# frozen_string_literal: true FactoryBot.define do # This factory is called :namespace but actually maps (and always has) to User type # See https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/merge_requests/74152#note_730034103 for context factory :namespace, class: 'Namespaces::UserNamespace' do sequence(:name) { |n| "namespace#{n}" } type { Namespaces::UserNamespace.sti_name } path { name.downcase.gsub(/\s/, '_') } owner { association(:user, strategy: :build, namespace: instance, username: path) } after(:create) do |namespace, evaluator| # simulating ::Namespaces::ProcessSyncEventsWorker because most tests don't run Sidekiq inline # Note: we need to get refreshed `traversal_ids` it is updated via SQL query # in `Namespaces::Traversal::Linear#sync_traversal_ids` (see the NOTE in that method). # We cannot use `.reload` because it cleans other on-the-fly attributes. namespace.create_ci_namespace_mirror!(traversal_ids: Namespace.find(namespace.id).traversal_ids) unless namespace.ci_namespace_mirror end trait :with_aggregation_schedule do after(:create) do |namespace| create(:namespace_aggregation_schedules, namespace: namespace) end end trait :with_root_storage_statistics do after(:create) do |namespace| create(:namespace_root_storage_statistics, namespace: namespace) end end trait :with_namespace_settings do after(:create) do |namespace| create(:namespace_settings, namespace: namespace) end end trait :shared_runners_disabled do shared_runners_enabled { false } end end end