import { shallowMountExtended } from 'helpers/vue_test_utils_helper'; import JobsSidebarRetryButton from '~/jobs/components/job_sidebar_retry_button.vue'; import createStore from '~/jobs/store'; import job from '../mock_data'; describe('Job Sidebar Retry Button', () => { let store; let wrapper; const forwardDeploymentFailure = 'forward_deployment_failure'; const findRetryButton = () => wrapper.findByTestId('retry-job-button'); const findRetryLink = () => wrapper.findByTestId('retry-job-link'); const createWrapper = ({ props = {} } = {}) => { store = createStore(); wrapper = shallowMountExtended(JobsSidebarRetryButton, { propsData: { href: job.retry_path, modalId: 'modal-id', ...props, }, store, }); }; afterEach(() => { if (wrapper) { wrapper.destroy(); } }); beforeEach(createWrapper); it.each([ [null, false, true], ['unmet_prerequisites', false, true], [forwardDeploymentFailure, true, false], ])( 'when error is: %s, should render button: %s | should render link: %s', async (failureReason, buttonExists, linkExists) => { await store.dispatch('receiveJobSuccess', { ...job, failure_reason: failureReason }); expect(findRetryButton().exists()).toBe(buttonExists); expect(findRetryLink().exists()).toBe(linkExists); }, ); describe('Button', () => { it('should have the correct configuration', async () => { await store.dispatch('receiveJobSuccess', { failure_reason: forwardDeploymentFailure }); expect(findRetryButton().attributes()).toMatchObject({ category: 'primary', variant: 'confirm', icon: 'retry', }); }); }); describe('Link', () => { it('should have the correct configuration', () => { expect(findRetryLink().attributes()).toMatchObject({ 'data-method': 'post', href: job.retry_path, icon: 'retry', }); }); }); });