import merge from 'lodash/merge'; import { mountExtended, shallowMountExtended } from 'helpers/vue_test_utils_helper'; import { trackIncidentDetailsViewsOptions } from '~/incidents/constants'; import DescriptionComponent from '~/issues/show/components/description.vue'; import HighlightBar from '~/issues/show/components/incidents/highlight_bar.vue'; import IncidentTabs, { incidentTabsI18n, } from '~/issues/show/components/incidents/incident_tabs.vue'; import INVALID_URL from '~/lib/utils/invalid_url'; import Tracking from '~/tracking'; import AlertDetailsTable from '~/vue_shared/components/alert_details_table.vue'; import { descriptionProps } from '../../mock_data/mock_data'; const mockAlert = { __typename: 'AlertManagementAlert', detailsUrl: INVALID_URL, iid: '1', }; const defaultMocks = { $apollo: { queries: { alert: { loading: true, }, timelineEvents: { loading: false, }, }, }, }; describe('Incident Tabs component', () => { let wrapper; const mountComponent = ({ data = {}, options = {}, mount = shallowMountExtended } = {}) => { wrapper = mount( IncidentTabs, merge( { propsData: { ...descriptionProps, }, stubs: { DescriptionComponent: true, IncidentMetricTab: true, }, provide: { fullPath: '', iid: '', projectId: '', issuableId: '', uploadMetricsFeatureAvailable: true, slaFeatureAvailable: true, canUpdate: true, canUpdateTimelineEvent: true, }, data() { return { alert: mockAlert, }; }, mocks: defaultMocks, }, options, ), ); }; const findSummaryTab = () => wrapper.findByTestId('summary-tab'); const findTimelineTab = () => wrapper.findByTestId('timeline-tab'); const findAlertDetailsTab = () => wrapper.findByTestId('alert-details-tab'); const findAlertDetailsComponent = () => wrapper.findComponent(AlertDetailsTable); const findDescriptionComponent = () => wrapper.findComponent(DescriptionComponent); const findHighlightBarComponent = () => wrapper.findComponent(HighlightBar); const findTabButtonByFilter = (filter) => wrapper.findAllByRole('tab').filter(filter); const findTimelineTabButton = () => findTabButtonByFilter((inner) => inner.text() === incidentTabsI18n.timelineTitle).at(0); const findActiveTabs = () => findTabButtonByFilter((inner) => inner.classes('active')); describe('with no alerts', () => { beforeEach(() => { mountComponent({ data: { alert: null } }); }); it('does not show the alert details tab option', () => { expect(findAlertDetailsComponent().exists()).toBe(false); }); }); describe('with an alert present', () => { beforeEach(() => { mountComponent(); }); it('renders the summary tab', () => { expect(findSummaryTab().exists()).toBe(true); expect(findSummaryTab().attributes('title')).toBe(incidentTabsI18n.summaryTitle); }); it('renders the timeline tab', () => { expect(findTimelineTab().exists()).toBe(true); expect(findTimelineTab().attributes('title')).toBe(incidentTabsI18n.timelineTitle); }); it('renders the alert details tab', () => { expect(findAlertDetailsTab().exists()).toBe(true); expect(findAlertDetailsTab().attributes('title')).toBe('Alert details'); }); it('renders the alert details table with the correct props', () => { const alert = { iid: mockAlert.iid }; expect(findAlertDetailsComponent().props('alert')).toMatchObject(alert); expect(findAlertDetailsComponent().props('loading')).toBe(true); }); it('renders the description component with highlight bar', () => { expect(findDescriptionComponent().exists()).toBe(true); expect(findHighlightBarComponent().exists()).toBe(true); }); it('renders the highlight bar component with the correct props', () => { const alert = { detailsUrl: mockAlert.detailsUrl }; expect(findHighlightBarComponent().props('alert')).toMatchObject(alert); }); it('passes all props to the description component', () => { expect(findDescriptionComponent().props()).toMatchObject(descriptionProps); }); }); describe('Snowplow tracking', () => { beforeEach(() => { jest.spyOn(Tracking, 'event'); mountComponent(); }); it('should track incident details views', () => { const { category, action } = trackIncidentDetailsViewsOptions; expect(Tracking.event).toHaveBeenCalledWith(category, action); }); }); describe('tab changing', () => { beforeEach(() => { mountComponent({ mount: mountExtended }); }); it('shows only the summary tab by default', async () => { expect(findActiveTabs()).toHaveLength(1); expect(findActiveTabs().at(0).text()).toBe(incidentTabsI18n.summaryTitle); }); it("shows the timeline tab after it's clicked", async () => { await findTimelineTabButton().trigger('click'); expect(findActiveTabs()).toHaveLength(1); expect(findActiveTabs().at(0).text()).toBe(incidentTabsI18n.timelineTitle); }); }); });