import { pickDirection } from '~/diffs/utils/diff_line'; describe('diff_line utilities', () => { describe('pickDirection', () => { const left = { line_code: 'left', }; const right = { line_code: 'right', }; const defaultLine = { left, right, }; it.each` code | pick | line | pickDescription ${'left'} | ${left} | ${defaultLine} | ${'the left line'} ${'right'} | ${right} | ${defaultLine} | ${'the right line'} ${'junk'} | ${left} | ${defaultLine} | ${'the default: the left line'} ${'junk'} | ${right} | ${{ right }} | ${"the right line if there's no left line to default to"} ${'right'} | ${left} | ${{ left }} | ${"the left line when there isn't a right line to match"} `( 'when provided a line and a line code `$code`, picks $pickDescription', ({ code, line, pick }) => { expect(pickDirection({ line, code })).toBe(pick); }, ); }); });