import { GlDropdownItem, GlLoadingIcon, GlAvatar } from '@gitlab/ui'; import { shallowMount } from '@vue/test-utils'; import Vue from 'vue'; import Vuex from 'vuex'; import HeaderSearchAutocompleteItems from '~/header_search/components/header_search_autocomplete_items.vue'; import { GROUPS_CATEGORY, LARGE_AVATAR_PX, PROJECTS_CATEGORY, SMALL_AVATAR_PX, } from '~/header_search/constants'; import { MOCK_GROUPED_AUTOCOMPLETE_OPTIONS, MOCK_SORTED_AUTOCOMPLETE_OPTIONS } from '../mock_data'; Vue.use(Vuex); describe('HeaderSearchAutocompleteItems', () => { let wrapper; const createComponent = (initialState, mockGetters, props) => { const store = new Vuex.Store({ state: { loading: false, ...initialState, }, getters: { autocompleteGroupedSearchOptions: () => MOCK_GROUPED_AUTOCOMPLETE_OPTIONS, ...mockGetters, }, }); wrapper = shallowMount(HeaderSearchAutocompleteItems, { store, propsData: { ...props, }, }); }; afterEach(() => { wrapper.destroy(); }); const findDropdownItems = () => wrapper.findAllComponents(GlDropdownItem); const findFirstDropdownItem = () => findDropdownItems().at(0); const findDropdownItemTitles = () => findDropdownItems() => w.text()); const findDropdownItemLinks = () => findDropdownItems() => w.attributes('href')); const findGlLoadingIcon = () => wrapper.findComponent(GlLoadingIcon); const findGlAvatar = () => wrapper.findComponent(GlAvatar); describe('template', () => { describe('when loading is true', () => { beforeEach(() => { createComponent({ loading: true }); }); it('renders GlLoadingIcon', () => { expect(findGlLoadingIcon().exists()).toBe(true); }); it('does not render autocomplete options', () => { expect(findDropdownItems()).toHaveLength(0); }); }); describe('when loading is false', () => { beforeEach(() => { createComponent({ loading: false }); }); it('does not render GlLoadingIcon', () => { expect(findGlLoadingIcon().exists()).toBe(false); }); describe('Dropdown items', () => { it('renders item for each option in autocomplete option', () => { expect(findDropdownItems()).toHaveLength(MOCK_SORTED_AUTOCOMPLETE_OPTIONS.length); }); it('renders titles correctly', () => { const expectedTitles = => o.label); expect(findDropdownItemTitles()).toStrictEqual(expectedTitles); }); it('renders links correctly', () => { const expectedLinks = => o.url); expect(findDropdownItemLinks()).toStrictEqual(expectedLinks); }); }); describe.each` item | showAvatar | avatarSize ${{ data: [{ category: PROJECTS_CATEGORY, avatar_url: null }] }} | ${true} | ${String(LARGE_AVATAR_PX)} ${{ data: [{ category: GROUPS_CATEGORY, avatar_url: '/123' }] }} | ${true} | ${String(LARGE_AVATAR_PX)} ${{ data: [{ category: 'Help', avatar_url: '' }] }} | ${true} | ${String(SMALL_AVATAR_PX)} ${{ data: [{ category: 'Settings' }] }} | ${false} | ${false} `('GlAvatar', ({ item, showAvatar, avatarSize }) => { describe(`when category is ${[0].category} and avatar_url is ${[0].avatar_url}`, () => { beforeEach(() => { createComponent({}, { autocompleteGroupedSearchOptions: () => [item] }); }); it(`should${showAvatar ? '' : ' not'} render`, () => { expect(findGlAvatar().exists()).toBe(showAvatar); }); it(`should set avatarSize to ${avatarSize}`, () => { expect(findGlAvatar().exists() && findGlAvatar().attributes('size')).toBe(avatarSize); }); }); }); }); describe.each` currentFocusedOption | isFocused | ariaSelected ${null} | ${false} | ${undefined} ${{ html_id: 'not-a-match' }} | ${false} | ${undefined} ${MOCK_SORTED_AUTOCOMPLETE_OPTIONS[0]} | ${true} | ${'true'} `('isOptionFocused', ({ currentFocusedOption, isFocused, ariaSelected }) => { describe(`when currentFocusedOption.html_id is ${currentFocusedOption?.html_id}`, () => { beforeEach(() => { createComponent({}, {}, { currentFocusedOption }); }); it(`should${isFocused ? '' : ' not'} have gl-bg-gray-50 applied`, () => { expect(findFirstDropdownItem().classes('gl-bg-gray-50')).toBe(isFocused); }); it(`sets "aria-selected to ${ariaSelected}`, () => { expect(findFirstDropdownItem().attributes('aria-selected')).toBe(ariaSelected); }); }); }); }); describe('watchers', () => { describe('currentFocusedOption', () => { beforeEach(() => { createComponent(); }); it('when focused changes to existing element calls scroll into view on the newly focused element', async () => { const focusedElement = findFirstDropdownItem().element; const scrollSpy = jest.spyOn(focusedElement, 'scrollIntoView'); wrapper.setProps({ currentFocusedOption: MOCK_SORTED_AUTOCOMPLETE_OPTIONS[0] }); await wrapper.vm.$nextTick(); expect(scrollSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith(false); scrollSpy.mockRestore(); }); }); }); });