import { GlEmptyState } from '@gitlab/ui'; import Vue, { nextTick } from 'vue'; import VueApollo, { ApolloMutation } from 'vue-apollo'; import VueRouter from 'vue-router'; import { GlBreakpointInstance as breakpointInstance } from '@gitlab/ui/dist/utils'; import VueDraggable from 'vuedraggable'; import createMockApollo from 'helpers/mock_apollo_helper'; import waitForPromises from 'helpers/wait_for_promises'; import { mockTracking, unmockTracking } from 'helpers/tracking_helper'; import { shallowMountExtended } from 'helpers/vue_test_utils_helper'; import permissionsQuery from 'shared_queries/design_management/design_permissions.query.graphql'; import getDesignListQuery from 'shared_queries/design_management/get_design_list.query.graphql'; import DeleteButton from '~/design_management/components/delete_button.vue'; import DesignDestroyer from '~/design_management/components/design_destroyer.vue'; import Design from '~/design_management/components/list/item.vue'; import moveDesignMutation from '~/design_management/graphql/mutations/move_design.mutation.graphql'; import uploadDesignMutation from '~/design_management/graphql/mutations/upload_design.mutation.graphql'; import Index from '~/design_management/pages/index.vue'; import createRouter from '~/design_management/router'; import { DESIGNS_ROUTE_NAME } from '~/design_management/router/constants'; import * as utils from '~/design_management/utils/design_management_utils'; import { EXISTING_DESIGN_DROP_MANY_FILES_MESSAGE, EXISTING_DESIGN_DROP_INVALID_FILENAME_MESSAGE, UPLOAD_DESIGN_ERROR, } from '~/design_management/utils/error_messages'; import { DESIGN_TRACKING_PAGE_NAME, DESIGN_SNOWPLOW_EVENT_TYPES, } from '~/design_management/utils/tracking'; import { createAlert } from '~/flash'; import DesignDropzone from '~/vue_shared/components/upload_dropzone/upload_dropzone.vue'; import { designListQueryResponse, designUploadMutationCreatedResponse, designUploadMutationUpdatedResponse, permissionsQueryResponse, moveDesignMutationResponse, reorderedDesigns, moveDesignMutationResponseWithErrors, } from '../mock_data/apollo_mock'; jest.mock('~/flash.js'); const mockPageEl = { classList: { remove: jest.fn(), }, }; jest.spyOn(utils, 'getPageLayoutElement').mockReturnValue(mockPageEl); const scrollIntoViewMock = jest.fn(); HTMLElement.prototype.scrollIntoView = scrollIntoViewMock; const router = createRouter(); Vue.use(VueRouter); const mockDesigns = [ { id: 'design-1', image: 'design-1-image', filename: 'design-1-name', event: 'NONE', notesCount: 0, }, { id: 'design-2', image: 'design-2-image', filename: 'design-2-name', event: 'NONE', notesCount: 1, }, { id: 'design-3', image: 'design-3-image', filename: 'design-3-name', event: 'NONE', notesCount: 0, }, ]; const mockVersion = { id: 'gid://gitlab/DesignManagement::Version/1', }; const designToMove = { __typename: 'Design', id: '2', event: 'NONE', filename: 'fox_2.jpg', notesCount: 2, image: 'image-2', imageV432x230: 'image-2', }; describe('Design management index page', () => { const registerPath = '/users/sign_up?redirect_to_referer=yes'; const signInPath = '/users/sign_in?redirect_to_referer=yes'; let mutate; let wrapper; let fakeApollo; let moveDesignHandler; const findDesignCheckboxes = () => wrapper.findAll('.design-checkbox'); const findSelectAllButton = () => wrapper.findByTestId('select-all-designs-button'); const findToolbar = () => wrapper.findByTestId('design-selector-toolbar'); const findDesignCollectionIsCopying = () => wrapper.findByTestId('design-collection-is-copying'); const findDeleteButton = () => wrapper.findComponent(DeleteButton); const findDropzone = () => wrapper.findAllComponents(DesignDropzone).at(0); const dropzoneClasses = () => findDropzone().classes(); const findDropzoneWrapper = () => wrapper.findByTestId('design-dropzone-wrapper'); const findFirstDropzoneWithDesign = () => wrapper.findAllComponents(DesignDropzone).at(1); const findDesignsWrapper = () => wrapper.findByTestId('designs-root'); const findDesigns = () => wrapper.findAllComponents(Design); const draggableAttributes = () => wrapper.findComponent(VueDraggable).vm.$attrs; const findDesignUploadButton = () => wrapper.findByTestId('design-upload-button'); const findDesignToolbarWrapper = () => wrapper.findByTestId('design-toolbar-wrapper'); const findDesignUpdateAlert = () => wrapper.findByTestId('design-update-alert'); async function moveDesigns(localWrapper) { await waitForPromises(); localWrapper.findComponent(VueDraggable).vm.$emit('input', reorderedDesigns); localWrapper.findComponent(VueDraggable).vm.$emit('change', { moved: { newIndex: 0, element: designToMove, }, }); } function createComponent({ loading = false, allVersions = [], designCollection = { designs: mockDesigns, copyState: 'READY' }, createDesign = true, stubs = {}, mockMutate = jest.fn().mockResolvedValue(), } = {}) { mutate = mockMutate; const $apollo = { queries: { designCollection: { loading, }, permissions: { loading, }, }, mutate, }; wrapper = shallowMountExtended(Index, { data() { return { allVersions, designCollection, permissions: { createDesign, }, }; }, mocks: { $apollo }, router, stubs: { DesignDestroyer, ApolloMutation, VueDraggable, ...stubs }, attachTo: document.body, provide: { projectPath: 'project-path', issueIid: '1', registerPath, signInPath, }, }); } function createComponentWithApollo({ moveHandler = jest.fn().mockResolvedValue(moveDesignMutationResponse), }) { Vue.use(VueApollo); moveDesignHandler = moveHandler; const requestHandlers = [ [getDesignListQuery, jest.fn().mockResolvedValue(designListQueryResponse)], [permissionsQuery, jest.fn().mockResolvedValue(permissionsQueryResponse)], [moveDesignMutation, moveDesignHandler], ]; fakeApollo = createMockApollo(requestHandlers, {}, { addTypename: true }); wrapper = shallowMountExtended(Index, { apolloProvider: fakeApollo, router, stubs: { VueDraggable }, provide: { registerPath, signInPath, }, }); } afterEach(() => { wrapper.destroy(); wrapper = null; }); describe('designs', () => { it('renders loading icon', () => { createComponent({ loading: true }); expect(wrapper.element).toMatchSnapshot(); }); it('renders error', async () => { createComponent(); // setData usage is discouraged. See for details // eslint-disable-next-line no-restricted-syntax wrapper.setData({ error: true }); await nextTick(); expect(wrapper.element).toMatchSnapshot(); }); it('renders a toolbar with buttons when there are designs', () => { createComponent({ allVersions: [mockVersion] }); expect(findToolbar().exists()).toBe(true); }); it('renders designs list and header with upload button', () => { createComponent({ allVersions: [mockVersion] }); expect(findDesignsWrapper().exists()).toBe(true); expect(findDesigns().length).toBe(3); expect(findDesignToolbarWrapper().exists()).toBe(true); expect(findDesignUploadButton().exists()).toBe(true); }); it('does not render toolbar when there is no permission', () => { createComponent({ designs: mockDesigns, allVersions: [mockVersion], createDesign: false }); expect(findDesignToolbarWrapper().exists()).toBe(false); expect(findDesignUploadButton().exists()).toBe(false); }); it('has correct classes applied to design dropzone', () => { createComponent({ designs: mockDesigns, allVersions: [mockVersion] }); expect(dropzoneClasses()).toContain('design-list-item'); expect(dropzoneClasses()).toContain('design-list-item-new'); }); it('has correct classes applied to dropzone wrapper', () => { createComponent({ designs: mockDesigns, allVersions: [mockVersion] }); expect(findDropzoneWrapper().classes()).toEqual([ 'gl-flex-direction-column', 'col-md-6', 'col-lg-3', 'gl-mt-5', ]); }); }); describe('when has no designs', () => { beforeEach(() => { createComponent({ designCollection: { designs: [], copyState: 'READY' } }); }); it('renders design dropzone', async () => { await nextTick(); expect(findDropzone().exists()).toBe(true); }); it('has correct classes applied to design dropzone', () => { expect(dropzoneClasses()).not.toContain('design-list-item'); expect(dropzoneClasses()).not.toContain('design-list-item-new'); }); it('has correct classes applied to dropzone wrapper', () => { expect(findDropzoneWrapper().classes()).toEqual(['col-12']); }); it('does not render a toolbar with buttons', async () => { await nextTick(); expect(findToolbar().exists()).toBe(false); }); }); describe('handling design collection copy state', () => { it.each` copyState | isRendered | description ${'IN_PROGRESS'} | ${true} | ${'renders'} ${'READY'} | ${false} | ${'does not render'} ${'ERROR'} | ${false} | ${'does not render'} `( '$description the copying message if design collection copyState is $copyState', ({ copyState, isRendered }) => { createComponent({ designCollection: { designs: [], copyState } }); expect(findDesignCollectionIsCopying().exists()).toBe(isRendered); }, ); }); describe('uploading designs', () => { it('calls mutation on upload', async () => { createComponent({ stubs: { GlEmptyState } }); const mutationVariables = { update: expect.anything(), context: { hasUpload: true, }, mutation: uploadDesignMutation, variables: { files: [{ name: 'test' }], projectPath: 'project-path', iid: '1', }, optimisticResponse: { __typename: 'Mutation', designManagementUpload: { __typename: 'DesignManagementUploadPayload', designs: [ { __typename: 'Design', id: expect.anything(), currentUserTodos: { __typename: 'TodoConnection', nodes: [], }, image: '', imageV432x230: '', filename: 'test', fullPath: '', event: 'NONE', notesCount: 0, diffRefs: { __typename: 'DiffRefs', baseSha: '', startSha: '', headSha: '', }, discussions: { __typename: 'DesignDiscussion', nodes: [], }, versions: { __typename: 'DesignVersionConnection', nodes: { __typename: 'DesignVersion', id: expect.anything(), sha: expect.anything(), createdAt: '', author: { __typename: 'UserCore', id: expect.anything(), name: '', avatarUrl: '', }, }, }, }, ], skippedDesigns: [], errors: [], }, }, }; await nextTick(); findDropzone().vm.$emit('change', [{ name: 'test' }]); expect(mutate).toHaveBeenCalledWith(mutationVariables); expect(wrapper.vm.filesToBeSaved).toEqual([{ name: 'test' }]); expect(wrapper.vm.isSaving).toBe(true); expect(dropzoneClasses()).toContain('design-list-item'); expect(dropzoneClasses()).toContain('design-list-item-new'); }); it('sets isSaving', async () => { createComponent(); const uploadDesign = wrapper.vm.onUploadDesign([ { name: 'test', }, ]); expect(wrapper.vm.isSaving).toBe(true); await uploadDesign; expect(wrapper.vm.isSaving).toBe(false); }); it('updates state appropriately after upload complete', async () => { createComponent({ stubs: { GlEmptyState } }); // setData usage is discouraged. See for details // eslint-disable-next-line no-restricted-syntax wrapper.setData({ filesToBeSaved: [{ name: 'test' }] }); wrapper.vm.onUploadDesignDone(designUploadMutationCreatedResponse); await nextTick(); expect(wrapper.vm.filesToBeSaved).toEqual([]); expect(wrapper.vm.isSaving).toBe(false); expect(wrapper.vm.isLatestVersion).toBe(true); }); it('updates state appropriately after upload error', async () => { createComponent({ stubs: { GlEmptyState } }); // setData usage is discouraged. See for details // eslint-disable-next-line no-restricted-syntax wrapper.setData({ filesToBeSaved: [{ name: 'test' }] }); wrapper.vm.onUploadDesignError(); await nextTick(); expect(wrapper.vm.filesToBeSaved).toEqual([]); expect(wrapper.vm.isSaving).toBe(false); expect(findDesignUpdateAlert().exists()).toBe(true); expect(findDesignUpdateAlert().text()).toBe(UPLOAD_DESIGN_ERROR); }); it('does not call mutation if createDesign is false', () => { createComponent({ createDesign: false }); wrapper.vm.onUploadDesign([]); expect(mutate).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); }); describe('upload count limit', () => { const MAXIMUM_FILE_UPLOAD_LIMIT = 10; it('does not warn when the max files are uploaded', () => { createComponent(); wrapper.vm.onUploadDesign(new Array(MAXIMUM_FILE_UPLOAD_LIMIT).fill(mockDesigns[0])); expect(findDesignUpdateAlert().exists()).toBe(false); }); it('warns when too many files are uploaded', async () => { createComponent(); wrapper.vm.onUploadDesign(new Array(MAXIMUM_FILE_UPLOAD_LIMIT + 1).fill(mockDesigns[0])); await nextTick(); expect(findDesignUpdateAlert().exists()).toBe(true); expect(findDesignUpdateAlert().text()).toBe( 'The maximum number of designs allowed to be uploaded is 10. Please try again.', ); }); }); it('displays warning if designs are skipped', async () => { createComponent({ mockMutate: () => Promise.resolve({ data: { designManagementUpload: { skippedDesigns: [{ filename: 'test.jpg' }] } }, }), }); const uploadDesign = wrapper.vm.onUploadDesign([ { name: 'test', }, ]); await uploadDesign; expect(findDesignUpdateAlert().exists()).toBe(true); expect(findDesignUpdateAlert().text()).toBe('Upload skipped. test.jpg did not change.'); }); describe('dragging onto an existing design', () => { let mockMutate; beforeEach(() => { mockMutate = jest.fn().mockResolvedValue(); createComponent({ designs: mockDesigns, allVersions: [mockVersion], mockMutate }); }); it('uploads designs with valid upload', () => { const mockUploadPayload = [ { name: mockDesigns[0].filename, }, ]; const designDropzone = findFirstDropzoneWithDesign(); designDropzone.vm.$emit('change', mockUploadPayload); const [{ mutation, variables }] = mockMutate.mock.calls[0]; expect(mutation).toBe(uploadDesignMutation); expect(variables).toStrictEqual({ files: mockUploadPayload, iid: '1', projectPath: 'project-path', }); }); it.each` description | eventPayload | message ${'> 1 file'} | ${[{ name: 'test' }, { name: 'test-2' }]} | ${EXISTING_DESIGN_DROP_MANY_FILES_MESSAGE} ${'different filename'} | ${[{ name: 'wrong-name' }]} | ${EXISTING_DESIGN_DROP_INVALID_FILENAME_MESSAGE} `( 'displays GlAlert component when upload has $description', async ({ eventPayload, message }) => { expect(findDesignUpdateAlert().exists()).toBe(false); const designDropzone = findFirstDropzoneWithDesign(); await designDropzone.vm.$emit('change', eventPayload); expect(findDesignUpdateAlert().exists()).toBe(true); expect(findDesignUpdateAlert().text()).toBe(message); }, ); }); describe('tracking', () => { let trackingSpy; beforeEach(() => { trackingSpy = mockTracking('_category_', undefined, jest.spyOn); createComponent({ stubs: { GlEmptyState } }); }); afterEach(() => { unmockTracking(); }); it('tracks design creation', () => { wrapper.vm.onUploadDesignDone(designUploadMutationCreatedResponse); expect(trackingSpy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); expect(trackingSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith( DESIGN_TRACKING_PAGE_NAME, DESIGN_SNOWPLOW_EVENT_TYPES.CREATE_DESIGN, ); }); it('tracks design modification', () => { wrapper.vm.onUploadDesignDone(designUploadMutationUpdatedResponse); expect(trackingSpy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); expect(trackingSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith( DESIGN_TRACKING_PAGE_NAME, DESIGN_SNOWPLOW_EVENT_TYPES.UPDATE_DESIGN, ); }); }); }); describe('on latest version when has designs', () => { beforeEach(() => { createComponent({ designs: mockDesigns, allVersions: [mockVersion] }); }); it('renders design checkboxes', () => { expect(findDesignCheckboxes()).toHaveLength(mockDesigns.length); }); it('renders toolbar buttons', () => { expect(findToolbar().exists()).toBe(true); expect(findToolbar().isVisible()).toBe(true); }); it('adds two designs to selected designs when their checkboxes are checked', async () => { findDesignCheckboxes().at(0).trigger('click'); await nextTick(); findDesignCheckboxes().at(1).trigger('click'); await nextTick(); expect(findDeleteButton().exists()).toBe(true); expect(findSelectAllButton().text()).toBe('Deselect all'); findDeleteButton().vm.$emit('delete-selected-designs'); const [{ variables }] = mutate.mock.calls[0]; expect(variables.filenames).toStrictEqual([mockDesigns[0].filename, mockDesigns[1].filename]); }); it('adds all designs to selected designs when Select All button is clicked', async () => { findSelectAllButton().vm.$emit('click'); await nextTick(); expect(findDeleteButton().props().hasSelectedDesigns).toBe(true); expect(findSelectAllButton().text()).toBe('Deselect all'); expect(wrapper.vm.selectedDesigns).toEqual( => design.filename)); }); it('removes all designs from selected designs when at least one design was selected', async () => { findDesignCheckboxes().at(0).trigger('click'); await nextTick(); findSelectAllButton().vm.$emit('click'); await nextTick(); expect(findDeleteButton().props().hasSelectedDesigns).toBe(false); expect(findSelectAllButton().text()).toBe('Select all'); expect(wrapper.vm.selectedDesigns).toEqual([]); }); }); it('on latest version when has no designs toolbar buttons are invisible', () => { createComponent({ designCollection: { designs: [], copyState: 'READY' }, allVersions: [mockVersion], }); expect(findToolbar().isVisible()).toBe(false); }); describe('on non-latest version', () => { beforeEach(() => { createComponent({ allVersions: [mockVersion] }); }); it('does not render design checkboxes', async () => { await router.replace({ name: DESIGNS_ROUTE_NAME, query: { version: '2', }, }); expect(findDesignCheckboxes()).toHaveLength(0); }); it('does not render Delete selected button', () => { expect(findDeleteButton().exists()).toBe(false); }); it('does not render Select All button', () => { expect(findSelectAllButton().exists()).toBe(false); }); }); describe('pasting a design', () => { let event; let mockMutate; beforeEach(() => { mockMutate = jest.fn().mockResolvedValue({}); createComponent({ designs: mockDesigns, allVersions: [mockVersion], mockMutate }); event = new Event('paste'); event.clipboardData = { files: [{ name: 'image.png', type: 'image/png' }], getData: () => 'test.png', }; }); it('does not upload designs if designs wrapper is not hovered', () => { document.dispatchEvent(event); expect(mockMutate).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it('does not upload designs if designs wrapper is destroyed', () => { findDesignsWrapper().trigger('mouseenter'); wrapper.destroy(); document.dispatchEvent(event); expect(mockMutate).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); }); describe('when designs wrapper is hovered', () => { let realDateNow; const today = () => new Date('2020-12-25'); beforeAll(() => { realDateNow =; = today; }); afterAll(() => { = realDateNow; }); beforeEach(() => { findDesignsWrapper().trigger('mouseenter'); }); it('uploads design with valid paste', () => { document.dispatchEvent(event); const [{ mutation, variables }] = mockMutate.mock.calls[0]; expect(mutation).toBe(uploadDesignMutation); expect(variables).toStrictEqual({ files: expect.any(Array), iid: '1', projectPath: 'project-path', }); expect(variables.files).toEqual( => new File([f], ''))); }); it('display original file name', () => { event.clipboardData.files = [new File([new Blob()], 'test.png', { type: 'image/png' })]; document.dispatchEvent(event); const [{ mutation, variables }] = mockMutate.mock.calls[0]; expect(mutation).toBe(uploadDesignMutation); expect(variables).toStrictEqual({ files: expect.any(Array), iid: '1', projectPath: 'project-path', }); expect(variables.files[0].name).toEqual('test.png'); }); it('renames a design if it has an image.png filename', () => { event.clipboardData.getData = () => 'image.png'; document.dispatchEvent(event); const [{ mutation, variables }] = mockMutate.mock.calls[0]; expect(mutation).toBe(uploadDesignMutation); expect(variables).toStrictEqual({ files: expect.any(Array), iid: '1', projectPath: 'project-path', }); expect(variables.files[0].name).toEqual(`design_${}.png`); }); it('does not call upload with invalid paste', () => { event.clipboardData = { items: [{ type: 'text/plain' }, { type: 'text' }], files: [], }; document.dispatchEvent(event); expect(mockMutate).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it('removes onPaste listener after mouseleave event', async () => { findDesignsWrapper().trigger('mouseleave'); document.dispatchEvent(event); expect(mockMutate).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); }); }); }); describe('when navigating', () => { it('should trigger a scrollIntoView method if designs route is detected', async () => { router.replace({ path: '/designs', }); createComponent({ loading: true }); await nextTick(); expect(scrollIntoViewMock).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); }); describe('with mocked Apollo client', () => { it('has a design with id 1 as a first one', async () => { createComponentWithApollo({}); await waitForPromises(); expect(findDesigns()).toHaveLength(3); expect(findDesigns().at(0).props('id')).toBe('1'); }); it('calls a mutation with correct parameters and reorders designs', async () => { createComponentWithApollo({}); await moveDesigns(wrapper); expect(moveDesignHandler).toHaveBeenCalled(); await waitForPromises(); expect(findDesigns().at(0).props('id')).toBe('2'); }); it.each` breakpoint | reorderDisabled ${'xs'} | ${true} ${'sm'} | ${false} ${'md'} | ${false} ${'lg'} | ${false} ${'xl'} | ${false} `( 'sets draggable disabled value to $reorderDisabled when breakpoint is $breakpoint', async ({ breakpoint, reorderDisabled }) => { jest.spyOn(breakpointInstance, 'getBreakpointSize').mockReturnValue(breakpoint); createComponentWithApollo({}); await waitForPromises(); expect(draggableAttributes().disabled).toBe(reorderDisabled); }, ); it('prevents reordering when reorderDesigns mutation is in progress', async () => { createComponentWithApollo({}); await moveDesigns(wrapper); expect(draggableAttributes().disabled).toBe(true); await waitForPromises(); expect(draggableAttributes().disabled).toBe(false); }); it('displays flash if mutation had a recoverable error', async () => { createComponentWithApollo({ moveHandler: jest.fn().mockResolvedValue(moveDesignMutationResponseWithErrors), }); await moveDesigns(wrapper); await waitForPromises(); expect(createAlert).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ message: 'Houston, we have a problem' }); }); it('displays alert if mutation had a non-recoverable error', async () => { createComponentWithApollo({ moveHandler: jest.fn().mockRejectedValue('Error'), }); await moveDesigns(wrapper); await waitForPromises(); expect(findDesignUpdateAlert().exists()).toBe(true); expect(findDesignUpdateAlert().text()).toBe( 'Something went wrong when reordering designs. Please try again', ); }); }); });