name') expect(cluster.domain).not_to eq('test-domain.com') end end context 'when format is json' do context 'when changing parameters' do context 'when valid parameters are used' do let(:params) do { cluster: { enabled: false, name: 'my-new-cluster-name', managed: false, domain: domain } } end it 'updates and redirects back to show page' do go(format: :json) cluster.reload expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:no_content) expect(cluster.enabled).to be_falsey expect(cluster.name).to eq('my-new-cluster-name') expect(cluster).not_to be_managed end end context 'when invalid parameters are used' do let(:params) do { cluster: { enabled: false, name: '' } } end it 'rejects changes' do go(format: :json) expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:bad_request) end end end end describe 'security' do let_it_be(:cluster) { create(:cluster, :provided_by_gcp, cluster_type: :group_type, groups: [group]) } it { expect { go }.to be_allowed_for(:admin) } it { expect { go }.to be_allowed_for(:owner).of(group) } it { expect { go }.to be_allowed_for(:maintainer).of(group) } it { expect { go }.to be_denied_for(:developer).of(group) } it { expect { go }.to be_denied_for(:reporter).of(group) } it { expect { go }.to be_denied_for(:guest).of(group) } it { expect { go }.to be_denied_for(:user) } it { expect { go }.to be_denied_for(:external) } end end describe 'DELETE destroy' do let!(:cluster) { create(:cluster, :provided_by_gcp, :production_environment, cluster_type: :group_type, groups: [group]) } def go delete :destroy, params: { group_id: group, id: cluster } end describe 'functionality' do context 'when cluster is provided by GCP' do context 'when cluster is created' do it 'destroys and redirects back to clusters list' do expect { go } .to change { Clusters::Cluster.count }.by(-1) .and change { Clusters::Platforms::Kubernetes.count }.by(-1) .and change { Clusters::Providers::Gcp.count }.by(-1) expect(response).to redirect_to(group_clusters_path(group)) expect(flash[:notice]).to eq('Kubernetes cluster integration was successfully removed.') end end context 'when cluster is being created' do let!(:cluster) { create(:cluster, :providing_by_gcp, :production_environment, cluster_type: :group_type, groups: [group]) } it 'destroys and redirects back to clusters list' do expect { go } .to change { Clusters::Cluster.count }.by(-1) .and change { Clusters::Providers::Gcp.count }.by(-1) expect(response).to redirect_to(group_clusters_path(group)) expect(flash[:notice]).to eq('Kubernetes cluster integration was successfully removed.') end end end context 'when cluster is provided by user' do let!(:cluster) { create(:cluster, :provided_by_user, :production_environment, cluster_type: :group_type, groups: [group]) } it 'destroys and redirects back to clusters list' do expect { go } .to change { Clusters::Cluster.count }.by(-1) .and change { Clusters::Platforms::Kubernetes.count }.by(-1) .and change { Clusters::Providers::Gcp.count }.by(0) expect(response).to redirect_to(group_clusters_path(group)) expect(flash[:notice]).to eq('Kubernetes cluster integration was successfully removed.') end end end describe 'security' do let_it_be(:cluster) { create(:cluster, :provided_by_gcp, :production_environment, cluster_type: :group_type, groups: [group]) } it { expect { go }.to be_allowed_for(:admin) } it { expect { go }.to be_allowed_for(:owner).of(group) } it { expect { go }.to be_allowed_for(:maintainer).of(group) } it { expect { go }.to be_denied_for(:developer).of(group) } it { expect { go }.to be_denied_for(:reporter).of(group) } it { expect { go }.to be_denied_for(:guest).of(group) } it { expect { go }.to be_denied_for(:user) } it { expect { go }.to be_denied_for(:external) } end end context 'no group_id param' do it 'does not respond to any action without group_id param' do expect { get :index }.to raise_error(ActionController::UrlGenerationError) end end end