import { mountExtended } from 'helpers/vue_test_utils_helper'; import { s__ } from '~/locale'; import EmptyState from '~/environments/components/empty_state.vue'; import { ENVIRONMENTS_SCOPE } from '~/environments/constants'; const HELP_PATH = '/help'; describe('~/environments/components/empty_state.vue', () => { let wrapper; const createWrapper = ({ propsData = {} } = {}) => mountExtended(EmptyState, { propsData: { scope: ENVIRONMENTS_SCOPE.AVAILABLE, helpPath: HELP_PATH, ...propsData, }, }); afterEach(() => { wrapper.destroy(); }); it('shows an empty state for available environments', () => { wrapper = createWrapper(); const title = wrapper.findByRole('heading', { name: s__("Environments|You don't have any environments."), }); expect(title.exists()).toBe(true); }); it('shows an empty state for stopped environments', () => { wrapper = createWrapper({ propsData: { scope: ENVIRONMENTS_SCOPE.STOPPED } }); const title = wrapper.findByRole('heading', { name: s__("Environments|You don't have any stopped environments."), }); expect(title.exists()).toBe(true); }); it('shows a link to the the help path', () => { wrapper = createWrapper(); const link = wrapper.findByRole('link', { name: s__('Environments|How do I create an environment?'), }); expect(link.attributes('href')).toBe(HELP_PATH); }); });