import { GlLoadingIcon } from '@gitlab/ui'; import Vue from 'vue'; import VueApollo from 'vue-apollo'; import { mountExtended } from 'helpers/vue_test_utils_helper'; import waitForPromises from 'helpers/wait_for_promises'; import EditEnvironment from '~/environments/components/edit_environment.vue'; import { createAlert } from '~/alert'; import { visitUrl } from '~/lib/utils/url_utility'; import getEnvironment from '~/environments/graphql/queries/environment.query.graphql'; import updateEnvironment from '~/environments/graphql/mutations/update_environment.mutation.graphql'; import { __ } from '~/locale'; import createMockApollo from '../__helpers__/mock_apollo_helper'; jest.mock('~/lib/utils/url_utility'); jest.mock('~/alert'); const environment = { id: '1', name: 'foo', externalUrl: '', clusterAgent: null, kubernetesNamespace: null, fluxResourcePath: null, }; const resolvedEnvironment = { project: { id: '1', environment } }; const environmentUpdateSuccess = { environment: { id: '1', path: 'path/to/environment', clusterAgentId: null }, errors: [], }; const environmentUpdateError = { environment: null, errors: [{ message: 'uh oh!' }], }; const provide = { projectEnvironmentsPath: '/projects/environments', protectedEnvironmentSettingsPath: '/projects/1/settings/ci_cd', projectPath: '/path/to/project', environmentName: 'foo', }; describe('~/environments/components/edit.vue', () => { let wrapper; const getEnvironmentQuery = jest.fn().mockResolvedValue({ data: resolvedEnvironment }); const updateEnvironmentSuccess = jest .fn() .mockResolvedValue({ data: { environmentUpdate: environmentUpdateSuccess } }); const updateEnvironmentFail = jest .fn() .mockResolvedValue({ data: { environmentUpdate: environmentUpdateError } }); const createMockApolloProvider = (mutationHandler) => { Vue.use(VueApollo); const mocks = [ [getEnvironment, getEnvironmentQuery], [updateEnvironment, mutationHandler], ]; return createMockApollo(mocks); }; const createWrapperWithApollo = async ({ mutationHandler = updateEnvironmentSuccess } = {}) => { wrapper = mountExtended(EditEnvironment, { propsData: { environment: {} }, provide: { ...provide, }, apolloProvider: createMockApolloProvider(mutationHandler), }); await waitForPromises(); }; const findNameInput = () => wrapper.findByLabelText(__('Name')); const findExternalUrlInput = () => wrapper.findByLabelText(__('External URL')); const findForm = () => wrapper.findByRole('form', { name: __('Edit environment') }); const showsLoading = () => wrapper.findComponent(GlLoadingIcon).exists(); describe('default', () => { it('performs the environment apollo query', () => { createWrapperWithApollo(); expect(getEnvironmentQuery).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it('renders loading icon when environment query is loading', () => { createWrapperWithApollo(); expect(showsLoading()).toBe(true); }); it('sets the title to Edit environment', async () => { await createWrapperWithApollo(); const header = wrapper.findByRole('heading', { name: __('Edit environment') }); expect(header.exists()).toBe(true); }); it('renders a disabled "Name" field', async () => { await createWrapperWithApollo(); const nameInput = findNameInput(); expect(nameInput.attributes().disabled).toBe('disabled'); expect(nameInput.element.value).toBe(; }); it('renders an "External URL" field', async () => { await createWrapperWithApollo(); const urlInput = findExternalUrlInput(); expect(urlInput.element.value).toBe(environment.externalUrl); }); }); describe('on submit', () => { it('performs the updateEnvironment apollo mutation', async () => { await createWrapperWithApollo(); await findForm().trigger('submit'); expect(updateEnvironmentSuccess).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); describe('when mutation successful', () => { beforeEach(async () => { await createWrapperWithApollo(); }); it('shows loader after form is submitted', async () => { expect(showsLoading()).toBe(false); await findForm().trigger('submit'); expect(showsLoading()).toBe(true); }); it('submits the updated environment on submit', async () => { await findForm().trigger('submit'); await waitForPromises(); expect(visitUrl).toHaveBeenCalledWith(environmentUpdateSuccess.environment.path); }); }); describe('when mutation failed', () => { beforeEach(async () => { await createWrapperWithApollo({ mutationHandler: updateEnvironmentFail, }); }); it('shows errors on error', async () => { await findForm().trigger('submit'); await waitForPromises(); expect(createAlert).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ message: 'uh oh!' }); expect(showsLoading()).toBe(false); }); }); }); });