import MockAdapter from 'axios-mock-adapter'; import htmlOpenIssue from 'test_fixtures/issues/open-issue.html'; import htmlClosedIssue from 'test_fixtures/issues/closed-issue.html'; import { setHTMLFixture, resetHTMLFixture } from 'helpers/fixtures'; import { EVENT_ISSUABLE_VUE_APP_CHANGE } from '~/issuable/constants'; import Issue from '~/issues/issue'; import axios from '~/lib/utils/axios_utils'; import { HTTP_STATUS_OK } from '~/lib/utils/http_status'; describe('Issue', () => { let testContext; let mock; beforeEach(() => { mock = new MockAdapter(axios); mock.onGet(/(.*)\/related_branches$/).reply(HTTP_STATUS_OK, {}); testContext = {}; testContext.issue = new Issue(); }); afterEach(() => { mock.restore(); testContext.issue.dispose(); }); const getIssueCounter = () => document.querySelector('.issue_counter'); describe.each` desc | isIssueInitiallyOpen | expectedCounterText ${'with an initially open issue'} | ${true} | ${'1,000'} ${'with an initially closed issue'} | ${false} | ${'1,002'} `('$desc', ({ isIssueInitiallyOpen, expectedCounterText }) => { beforeEach(() => { if (isIssueInitiallyOpen) { setHTMLFixture(htmlOpenIssue); } else { setHTMLFixture(htmlClosedIssue); } testContext.issueCounter = getIssueCounter(); testContext.issueCounter.textContent = '1,001'; }); afterEach(() => { resetHTMLFixture(); }); describe('when vue app triggers change', () => { beforeEach(() => { document.dispatchEvent( new CustomEvent(EVENT_ISSUABLE_VUE_APP_CHANGE, { detail: { data: { id: 1 }, isClosed: isIssueInitiallyOpen, }, }), ); }); // TODO: Remove this with the removal of the old navigation. // See // See also about // reimplementing this in the new navigation. // // Since this entire suite only tests the issue count updating, removing // this test would mean removing the entire suite. But, ~/issues/issue.js // does more than just that. Tests should be written to cover those other // features. So we're just skipping this for now. // eslint-disable-next-line jest/no-disabled-tests it.skip('updates issueCounter text', () => { expect(testContext.issueCounter).toBeVisible(); expect(testContext.issueCounter).toHaveText(expectedCounterText); }); }); }); });