# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' RSpec.describe 'User can display performance bar', :js do shared_examples 'performance bar cannot be displayed' do it 'does not show the performance bar by default' do expect(page).not_to have_css('#js-peek') end context 'when user press `pb`' do before do find('body').native.send_keys('pb') end it 'does not show the performance bar by default' do expect(page).not_to have_css('#js-peek') end end end shared_examples 'performance bar can be displayed' do it 'does not show the performance bar by default' do expect(page).not_to have_css('#js-peek') end context 'when user press `pb`' do before do find('body').native.send_keys('pb') end it 'shows the performance bar' do expect(page).to have_css('#js-peek') end end end shared_examples 'performance bar is enabled by default in development' do before do stub_rails_env('development') end it 'shows the performance bar by default' do refresh # Because we're stubbing Rails.env after the 1st visit to root_path expect(page).to have_css('#js-peek') end end let(:group) { create(:group) } before do allow(GitlabPerformanceBarStatsWorker).to receive(:perform_in) end context 'when user is logged-out' do before do visit root_path end context 'when the performance_bar feature is disabled' do before do stub_application_setting(performance_bar_allowed_group_id: nil) end it_behaves_like 'performance bar cannot be displayed' end context 'when the performance_bar feature is enabled' do before do stub_application_setting(performance_bar_allowed_group_id: group.id) end it_behaves_like 'performance bar cannot be displayed' end end context 'when user is logged-in' do before do user = create(:user) sign_in(user) group.add_guest(user) visit root_path end context 'when the performance_bar feature is disabled' do before do stub_application_setting(performance_bar_allowed_group_id: nil) end it_behaves_like 'performance bar cannot be displayed' it_behaves_like 'performance bar is enabled by default in development' end context 'when the performance_bar feature is enabled' do before do stub_application_setting(performance_bar_allowed_group_id: group.id) end it_behaves_like 'performance bar is enabled by default in development' it_behaves_like 'performance bar can be displayed' it 'does not show Stats link by default' do find('body').native.send_keys('pb') expect(page).not_to have_link('Stats', visible: :all) end context 'when GITLAB_PERFORMANCE_BAR_STATS_URL environment variable is set' do let(:stats_url) { 'https://log.gprd.gitlab.net/app/dashboards#/view/' } before do stub_env('GITLAB_PERFORMANCE_BAR_STATS_URL', stats_url) end it 'shows Stats link' do find('body').native.send_keys('pb') expect(page).to have_link('Stats', href: stats_url, visible: :all) end end end end end