import Vue, { nextTick } from 'vue'; // eslint-disable-next-line no-restricted-imports import Vuex from 'vuex'; import TreeList from '~/diffs/components/tree_list.vue'; import createStore from '~/diffs/store/modules'; import batchComments from '~/batch_comments/stores/modules/batch_comments'; import DiffFileRow from '~/diffs/components//diff_file_row.vue'; import { stubComponent } from 'helpers/stub_component'; import { shallowMountExtended } from 'helpers/vue_test_utils_helper'; describe('Diffs tree list component', () => { let wrapper; let store; const getScroller = () => wrapper.findComponent({ name: 'RecycleScroller' }); const getFileRow = () => wrapper.findComponent(DiffFileRow); const findDiffTreeSearch = () => wrapper.findByTestId('diff-tree-search'); Vue.use(Vuex); const createComponent = ({ hideFileStats = false } = {}) => { wrapper = shallowMountExtended(TreeList, { store, propsData: { hideFileStats }, stubs: { // eslint will fail if we import the real component RecycleScroller: stubComponent( { name: 'RecycleScroller', props: { items: null, }, }, { template: '
', }, ), }, }); }; beforeEach(() => { store = new Vuex.Store({ modules: { diffs: createStore(), batchComments: batchComments(), }, }); // Setup initial state store.state.diffs.isTreeLoaded = true; store.state.diffs.diffFiles.push('test'); store.state.diffs = { addedLines: 10, removedLines: 20,, }; }); const setupFilesInState = () => { const treeEntries = { 'index.js': { addedLines: 0, changed: true, deleted: false, fileHash: 'test', key: 'index.js', name: 'index.js', path: 'app/index.js', removedLines: 0, tempFile: true, type: 'blob', parentPath: 'app', tree: [], }, 'test.rb': { addedLines: 0, changed: true, deleted: false, fileHash: 'test', key: 'test.rb', name: 'test.rb', path: 'app/test.rb', removedLines: 0, tempFile: true, type: 'blob', parentPath: 'app', tree: [], }, app: { key: 'app', path: 'app', name: 'app', type: 'tree', tree: [], }, }; Object.assign(store.state.diffs, { treeEntries, tree: [treeEntries['index.js'],], }); }; describe('default', () => { beforeEach(() => { createComponent(); }); it('renders empty text', () => { expect(wrapper.text()).toContain('No files found'); }); }); describe('with files', () => { beforeEach(() => { setupFilesInState(); createComponent(); }); describe('search by file extension', () => { it('hides scroller for no matches', async () => { const input = findDiffTreeSearch(); input.element.value = '*.md'; input.trigger('input'); await nextTick(); expect(getScroller().exists()).toBe(false); expect(wrapper.text()).toContain('No files found'); }); it.each` extension | itemSize ${'*.js'} | ${2} ${'index.js'} | ${2} ${'app/*.js'} | ${2} ${'*.js, *.rb'} | ${3} `('returns $itemSize item for $extension', async ({ extension, itemSize }) => { const input = findDiffTreeSearch(); input.element.value = extension; input.trigger('input'); await nextTick(); expect(getScroller().props('items')).toHaveLength(itemSize); }); }); it('renders tree', () => { expect(getScroller().props('items')).toHaveLength(2); }); it('hides file stats', () => { createComponent({ hideFileStats: true }); expect(getFileRow().props('hideFileStats')).toBe(true); }); it('calls toggleTreeOpen when clicking folder', () => { jest.spyOn(store, 'dispatch').mockReturnValue(undefined); getFileRow().vm.$emit('toggleTreeOpen', 'app'); expect(store.dispatch).toHaveBeenCalledWith('diffs/toggleTreeOpen', 'app'); }); it('renders when renderTreeList is false', async () => { store.state.diffs.renderTreeList = false; await nextTick(); expect(getScroller().props('items')).toHaveLength(3); }); }); describe('with viewedDiffFileIds', () => { const viewedDiffFileIds = { fileId: '#12345' }; beforeEach(() => { setupFilesInState(); store.state.diffs.viewedDiffFileIds = viewedDiffFileIds; }); it('passes the viewedDiffFileIds to the FileTree', async () => { createComponent(); await nextTick(); expect(getFileRow().props('viewedFiles')).toBe(viewedDiffFileIds); }); }); });