import { GlButtonGroup, GlButton } from '@gitlab/ui'; import BlobHeaderActions from '~/blob/components/blob_header_default_actions.vue'; import { shallowMountExtended } from 'helpers/vue_test_utils_helper'; import { BTN_COPY_CONTENTS_TITLE, BTN_DOWNLOAD_TITLE, BTN_RAW_TITLE, RICH_BLOB_VIEWER, } from '~/blob/components/constants'; import { Blob, mockEnvironmentName, mockEnvironmentPath } from './mock_data'; describe('Blob Header Default Actions', () => { let wrapper; let btnGroup; let buttons; const blobHash = 'foo-bar'; function createComponent(propsData = {}) { wrapper = shallowMountExtended(BlobHeaderActions, { provide: { blobHash, }, propsData: { rawPath: Blob.rawPath, ...propsData, }, }); } beforeEach(() => { createComponent(); btnGroup = wrapper.findComponent(GlButtonGroup); buttons = wrapper.findAllComponents(GlButton); }); describe('renders', () => { const findCopyButton = () => wrapper.findByTestId('copyContentsButton'); const findViewRawButton = () => wrapper.findByTestId('viewRawButton'); it('gl-button-group component', () => { expect(btnGroup.exists()).toBe(true); }); it('exactly 3 buttons with predefined actions', () => { expect(buttons.length).toBe(3); [BTN_COPY_CONTENTS_TITLE, BTN_RAW_TITLE, BTN_DOWNLOAD_TITLE].forEach((title, i) => { expect('title')).toBe(title); }); }); it('correct href attribute on RAW button', () => { expect('href')).toBe(Blob.rawPath); }); it('correct href attribute on Download button', () => { expect('href')).toBe(`${Blob.rawPath}?inline=false`); }); it('does not render "Copy file contents" button as disables if the viewer is Simple', () => { expect('disabled')).toBeUndefined(); }); it('renders "Copy file contents" button as disables if the viewer is Rich', () => { createComponent({ activeViewer: RICH_BLOB_VIEWER, }); buttons = wrapper.findAllComponents(GlButton); expect('disabled')).toBeDefined(); }); it('does not render the copy button if a rendering error is set', () => { createComponent({ hasRenderError: true, }); expect(findCopyButton().exists()).toBe(false); }); it('does not render the copy and view raw button if isBinary is set to true', () => { createComponent({ isBinary: true }); expect(findCopyButton().exists()).toBe(false); expect(findViewRawButton().exists()).toBe(false); }); it('emits a copy event if overrideCopy is set to true', () => { createComponent({ overrideCopy: true }); findCopyButton().vm.$emit('click'); expect(wrapper.emitted('copy')).toHaveLength(1); }); }); describe('view on environment button', () => { const findEnvironmentButton = () => wrapper.findByTestId('environment'); it.each` environmentName | environmentPath | isVisible ${null} | ${null} | ${false} ${null} | ${mockEnvironmentPath} | ${false} ${mockEnvironmentName} | ${null} | ${false} ${mockEnvironmentName} | ${mockEnvironmentPath} | ${true} `( 'when environmentName is $environmentName and environmentPath is $environmentPath', ({ environmentName, environmentPath, isVisible }) => { createComponent({ environmentName, environmentPath }); expect(findEnvironmentButton().exists()).toBe(isVisible); }, ); it('renders the correct attributes', () => { createComponent({ environmentName: mockEnvironmentName, environmentPath: mockEnvironmentPath, }); expect(findEnvironmentButton().attributes()).toMatchObject({ title: `View on ${mockEnvironmentName}`, href: mockEnvironmentPath, }); expect(findEnvironmentButton().props('icon')).toBe('external-link'); }); }); });