import capitalize from 'lodash/capitalize'; export const packageTags = () => [ { id: 'gid://gitlab/Packages::Tag/87', name: 'bananas_9', __typename: 'PackageTag' }, { id: 'gid://gitlab/Packages::Tag/86', name: 'bananas_8', __typename: 'PackageTag' }, { id: 'gid://gitlab/Packages::Tag/85', name: 'bananas_7', __typename: 'PackageTag' }, ]; export const packagePipelines = (extend) => [ { commitPath: '/namespace14/project14/-/commit/b83d6e391c22777fca1ed3012fce84f633d7fed0', createdAt: '2020-08-17T14:23:32Z', id: 'gid://gitlab/Ci::Pipeline/36', path: '/namespace14/project14/-/pipelines/36', name: 'project14', ref: 'master', sha: 'b83d6e391c22777fca1ed3012fce84f633d7fed0', project: { id: '1', name: 'project14', webUrl: 'http://gdk.test:3000/namespace14/project14', __typename: 'Project', }, user: { id: 'user-1', name: 'Administrator', }, ...extend, __typename: 'Pipeline', }, ]; export const packageFiles = () => [ { id: 'gid://gitlab/Packages::PackageFile/118', fileMd5: 'fileMd5', fileName: 'foo-1.0.1.tgz', fileSha1: 'be93151dc23ac34a82752444556fe79b32c7a1ad', fileSha256: 'fileSha256', size: '409600', createdAt: '2020-08-17T14:23:32Z', downloadPath: 'downloadPath', __typename: 'PackageFile', }, { id: 'gid://gitlab/Packages::PackageFile/119', fileMd5: null, fileName: 'foo-1.0.2.tgz', fileSha1: 'be93151dc23ac34a82752444556fe79b32c7a1ss', fileSha256: null, size: '409600', createdAt: '2020-08-17T14:23:32Z', downloadPath: 'downloadPath', __typename: 'PackageFile', }, ]; export const dependencyLinks = () => [ { dependencyType: 'DEPENDENCIES', id: 'gid://gitlab/Packages::DependencyLink/77', __typename: 'PackageDependencyLink', dependency: { id: 'gid://gitlab/Packages::Dependency/3', name: 'Ninject.Extensions.Factory', versionPattern: '3.3.2', __typename: 'PackageDependency', }, metadata: { id: 'gid://gitlab/Packages::Nuget::DependencyLinkMetadatum/77', targetFramework: '.NETCoreApp3.1', __typename: 'NugetDependencyLinkMetadata', }, }, { dependencyType: 'DEPENDENCIES', id: 'gid://gitlab/Packages::DependencyLink/78', __typename: 'PackageDependencyLink', dependency: { id: 'gid://gitlab/Packages::Dependency/4', name: 'Ninject.Extensions.Factory', versionPattern: '3.3.2', __typename: 'PackageDependency', }, metadata: { id: 'gid://gitlab/Packages::Nuget::DependencyLinkMetadatum/78', targetFramework: '.NETCoreApp3.1', __typename: 'NugetDependencyLinkMetadata', }, }, ]; export const packageProject = () => ({ id: '1', fullPath: 'gitlab-org/gitlab-test', webUrl: 'http://gdk.test:3000/gitlab-org/gitlab-test', __typename: 'Project', }); export const packageVersions = () => [ { createdAt: '2021-08-10T09:33:54Z', id: 'gid://gitlab/Packages::Package/243', name: '@gitlab-org/package-15', status: 'DEFAULT', tags: { nodes: packageTags() }, version: '1.0.1', __typename: 'Package', }, { createdAt: '2021-08-10T09:33:54Z', id: 'gid://gitlab/Packages::Package/244', name: '@gitlab-org/package-15', status: 'DEFAULT', tags: { nodes: packageTags() }, version: '1.0.2', __typename: 'Package', }, ]; export const packageData = (extend) => ({ __typename: 'Package', id: 'gid://gitlab/Packages::Package/111', canDestroy: true, name: '@gitlab-org/package-15', packageType: 'NPM', version: '1.0.0', createdAt: '2020-08-17T14:23:32Z', updatedAt: '2020-08-17T14:23:32Z', status: 'DEFAULT', mavenUrl: 'http://gdk.test:3000/api/v4/projects/1/packages/maven', npmUrl: 'http://gdk.test:3000/api/v4/projects/1/packages/npm', nugetUrl: 'http://gdk.test:3000/api/v4/projects/1/packages/nuget/index.json', composerConfigRepositoryUrl: 'gdk.test/22', composerUrl: 'http://gdk.test:3000/api/v4/group/22/-/packages/composer/packages.json', conanUrl: 'http://gdk.test:3000/api/v4/projects/1/packages/conan', pypiUrl: 'http://__token__:@gdk.test:3000/api/v4/projects/1/packages/pypi/simple', pypiSetupUrl: 'http://gdk.test:3000/api/v4/projects/1/packages/pypi', ...extend, }); export const conanMetadata = () => ({ id: 'conan-1', packageChannel: 'stable', packageUsername: 'gitlab-org+gitlab-test', recipe: 'package-8/1.0.0@gitlab-org+gitlab-test/stable', recipePath: 'package-8/1.0.0/gitlab-org+gitlab-test/stable', }); export const composerMetadata = () => ({ targetSha: 'b83d6e391c22777fca1ed3012fce84f633d7fed0', composerJson: { license: 'MIT', version: '1.0.0', }, }); export const pypiMetadata = () => ({ requiredPython: '1.0.0', }); export const mavenMetadata = () => ({ appName: 'appName', appGroup: 'appGroup', appVersion: 'appVersion', path: 'path', }); export const nugetMetadata = () => ({ iconUrl: 'iconUrl', licenseUrl: 'licenseUrl', projectUrl: 'projectUrl', }); export const pagination = (extend) => ({ endCursor: 'eyJpZCI6IjIwNSIsIm5hbWUiOiJteS9jb21wYW55L2FwcC9teS1hcHAifQ', hasNextPage: true, hasPreviousPage: true, startCursor: 'eyJpZCI6IjI0NyIsIm5hbWUiOiJ2ZXJzaW9uX3Rlc3QxIn0', __typename: 'PageInfo', ...extend, }); export const packageDetailsQuery = (extendPackage) => ({ data: { package: { ...packageData(), metadata: { ...conanMetadata(), ...composerMetadata(), ...pypiMetadata(), ...mavenMetadata(), ...nugetMetadata(), }, project: { id: '1', path: 'projectPath', name: 'gitlab-test', }, tags: { nodes: packageTags(), __typename: 'PackageTagConnection', }, pipelines: { nodes: packagePipelines(), __typename: 'PipelineConnection', }, packageFiles: { nodes: packageFiles(), __typename: 'PackageFileConnection', }, versions: { nodes: packageVersions(), __typename: 'PackageConnection', }, dependencyLinks: { nodes: dependencyLinks(), }, __typename: 'PackageDetailsType', ...extendPackage, }, }, }); export const emptyPackageDetailsQuery = () => ({ data: { package: { __typename: 'PackageDetailsType', }, }, }); export const packageDestroyMutation = () => ({ data: { destroyPackage: { errors: [], }, }, }); export const packageDestroyMutationError = () => ({ data: { destroyPackage: null, }, errors: [ { message: "The resource that you are attempting to access does not exist or you don't have permission to perform this action", locations: [ { line: 2, column: 3, }, ], path: ['destroyPackage'], }, ], }); export const packageDestroyFileMutation = () => ({ data: { destroyPackageFile: { errors: [], }, }, }); export const packageDestroyFileMutationError = () => ({ data: { destroyPackageFile: null, }, errors: [ { message: "The resource that you are attempting to access does not exist or you don't have permission to perform this action", locations: [ { line: 2, column: 3, }, ], path: ['destroyPackageFile'], }, ], }); export const packagesListQuery = ({ type = 'group', extend = {}, extendPagination = {} } = {}) => ({ data: { [type]: { id: '1', packages: { count: 2, nodes: [ { ...packageData(), project: packageProject(), tags: { nodes: packageTags() }, pipelines: { nodes: packagePipelines(), }, }, { ...packageData(), project: packageProject(), tags: { nodes: [] }, pipelines: { nodes: [] }, }, ], pageInfo: pagination(extendPagination), __typename: 'PackageConnection', }, ...extend, __typename: capitalize(type), }, }, });