require 'spec_helper' feature 'Group variables', :js do let(:user) { create(:user) } let(:group) { create(:group) } background do group.add_master(user) gitlab_sign_in(user) end context 'when user creates a new variable' do background do visit group_settings_ci_cd_path(group) fill_in 'variable_key', with: 'AAA' fill_in 'variable_value', with: 'AAA123' find(:css, "#variable_protected").set(true) click_on 'Add new variable' end scenario 'user sees the created variable' do page.within('.variables-table') do expect(find(".variable-key")).to have_content('AAA') expect(find(".variable-value")).to have_content('******') expect(find(".variable-protected")).to have_content('Yes') end click_on 'Reveal Values' page.within('.variables-table') do expect(find(".variable-value")).to have_content('AAA123') end end end context 'when user edits a variable' do background do create(:ci_group_variable, key: 'AAA', value: 'AAA123', protected: true, group: group) visit group_settings_ci_cd_path(group) page.within('.variable-menu') do click_on 'Update' end fill_in 'variable_key', with: 'BBB' fill_in 'variable_value', with: 'BBB123' find(:css, "#variable_protected").set(false) click_on 'Save variable' end scenario 'user sees the updated variable' do page.within('.variables-table') do expect(find(".variable-key")).to have_content('BBB') expect(find(".variable-value")).to have_content('******') expect(find(".variable-protected")).to have_content('No') end end end context 'when user deletes a variable' do background do create(:ci_group_variable, key: 'BBB', value: 'BBB123', protected: false, group: group) visit group_settings_ci_cd_path(group) page.within('.variable-menu') do page.accept_alert 'Are you sure?' do click_on 'Remove' end end end scenario 'user does not see the deleted variable' do expect(page).to have_no_css('.variables-table') end end end