# frozen_string_literal: true FactoryBot.define do factory :diff_position, class: 'Gitlab::Diff::Position' do skip_create # non-model factories (i.e. without #save) transient do file { 'path/to/file' } # Allow diff to be passed as a single object. diff_refs do ::Gitlab::Diff::DiffRefs.new( base_sha: Digest::SHA1.hexdigest(SecureRandom.hex), head_sha: Digest::SHA1.hexdigest(SecureRandom.hex), start_sha: Digest::SHA1.hexdigest(SecureRandom.hex) ) end end old_path { file } new_path { file } base_sha { diff_refs&.base_sha } head_sha { diff_refs&.head_sha } start_sha { diff_refs&.start_sha } initialize_with { new(**attributes) } trait :moved do new_path { 'path/to/new.file' } end factory :text_diff_position do position_type { 'text' } old_line { 10 } new_line { 10 } line_range { nil } trait :added do old_line { nil } end trait :multi_line do line_range do { start: { line_code: Gitlab::Git.diff_line_code(file, 10, 10) }, end: { line_code: Gitlab::Git.diff_line_code(file, 12, 13) } } end end end factory :file_diff_position do position_type { 'file' } end factory :image_diff_position do position_type { 'image' } x { 1 } # Fix: # NoMethodError: undefined method `end_line=' for nil:NilClass # from /usr/lib/ruby/2.6.0/psych/tree_builder.rb:133:in `set_end_location' add_attribute(:y) { 1 } width { 10 } height { 10 } end end end