/* eslint-disable no-return-assign, no-new, no-underscore-dangle */ import $ from 'jquery'; import LineHighlighter from '~/blob/line_highlighter'; import * as utils from '~/lib/utils/common_utils'; describe('LineHighlighter', () => { const testContext = {}; const clickLine = (number, eventData = {}) => { if ($.isEmptyObject(eventData)) { return $(`#L${number}`).click(); } const e = $.Event('click', eventData); return $(`#L${number}`).trigger(e); }; beforeEach(() => { loadFixtures('static/line_highlighter.html'); testContext.class = new LineHighlighter(); testContext.css = testContext.class.highlightLineClass; return (testContext.spies = { __setLocationHash__: jest .spyOn(testContext.class, '__setLocationHash__') .mockImplementation(() => {}), }); }); describe('behavior', () => { it('highlights one line given in the URL hash', () => { new LineHighlighter({ hash: '#L13' }); expect($('#LC13')).toHaveClass(testContext.css); }); it('highlights one line given in the URL hash with given CSS class name', () => { const hiliter = new LineHighlighter({ hash: '#L13', highlightLineClass: 'hilite' }); expect(hiliter.highlightLineClass).toBe('hilite'); expect($('#LC13')).toHaveClass('hilite'); expect($('#LC13')).not.toHaveClass('hll'); }); it('highlights a range of lines given in the URL hash', () => { new LineHighlighter({ hash: '#L5-25' }); expect($(`.${testContext.css}`).length).toBe(21); for (let line = 5; line <= 25; line += 1) { expect($(`#LC${line}`)).toHaveClass(testContext.css); } }); it('highlights a range of lines given in the URL hash using GitHub format', () => { new LineHighlighter({ hash: '#L5-L25' }); expect($(`.${testContext.css}`).length).toBe(21); for (let line = 5; line <= 25; line += 1) { expect($(`#LC${line}`)).toHaveClass(testContext.css); } }); it('scrolls to the first highlighted line on initial load', () => { jest.spyOn(utils, 'scrollToElement'); new LineHighlighter({ hash: '#L5-25' }); expect(utils.scrollToElement).toHaveBeenCalledWith('#L5', expect.anything()); }); it('discards click events', () => { const clickSpy = jest.fn(); $('a[data-line-number]').click(clickSpy); clickLine(13); expect(clickSpy.mock.calls[0][0].isDefaultPrevented()).toEqual(true); }); it('handles garbage input from the hash', () => { const func = () => { return new LineHighlighter({ fileHolderSelector: '#blob-content-holder' }); }; expect(func).not.toThrow(); }); it('handles hashchange event', () => { const highlighter = new LineHighlighter(); jest.spyOn(highlighter, 'highlightHash').mockImplementation(() => {}); window.dispatchEvent(new Event('hashchange'), 'L15'); expect(highlighter.highlightHash).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); }); describe('clickHandler', () => { it('handles clicking on a child icon element', () => { const spy = jest.spyOn(testContext.class, 'setHash'); $('#L13 [data-testid="link-icon"]').mousedown().click(); expect(spy).toHaveBeenCalledWith(13); expect($('#LC13')).toHaveClass(testContext.css); }); describe('without shiftKey', () => { it('highlights one line when clicked', () => { clickLine(13); expect($('#LC13')).toHaveClass(testContext.css); }); it('unhighlights previously highlighted lines', () => { clickLine(13); clickLine(20); expect($('#LC13')).not.toHaveClass(testContext.css); expect($('#LC20')).toHaveClass(testContext.css); }); it('sets the hash', () => { const spy = jest.spyOn(testContext.class, 'setHash'); clickLine(13); expect(spy).toHaveBeenCalledWith(13); }); }); describe('with shiftKey', () => { it('sets the hash', () => { const spy = jest.spyOn(testContext.class, 'setHash'); clickLine(13); clickLine(20, { shiftKey: true, }); expect(spy).toHaveBeenCalledWith(13); expect(spy).toHaveBeenCalledWith(13, 20); }); describe('without existing highlight', () => { it('highlights the clicked line', () => { clickLine(13, { shiftKey: true, }); expect($('#LC13')).toHaveClass(testContext.css); expect($(`.${testContext.css}`).length).toBe(1); }); it('sets the hash', () => { const spy = jest.spyOn(testContext.class, 'setHash'); clickLine(13, { shiftKey: true, }); expect(spy).toHaveBeenCalledWith(13); }); }); describe('with existing single-line highlight', () => { it('uses existing line as last line when target is lesser', () => { clickLine(20); clickLine(15, { shiftKey: true, }); expect($(`.${testContext.css}`).length).toBe(6); for (let line = 15; line <= 20; line += 1) { expect($(`#LC${line}`)).toHaveClass(testContext.css); } }); it('uses existing line as first line when target is greater', () => { clickLine(5); clickLine(10, { shiftKey: true, }); expect($(`.${testContext.css}`).length).toBe(6); for (let line = 5; line <= 10; line += 1) { expect($(`#LC${line}`)).toHaveClass(testContext.css); } }); }); describe('with existing multi-line highlight', () => { beforeEach(() => { clickLine(10, { shiftKey: true, }); clickLine(13, { shiftKey: true, }); }); it('uses target as first line when it is less than existing first line', () => { clickLine(5, { shiftKey: true, }); expect($(`.${testContext.css}`).length).toBe(6); for (let line = 5; line <= 10; line += 1) { expect($(`#LC${line}`)).toHaveClass(testContext.css); } }); it('uses target as last line when it is greater than existing first line', () => { clickLine(15, { shiftKey: true, }); expect($(`.${testContext.css}`).length).toBe(6); for (let line = 10; line <= 15; line += 1) { expect($(`#LC${line}`)).toHaveClass(testContext.css); } }); }); }); }); describe('hashToRange', () => { beforeEach(() => { testContext.subject = testContext.class.hashToRange; }); it('extracts a single line number from the hash', () => { expect(testContext.subject('#L5')).toEqual([5, null]); }); it('extracts a range of line numbers from the hash', () => { expect(testContext.subject('#L5-15')).toEqual([5, 15]); }); it('returns [null, null] when the hash is not a line number', () => { expect(testContext.subject('#foo')).toEqual([null, null]); }); }); describe('highlightLine', () => { beforeEach(() => { testContext.subject = testContext.class.highlightLine; }); it('highlights the specified line', () => { testContext.subject(13); expect($('#LC13')).toHaveClass(testContext.css); }); it('accepts a String-based number', () => { testContext.subject('13'); expect($('#LC13')).toHaveClass(testContext.css); }); }); describe('setHash', () => { beforeEach(() => { testContext.subject = testContext.class.setHash; }); it('sets the location hash for a single line', () => { testContext.subject(5); expect(testContext.spies.__setLocationHash__).toHaveBeenCalledWith('#L5'); }); it('sets the location hash for a range', () => { testContext.subject(5, 15); expect(testContext.spies.__setLocationHash__).toHaveBeenCalledWith('#L5-15'); }); }); });