import { shallowMount } from '@vue/test-utils'; import { GlAlert, GlButton, GlFormCheckbox, GlFormInput, GlFormInputGroup, GlDatepicker, } from '@gitlab/ui'; import MockAdapter from 'axios-mock-adapter'; import axios from '~/lib/utils/axios_utils'; import { HTTP_STATUS_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, HTTP_STATUS_OK } from '~/lib/utils/http_status'; import { TEST_HOST } from 'helpers/test_constants'; import NewDeployToken from '~/deploy_tokens/components/new_deploy_token.vue'; import ClipboardButton from '~/vue_shared/components/clipboard_button.vue'; import waitForPromises from 'helpers/wait_for_promises'; import { createAlert, VARIANT_INFO } from '~/alert'; const createNewTokenPath = `${TEST_HOST}/create`; const deployTokensHelpUrl = `${TEST_HOST}/help`; jest.mock('~/alert'); describe('New Deploy Token', () => { let wrapper; const factory = (options = {}) => { const defaults = { containerRegistryEnabled: true, packagesRegistryEnabled: true, tokenType: 'project', }; const { containerRegistryEnabled, packagesRegistryEnabled, tokenType } = { ...defaults, ...options, }; return shallowMount(NewDeployToken, { propsData: { deployTokensHelpUrl, containerRegistryEnabled, packagesRegistryEnabled, createNewTokenPath, tokenType, }, stubs: { GlAlert, GlFormCheckbox, }, }); }; const findNewTokenAlert = () => wrapper.findComponent(GlAlert); const findClipboardButtons = () => wrapper.findAllComponents(ClipboardButton); const findAllCheckboxes = () => wrapper.findAllComponents(GlFormCheckbox); const findFormInputs = () => wrapper.findAllComponents(GlFormInput); const setScopeCheckboxes = ({ readRepoValue = true, readRegistryValue = true, writeRegistryValue = true, readPackageRegistryValue = true, writePackageRegistryValue = true, } = {}) => { const [ readRepo, readRegistry, writeRegistry, readPackageRegistry, writePackageRegistry, ] = findAllCheckboxes().wrappers; readRepo.vm.$emit('input', readRepoValue); readRegistry.vm.$emit('input', readRegistryValue); writeRegistry.vm.$emit('input', writeRegistryValue); readPackageRegistry.vm.$emit('input', readPackageRegistryValue); writePackageRegistry.vm.$emit('input', writePackageRegistryValue); }; const setTokenName = ({ nameVal = 'test name', usernameVal = 'test username' } = {}) => { const formInputs = findFormInputs();$emit('input', nameVal);$emit('input', usernameVal); }; const setTokenForm = ({ date }) => { setTokenName(); const datepicker = wrapper.findAllComponents(GlDatepicker).at(0); datepicker.vm.$emit('input', date); setScopeCheckboxes(); }; const submitToken = async () => { wrapper.findAllComponents(GlButton).at(0).vm.$emit('click'); await waitForPromises(); }; const checkSubmittedToken = () => { const [tokenUsername, tokenValue] = wrapper.findAllComponents(GlFormInputGroup).wrappers; expect(tokenUsername.props('value')).toBe('test token username'); expect(tokenValue.props('value')).toBe('test token'); expect(createAlert).toHaveBeenCalledWith( expect.objectContaining({ variant: VARIANT_INFO, }), ); }; describe('without a container registry', () => { beforeEach(() => { wrapper = factory({ containerRegistryEnabled: false }); }); it('should not show the read registry scope', () => { wrapper .findAllComponents(GlFormCheckbox) .wrappers.forEach((checkbox) => expect(checkbox.text()).not.toBe('read_registry')); }); }); describe('with a container registry', () => { beforeEach(() => { wrapper = factory(); }); it('should show the read registry scope', () => { const checkbox = findAllCheckboxes().at(1); expect(checkbox.text()).toContain('read_registry'); }); }); describe('token submission', () => { let mockAxios; const defaultTokenPayload = { name: 'test name', username: 'test username', read_repository: true, read_registry: true, write_registry: true, read_package_registry: true, write_package_registry: true, }; const mockTokenRequest = ({ payload, status, response }) => { mockAxios.onPost(createNewTokenPath, { deploy_token: payload }).replyOnce(status, response); }; beforeEach(() => { mockAxios = new MockAdapter(axios); wrapper = factory(); }); it('should alert error message if token creation fails', async () => { const message = 'Server error while creating a token'; const date = new Date(); setTokenForm({ date }); mockTokenRequest({ payload: { ...defaultTokenPayload, expires_at: date.toISOString(), }, status: HTTP_STATUS_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, response: { message }, }); await submitToken(); expect(createAlert).toHaveBeenCalledWith(expect.objectContaining({ message })); }); it('should make a request to create a token on submit', async () => { const date = new Date(); setTokenForm({ date }); mockTokenRequest({ payload: { ...defaultTokenPayload, expires_at: date.toISOString(), }, status: HTTP_STATUS_OK, response: { username: 'test token username', token: 'test token' }, }); await submitToken(); checkSubmittedToken(); }); it('should request a token without an expiration date', async () => { const nameVal = 'test never expire name'; const usernameVal = 'test never expire username'; const readRepoValue = false; const readRegistryValue = false; const writeRegistryValue = false; setTokenName({ nameVal, usernameVal }); setScopeCheckboxes({ readRepoValue, readRegistryValue, writeRegistryValue }); mockTokenRequest({ payload: { ...defaultTokenPayload, expires_at: null, name: nameVal, username: usernameVal, read_repository: readRepoValue, read_registry: readRegistryValue, write_registry: writeRegistryValue, }, status: HTTP_STATUS_OK, response: { username: 'test token username', token: 'test token' }, }); await submitToken(); checkSubmittedToken(); }); it('should display the created token', async () => { expect(findNewTokenAlert().exists()).toBe(false); const date = new Date(); setTokenForm({ date }); mockTokenRequest({ payload: { ...defaultTokenPayload, expires_at: date.toISOString(), }, status: HTTP_STATUS_OK, response: { username: 'test token username', token: 'test token' }, }); await submitToken(); const tokenAlert = findNewTokenAlert(); expect(tokenAlert.exists()).toBe(true); expect(tokenAlert.text()).toContain('Your new deploy token'); const [usernameBtn, tokenBtn] = findClipboardButtons().wrappers; expect(usernameBtn.props()).toMatchObject({ text: 'test token username', title: 'Copy username', }); expect(tokenBtn.props()).toMatchObject({ text: 'test token', title: 'Copy deploy token' }); }); }); describe('help text for write_package_registry scope', () => { const findWriteRegistryScopeCheckbox = () => findAllCheckboxes().at(4); describe('with project tokenType', () => { beforeEach(() => { wrapper = factory(); }); it('should show the correct help text', () => { expect(findWriteRegistryScopeCheckbox().text()).toContain( 'Allows read, write and delete access to the package registry.', ); }); }); describe('with group tokenType', () => { beforeEach(() => { wrapper = factory({ tokenType: 'group' }); }); it('should show the correct help text', () => { expect(findWriteRegistryScopeCheckbox().text()).toContain( 'Allows read and write access to the package registry.', ); }); }); }); });