import { GlButton, GlEmptyState, GlLink } from '@gitlab/ui'; import { mount, shallowMount } from '@vue/test-utils'; import AxiosMockAdapter from 'axios-mock-adapter'; import { TEST_HOST } from 'helpers/test_constants'; import waitForPromises from 'helpers/wait_for_promises'; import { apiParams, filteredTokens, locationSearch, urlParams } from 'jest/issues_list/mock_data'; import createFlash from '~/flash'; import CsvImportExportButtons from '~/issuable/components/csv_import_export_buttons.vue'; import IssuableByEmail from '~/issuable/components/issuable_by_email.vue'; import IssuableList from '~/issuable_list/components/issuable_list_root.vue'; import { IssuableListTabs, IssuableStates } from '~/issuable_list/constants'; import IssuesListApp from '~/issues_list/components/issues_list_app.vue'; import { apiSortParams, CREATED_DESC, DUE_DATE_OVERDUE, PAGE_SIZE, PAGE_SIZE_MANUAL, PARAM_DUE_DATE, RELATIVE_POSITION_DESC, TOKEN_TYPE_ASSIGNEE, TOKEN_TYPE_AUTHOR, TOKEN_TYPE_CONFIDENTIAL, TOKEN_TYPE_EPIC, TOKEN_TYPE_ITERATION, TOKEN_TYPE_LABEL, TOKEN_TYPE_MILESTONE, TOKEN_TYPE_MY_REACTION, TOKEN_TYPE_WEIGHT, urlSortParams, } from '~/issues_list/constants'; import eventHub from '~/issues_list/eventhub'; import { getSortOptions } from '~/issues_list/utils'; import axios from '~/lib/utils/axios_utils'; import { setUrlParams } from '~/lib/utils/url_utility'; jest.mock('~/flash'); describe('IssuesListApp component', () => { let axiosMock; let wrapper; const defaultProvide = { autocompleteUsersPath: 'autocomplete/users/path', calendarPath: 'calendar/path', canBulkUpdate: false, emptyStateSvgPath: 'empty-state.svg', endpoint: 'api/endpoint', exportCsvPath: 'export/csv/path', hasBlockedIssuesFeature: true, hasIssueWeightsFeature: true, hasProjectIssues: true, isSignedIn: false, issuesPath: 'path/to/issues', jiraIntegrationPath: 'jira/integration/path', newIssuePath: 'new/issue/path', projectLabelsPath: 'project/labels/path', projectPath: 'path/to/project', rssPath: 'rss/path', showNewIssueLink: true, signInPath: 'sign/in/path', }; const state = 'opened'; const xPage = 1; const xTotal = 25; const tabCounts = { opened: xTotal, closed: undefined, all: undefined, }; const fetchIssuesResponse = { data: [], headers: { 'x-page': xPage, 'x-total': xTotal, }, }; const findCsvImportExportButtons = () => wrapper.findComponent(CsvImportExportButtons); const findIssuableByEmail = () => wrapper.findComponent(IssuableByEmail); const findGlButton = () => wrapper.findComponent(GlButton); const findGlButtons = () => wrapper.findAllComponents(GlButton); const findGlButtonAt = (index) => findGlButtons().at(index); const findGlEmptyState = () => wrapper.findComponent(GlEmptyState); const findGlLink = () => wrapper.findComponent(GlLink); const findIssuableList = () => wrapper.findComponent(IssuableList); const mountComponent = ({ provide = {}, mountFn = shallowMount } = {}) => mountFn(IssuesListApp, { provide: { ...defaultProvide, ...provide, }, }); beforeEach(() => { axiosMock = new AxiosMockAdapter(axios); axiosMock .onGet(defaultProvide.endpoint) .reply(200,, fetchIssuesResponse.headers); }); afterEach(() => { global.jsdom.reconfigure({ url: TEST_HOST }); axiosMock.reset(); wrapper.destroy(); }); describe('IssuableList', () => { beforeEach(async () => { wrapper = mountComponent(); await waitForPromises(); }); it('renders', () => { expect(findIssuableList().props()).toMatchObject({ namespace: defaultProvide.projectPath, recentSearchesStorageKey: 'issues', searchInputPlaceholder: 'Search or filter results…', sortOptions: getSortOptions(true, true), initialSortBy: CREATED_DESC, tabs: IssuableListTabs, currentTab: IssuableStates.Opened, tabCounts, showPaginationControls: false, issuables: [], totalItems: xTotal, currentPage: xPage, previousPage: xPage - 1, nextPage: xPage + 1, urlParams: { page: xPage, state }, }); }); }); describe('header action buttons', () => { it('renders rss button', () => { wrapper = mountComponent({ mountFn: mount }); expect(findGlButtonAt(0).props('icon')).toBe('rss'); expect(findGlButtonAt(0).attributes()).toMatchObject({ href: defaultProvide.rssPath, 'aria-label': IssuesListApp.i18n.rssLabel, }); }); it('renders calendar button', () => { wrapper = mountComponent({ mountFn: mount }); expect(findGlButtonAt(1).props('icon')).toBe('calendar'); expect(findGlButtonAt(1).attributes()).toMatchObject({ href: defaultProvide.calendarPath, 'aria-label': IssuesListApp.i18n.calendarLabel, }); }); describe('csv import/export component', () => { describe('when user is signed in', () => { it('renders', async () => { const search = '?page=1&search=refactor&state=opened&sort=created_date'; global.jsdom.reconfigure({ url: `${TEST_HOST}${search}` }); wrapper = mountComponent({ provide: { ...defaultProvide, isSignedIn: true }, mountFn: mount, }); await waitForPromises(); expect(findCsvImportExportButtons().props()).toMatchObject({ exportCsvPath: `${defaultProvide.exportCsvPath}${search}`, issuableCount: xTotal, }); }); }); describe('when user is not signed in', () => { it('does not render', () => { wrapper = mountComponent({ provide: { ...defaultProvide, isSignedIn: false } }); expect(findCsvImportExportButtons().exists()).toBe(false); }); }); }); describe('bulk edit button', () => { it('renders when user has permissions', () => { wrapper = mountComponent({ provide: { canBulkUpdate: true }, mountFn: mount }); expect(findGlButtonAt(2).text()).toBe('Edit issues'); }); it('does not render when user does not have permissions', () => { wrapper = mountComponent({ provide: { canBulkUpdate: false } }); expect(findGlButtons().filter((button) => button.text() === 'Edit issues')).toHaveLength(0); }); it('emits "issuables:enableBulkEdit" event to legacy bulk edit class', async () => { wrapper = mountComponent({ provide: { canBulkUpdate: true }, mountFn: mount }); jest.spyOn(eventHub, '$emit'); findGlButtonAt(2).vm.$emit('click'); await waitForPromises(); expect(eventHub.$emit).toHaveBeenCalledWith('issuables:enableBulkEdit'); }); }); describe('new issue button', () => { it('renders when user has permissions', () => { wrapper = mountComponent({ provide: { showNewIssueLink: true }, mountFn: mount }); expect(findGlButtonAt(2).text()).toBe('New issue'); expect(findGlButtonAt(2).attributes('href')).toBe(defaultProvide.newIssuePath); }); it('does not render when user does not have permissions', () => { wrapper = mountComponent({ provide: { showNewIssueLink: false } }); expect(findGlButtons().filter((button) => button.text() === 'New issue')).toHaveLength(0); }); }); }); describe('initial url params', () => { describe('due_date', () => { it('is set from the url params', () => { global.jsdom.reconfigure({ url: `${TEST_HOST}?${PARAM_DUE_DATE}=${DUE_DATE_OVERDUE}` }); wrapper = mountComponent(); expect(findIssuableList().props('urlParams')).toMatchObject({ due_date: DUE_DATE_OVERDUE }); }); }); describe('page', () => { it('is set from the url params', () => { const page = 5; global.jsdom.reconfigure({ url: setUrlParams({ page }, TEST_HOST) }); wrapper = mountComponent(); expect(findIssuableList().props('currentPage')).toBe(page); }); }); describe('search', () => { it('is set from the url params', () => { global.jsdom.reconfigure({ url: `${TEST_HOST}${locationSearch}` }); wrapper = mountComponent(); expect(findIssuableList().props('urlParams')).toMatchObject({ search: 'find issues' }); }); }); describe('sort', () => { it.each(Object.keys(urlSortParams))('is set as %s from the url params', (sortKey) => { global.jsdom.reconfigure({ url: setUrlParams(urlSortParams[sortKey], TEST_HOST) }); wrapper = mountComponent(); expect(findIssuableList().props()).toMatchObject({ initialSortBy: sortKey, urlParams: urlSortParams[sortKey], }); }); }); describe('state', () => { it('is set from the url params', () => { const initialState = IssuableStates.All; global.jsdom.reconfigure({ url: setUrlParams({ state: initialState }, TEST_HOST) }); wrapper = mountComponent(); expect(findIssuableList().props('currentTab')).toBe(initialState); }); }); describe('filter tokens', () => { it('is set from the url params', () => { global.jsdom.reconfigure({ url: `${TEST_HOST}${locationSearch}` }); wrapper = mountComponent(); expect(findIssuableList().props('initialFilterValue')).toEqual(filteredTokens); }); }); }); describe('bulk edit', () => { describe.each([true, false])( 'when "issuables:toggleBulkEdit" event is received with payload `%s`', (isBulkEdit) => { beforeEach(() => { wrapper = mountComponent(); eventHub.$emit('issuables:toggleBulkEdit', isBulkEdit); }); it(`${isBulkEdit ? 'enables' : 'disables'} bulk edit`, () => { expect(findIssuableList().props('showBulkEditSidebar')).toBe(isBulkEdit); }); }, ); }); describe('IssuableByEmail component', () => { describe.each([true, false])(`when issue creation by email is enabled=%s`, (enabled) => { it(`${enabled ? 'renders' : 'does not render'}`, () => { wrapper = mountComponent({ provide: { initialEmail: enabled } }); expect(findIssuableByEmail().exists()).toBe(enabled); }); }); }); describe('empty states', () => { describe('when there are issues', () => { describe('when search returns no results', () => { beforeEach(async () => { global.jsdom.reconfigure({ url: `${TEST_HOST}?search=no+results` }); wrapper = mountComponent({ provide: { hasProjectIssues: true }, mountFn: mount }); await waitForPromises(); }); it('shows empty state', () => { expect(findGlEmptyState().props()).toMatchObject({ description: IssuesListApp.i18n.noSearchResultsDescription, title: IssuesListApp.i18n.noSearchResultsTitle, svgPath: defaultProvide.emptyStateSvgPath, }); }); }); describe('when "Open" tab has no issues', () => { beforeEach(async () => { wrapper = mountComponent({ provide: { hasProjectIssues: true }, mountFn: mount }); await waitForPromises(); }); it('shows empty state', () => { expect(findGlEmptyState().props()).toMatchObject({ description: IssuesListApp.i18n.noOpenIssuesDescription, title: IssuesListApp.i18n.noOpenIssuesTitle, svgPath: defaultProvide.emptyStateSvgPath, }); }); }); describe('when "Closed" tab has no issues', () => { beforeEach(async () => { global.jsdom.reconfigure({ url: setUrlParams({ state: IssuableStates.Closed }, TEST_HOST), }); wrapper = mountComponent({ provide: { hasProjectIssues: true }, mountFn: mount }); await waitForPromises(); }); it('shows empty state', () => { expect(findGlEmptyState().props()).toMatchObject({ title: IssuesListApp.i18n.noClosedIssuesTitle, svgPath: defaultProvide.emptyStateSvgPath, }); }); }); }); describe('when there are no issues', () => { describe('when user is logged in', () => { beforeEach(() => { wrapper = mountComponent({ provide: { hasProjectIssues: false, isSignedIn: true }, mountFn: mount, }); }); it('shows empty state', () => { expect(findGlEmptyState().props()).toMatchObject({ description: IssuesListApp.i18n.noIssuesSignedInDescription, title: IssuesListApp.i18n.noIssuesSignedInTitle, svgPath: defaultProvide.emptyStateSvgPath, }); }); it('shows "New issue" and import/export buttons', () => { expect(findGlButton().text()).toBe(IssuesListApp.i18n.newIssueLabel); expect(findGlButton().attributes('href')).toBe(defaultProvide.newIssuePath); expect(findCsvImportExportButtons().props()).toMatchObject({ exportCsvPath: defaultProvide.exportCsvPath, issuableCount: 0, }); }); it('shows Jira integration information', () => { const paragraphs = wrapper.findAll('p'); expect(; expect( 'Enable the Jira integration to view your Jira issues in GitLab.', ); expect( IssuesListApp.i18n.jiraIntegrationSecondaryMessage, ); expect(findGlLink().text()).toBe('Enable the Jira integration'); expect(findGlLink().attributes('href')).toBe(defaultProvide.jiraIntegrationPath); }); }); describe('when user is logged out', () => { beforeEach(() => { wrapper = mountComponent({ provide: { hasProjectIssues: false, isSignedIn: false }, }); }); it('shows empty state', () => { expect(findGlEmptyState().props()).toMatchObject({ description: IssuesListApp.i18n.noIssuesSignedOutDescription, title: IssuesListApp.i18n.noIssuesSignedOutTitle, svgPath: defaultProvide.emptyStateSvgPath, primaryButtonText: IssuesListApp.i18n.noIssuesSignedOutButtonText, primaryButtonLink: defaultProvide.signInPath, }); }); }); }); }); describe('tokens', () => { const mockCurrentUser = { id: 1, name: 'Administrator', username: 'root', avatar_url: 'avatar/url', }; describe('when user is signed out', () => { beforeEach(() => { wrapper = mountComponent({ provide: { isSignedIn: false, }, }); }); it('does not render My-Reaction or Confidential tokens', () => { expect(findIssuableList().props('searchTokens')).not.toMatchObject([ { type: TOKEN_TYPE_AUTHOR, preloadedAuthors: [mockCurrentUser] }, { type: TOKEN_TYPE_ASSIGNEE, preloadedAuthors: [mockCurrentUser] }, { type: TOKEN_TYPE_MY_REACTION }, { type: TOKEN_TYPE_CONFIDENTIAL }, ]); }); }); describe('when iterations are not available', () => { beforeEach(() => { wrapper = mountComponent({ provide: { projectIterationsPath: '', }, }); }); it('does not render Iteration token', () => { expect(findIssuableList().props('searchTokens')).not.toMatchObject([ { type: TOKEN_TYPE_ITERATION }, ]); }); }); describe('when epics are not available', () => { beforeEach(() => { wrapper = mountComponent({ provide: { groupEpicsPath: '', }, }); }); it('does not render Epic token', () => { expect(findIssuableList().props('searchTokens')).not.toMatchObject([ { type: TOKEN_TYPE_EPIC }, ]); }); }); describe('when weights are not available', () => { beforeEach(() => { wrapper = mountComponent({ provide: { groupEpicsPath: '', }, }); }); it('does not render Weight token', () => { expect(findIssuableList().props('searchTokens')).not.toMatchObject([ { type: TOKEN_TYPE_WEIGHT }, ]); }); }); describe('when all tokens are available', () => { const originalGon = window.gon; beforeEach(() => { window.gon = { ...originalGon, current_user_id:, current_user_fullname:, current_username: mockCurrentUser.username, current_user_avatar_url: mockCurrentUser.avatar_url, }; wrapper = mountComponent({ provide: { isSignedIn: true, projectIterationsPath: 'project/iterations/path', groupEpicsPath: 'group/epics/path', hasIssueWeightsFeature: true, }, }); }); it('renders all tokens', () => { expect(findIssuableList().props('searchTokens')).toMatchObject([ { type: TOKEN_TYPE_AUTHOR, preloadedAuthors: [mockCurrentUser] }, { type: TOKEN_TYPE_ASSIGNEE, preloadedAuthors: [mockCurrentUser] }, { type: TOKEN_TYPE_MILESTONE }, { type: TOKEN_TYPE_LABEL }, { type: TOKEN_TYPE_MY_REACTION }, { type: TOKEN_TYPE_CONFIDENTIAL }, { type: TOKEN_TYPE_ITERATION }, { type: TOKEN_TYPE_EPIC }, { type: TOKEN_TYPE_WEIGHT }, ]); }); }); }); describe('events', () => { describe('when "click-tab" event is emitted by IssuableList', () => { beforeEach(() => { axiosMock.onGet(defaultProvide.endpoint).reply(200,, { 'x-page': 2, 'x-total': xTotal, }); wrapper = mountComponent(); findIssuableList().vm.$emit('click-tab', IssuableStates.Closed); }); it('makes API call to filter the list by the new state and resets the page to 1', () => { expect(axiosMock.history.get[1].params).toMatchObject({ page: 1, state: IssuableStates.Closed, }); }); }); describe('when "page-change" event is emitted by IssuableList', () => { const data = [{ id: 10, title: 'title', state }]; const page = 2; const totalItems = 21; beforeEach(async () => { axiosMock.onGet(defaultProvide.endpoint).reply(200, data, { 'x-page': page, 'x-total': totalItems, }); wrapper = mountComponent(); findIssuableList().vm.$emit('page-change', page); await waitForPromises(); }); it('fetches issues with expected params', () => { expect(axiosMock.history.get[1].params).toMatchObject({ page, per_page: PAGE_SIZE, state, with_labels_details: true, }); }); it('updates IssuableList with response data', () => { expect(findIssuableList().props()).toMatchObject({ issuables: data, totalItems, currentPage: page, previousPage: page - 1, nextPage: page + 1, urlParams: { page, state }, }); }); }); describe('when "reorder" event is emitted by IssuableList', () => { const issueOne = { id: 1, iid: 101, title: 'Issue one' }; const issueTwo = { id: 2, iid: 102, title: 'Issue two' }; const issueThree = { id: 3, iid: 103, title: 'Issue three' }; const issueFour = { id: 4, iid: 104, title: 'Issue four' }; const issues = [issueOne, issueTwo, issueThree, issueFour]; beforeEach(async () => { axiosMock.onGet(defaultProvide.endpoint).reply(200, issues, fetchIssuesResponse.headers); wrapper = mountComponent(); await waitForPromises(); }); describe('when successful', () => { describe.each` description | issueToMove | oldIndex | newIndex | moveBeforeId | moveAfterId ${'to the beginning of the list'} | ${issueThree} | ${2} | ${0} | ${null} | ${} ${'down the list'} | ${issueOne} | ${0} | ${1} | ${} | ${} ${'up the list'} | ${issueThree} | ${2} | ${1} | ${} | ${} ${'to the end of the list'} | ${issueTwo} | ${1} | ${3} | ${} | ${null} `( 'when moving issue $description', ({ issueToMove, oldIndex, newIndex, moveBeforeId, moveAfterId }) => { it('makes API call to reorder the issue', async () => { findIssuableList().vm.$emit('reorder', { oldIndex, newIndex }); await waitForPromises(); expect(axiosMock.history.put[0]).toMatchObject({ url: `${defaultProvide.issuesPath}/${issueToMove.iid}/reorder`, data: JSON.stringify({ move_before_id: moveBeforeId, move_after_id: moveAfterId }), }); }); }, ); }); describe('when unsuccessful', () => { it('displays an error message', async () => { axiosMock.onPut(`${defaultProvide.issuesPath}/${issueOne.iid}/reorder`).reply(500); findIssuableList().vm.$emit('reorder', { oldIndex: 0, newIndex: 1 }); await waitForPromises(); expect(createFlash).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ message: IssuesListApp.i18n.reorderError }); }); }); }); describe('when "sort" event is emitted by IssuableList', () => { it.each(Object.keys(apiSortParams))( 'fetches issues with correct params with payload `%s`', async (sortKey) => { wrapper = mountComponent(); findIssuableList().vm.$emit('sort', sortKey); await waitForPromises(); expect(axiosMock.history.get[1].params).toEqual({ page: xPage, per_page: sortKey === RELATIVE_POSITION_DESC ? PAGE_SIZE_MANUAL : PAGE_SIZE, state, with_labels_details: true, ...apiSortParams[sortKey], }); }, ); }); describe('when "update-legacy-bulk-edit" event is emitted by IssuableList', () => { beforeEach(() => { wrapper = mountComponent(); jest.spyOn(eventHub, '$emit'); }); it('emits an "issuables:updateBulkEdit" event to the legacy bulk edit class', async () => { findIssuableList().vm.$emit('update-legacy-bulk-edit'); await waitForPromises(); expect(eventHub.$emit).toHaveBeenCalledWith('issuables:updateBulkEdit'); }); }); describe('when "filter" event is emitted by IssuableList', () => { beforeEach(() => { wrapper = mountComponent(); findIssuableList().vm.$emit('filter', filteredTokens); }); it('makes an API call to search for issues with the search term', () => { expect(axiosMock.history.get[1].params).toMatchObject(apiParams); }); it('updates IssuableList with url params', () => { expect(findIssuableList().props('urlParams')).toMatchObject(urlParams); }); }); }); });