import Vue, { nextTick } from 'vue'; import groupFolderComponent from '~/groups/components/group_folder.vue'; import groupItemComponent from '~/groups/components/group_item.vue'; import { mockGroups, mockParentGroupItem } from '../mock_data'; const createComponent = (groups = mockGroups, parentGroup = mockParentGroupItem) => { const Component = Vue.extend(groupFolderComponent); return new Component({ propsData: { groups, parentGroup, }, }); }; describe('GroupFolderComponent', () => { let vm; beforeEach(async () => { Vue.component('GroupItem', groupItemComponent); vm = createComponent(); vm.$mount(); await nextTick(); }); afterEach(() => { vm.$destroy(); }); describe('computed', () => { describe('hasMoreChildren', () => { it('should return false when childrenCount of group is less than MAX_CHILDREN_COUNT', () => { expect(vm.hasMoreChildren).toBeFalsy(); }); }); describe('moreChildrenStats', () => { it('should return message with count of excess children over MAX_CHILDREN_COUNT limit', () => { expect(vm.moreChildrenStats).toBe('3 more items'); }); }); }); describe('template', () => { it('should render component template correctly', () => { expect(vm.$el.classList.contains('group-list-tree')).toBeTruthy(); expect(vm.$el.querySelectorAll('').length).toBe(7); }); it('should render more children link when groups list has children over MAX_CHILDREN_COUNT limit', () => { const parentGroup = { ...mockParentGroupItem }; parentGroup.childrenCount = 21; const newVm = createComponent(mockGroups, parentGroup); newVm.$mount(); expect(newVm.$el.querySelector(' a.has-more-items')).toBeDefined(); newVm.$destroy(); }); }); });