import getJiraImportDetailsQuery from '~/jira_import/queries/get_jira_import_details.query.graphql'; import { IMPORT_STATE } from '~/jira_import/utils/jira_import_utils'; export const fullPath = 'gitlab-org/gitlab-test'; export const queryDetails = { query: getJiraImportDetailsQuery, variables: { fullPath, }, }; export const jiraImportDetailsQueryResponse = { project: { jiraImportStatus: IMPORT_STATE.NONE, jiraImports: { nodes: [ { jiraProjectKey: 'MJP', scheduledAt: '2020-01-01T12:34:56Z', scheduledBy: { name: 'Jane Doe', __typename: 'User', }, __typename: 'JiraImport', }, ], __typename: 'JiraImportConnection', }, services: { nodes: [ { projects: { nodes: [ { key: 'MJP', name: 'My Jira Project', __typename: 'JiraProject', }, { key: 'MTG', name: 'Migrate To GitLab', __typename: 'JiraProject', }, ], __typename: 'JiraProjectConnection', }, __typename: 'JiraService', }, ], __typename: 'ServiceConnection', }, __typename: 'Project', }, }; export const jiraImportMutationResponse = { jiraImportStart: { clientMutationId: null, jiraImport: { jiraProjectKey: 'MTG', scheduledAt: '2020-02-02T20:20:20Z', scheduledBy: { name: 'John Doe', __typename: 'User', }, __typename: 'JiraImport', }, errors: [], __typename: 'JiraImportStartPayload', }, }; export const issuesPath = 'gitlab-org/gitlab-test/-/issues'; export const jiraIntegrationPath = 'gitlab-org/gitlab-test/-/services/jira/edit'; export const illustration = 'illustration.svg'; export const jiraProjects = [ { text: 'My Jira Project (MJP)', value: 'MJP' }, { text: 'My Second Jira Project (MSJP)', value: 'MSJP' }, { text: 'Migrate to GitLab (MTG)', value: 'MTG' }, ]; export const imports = [ { jiraProjectKey: 'MTG', scheduledAt: '2020-04-08T10:11:12+00:00', scheduledBy: { name: 'John Doe', }, }, { jiraProjectKey: 'MSJP', scheduledAt: '2020-04-09T13:14:15+00:00', scheduledBy: { name: 'Jimmy Doe', }, }, { jiraProjectKey: 'MTG', scheduledAt: '2020-04-09T16:17:18+00:00', scheduledBy: { name: 'Jane Doe', }, }, ]; export const userMappings = [ { jiraAccountId: 'aei23f98f-q23fj98qfj', jiraDisplayName: 'Jane Doe', jiraEmail: '', gitlabId: 15, gitlabUsername: 'janedoe', }, { jiraAccountId: 'fu39y8t34w-rq3u289t3h4i', jiraDisplayName: 'Fred Chopin', jiraEmail: '', gitlabId: undefined, gitlabUsername: undefined, }, ];