# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' RSpec.describe 'Merge request > User sees deployment widget', :js, feature_category: :continuous_delivery do include Spec::Support::Helpers::ModalHelpers describe 'when merge request has associated environments' do let(:user) { create(:user) } let(:project) { create(:project, :repository) } let(:merge_request) { create(:merge_request, :merged, source_project: project) } let(:environment) { create(:environment, project: project) } let(:role) { :developer } let(:ref) { merge_request.target_branch } let(:sha) { project.commit(ref).id } let(:pipeline) { create(:ci_pipeline, sha: sha, project: project, ref: ref) } let!(:manual) {} let(:build) { create(:ci_build, :with_deployment, environment: environment.name, pipeline: pipeline) } let!(:deployment) { build.deployment } def assert_env_widget(text, env_name) expect(find('.js-deploy-env-name')[:title]).to have_text(env_name) expect(page).to have_content(text) end before do merge_request.update!(merge_commit_sha: sha) project.add_member(user, role) sign_in(user) end context 'when deployment succeeded' do before do build.success! end it 'displays that the environment is deployed' do visit project_merge_request_path(project, merge_request) wait_for_requests assert_env_widget("Deployed to", environment.name) expect(find('.js-deploy-time')['title']).to eq(deployment.created_at.to_time.in_time_zone.to_s(:medium)) end context 'when a user created a new merge request with the same SHA' do let(:pipeline2) { create(:ci_pipeline, sha: sha, project: project, ref: 'video') } let(:environment2) { create(:environment, project: project) } let!(:build2) { create(:ci_build, :with_deployment, :success, environment: environment2.name, pipeline: pipeline2) } it 'displays one environment which is related to the pipeline' do visit project_merge_request_path(project, merge_request) wait_for_requests expect(page).to have_selector('.js-deployment-info', count: 1) expect(find('.js-deploy-env-name')[:title]).to have_text(environment.name) expect(find('.js-deploy-env-name')[:title]).not_to have_text(environment2.name) end end end context 'when deployment failed' do before do build.drop! end it 'displays that the deployment failed' do visit project_merge_request_path(project, merge_request) wait_for_requests assert_env_widget("Failed to deploy to", environment.name) expect(page).not_to have_css('.js-deploy-time') end end context 'when deployment running' do before do build.run! end it 'displays that the running deployment' do visit project_merge_request_path(project, merge_request) wait_for_requests assert_env_widget("Deploying to", environment.name) expect(page).not_to have_css('.js-deploy-time') end end context 'when deployment will happen' do let(:build) { create(:ci_build, :with_deployment, environment: environment.name, pipeline: pipeline) } let!(:deployment) { build.deployment } it 'displays that the environment name' do visit project_merge_request_path(project, merge_request) wait_for_requests assert_env_widget("Will deploy to", environment.name) expect(page).not_to have_css('.js-deploy-time') end end context 'when deployment was cancelled' do before do build.cancel! end it 'displays that the environment name' do visit project_merge_request_path(project, merge_request) wait_for_requests assert_env_widget("Canceled deployment to", environment.name) expect(page).not_to have_css('.js-deploy-time') end end context 'with stop action' do let(:manual) do create(:ci_build, :manual, pipeline: pipeline, name: 'close_app', environment: environment.name) end before do build.success! deployment.update!(on_stop: manual.name) visit project_merge_request_path(project, merge_request) wait_for_requests end it 'does start build when stop button clicked' do accept_gl_confirm(button_text: 'Stop environment') do find('.js-stop-env').click end expect(page).to have_content('close_app') end context 'for reporter' do let(:role) { :reporter } it 'does not show stop button' do expect(page).not_to have_selector('.js-stop-env') end end end end end