import createEventHub from '~/helpers/event_hub_factory'; import Diff from '~/diff'; describe('Diff', () => { describe('diff <-> tabs interactions', () => { let hub; beforeEach(() => { hub = createEventHub(); }); describe('constructor', () => { it("takes in the `mergeRequestEventHub` when it's provided", () => { const diff = new Diff({ mergeRequestEventHub: hub }); expect(diff.mrHub).toBe(hub); }); it('does not fatal if no event hub is provided', () => { expect(() => { new Diff(); /* eslint-disable-line no-new */ }).not.toThrow(); }); it("doesn't set the mrHub property if none is provided by the construction arguments", () => { const diff = new Diff(); expect(diff.mrHub).toBe(undefined); }); }); describe('viewTypeSwitch', () => { const clickPath = '/path/somewhere?params=exist'; const jsonPath = ''; const simulatejQueryClick = { originalEvent: { target: { getAttribute() { return clickPath; }, }, preventDefault: jest.fn(), stopPropagation: jest.fn(), }, }; it('emits the correct switch view event when called and there is an `mrHub`', async () => { const diff = new Diff({ mergeRequestEventHub: hub }); const hubEmit = new Promise((resolve) => { hub.$on('diff:switch-view-type', resolve); }); diff.viewTypeSwitch(simulatejQueryClick); const { source } = await hubEmit; expect(simulatejQueryClick.originalEvent.preventDefault).toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(simulatejQueryClick.originalEvent.stopPropagation).toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(source).toBe(jsonPath); }); it('is effectively a noop when there is no `mrHub`', () => { const diff = new Diff(); expect(diff.mrHub).toBe(undefined); expect(() => { diff.viewTypeSwitch(simulatejQueryClick); }).not.toThrow(); }); }); }); });