import { GlDropdown, GlDropdownItem, GlSearchBoxByType } from '@gitlab/ui'; import { shallowMount } from '@vue/test-utils'; import MockAdapter from 'axios-mock-adapter'; import waitForPromises from 'helpers/wait_for_promises'; import axios from '~/lib/utils/axios_utils'; import httpStatusCodes from '~/lib/utils/http_status'; import RefsDropdown from '~/pipeline_new/components/refs_dropdown.vue'; import { mockRefs, mockFilteredRefs } from '../mock_data'; const projectRefsEndpoint = '/root/project/refs'; const refShortName = 'main'; const refFullName = 'refs/heads/main'; jest.mock('~/flash'); describe('Pipeline New Form', () => { let wrapper; let mock; const findDropdown = () => wrapper.find(GlDropdown); const findRefsDropdownItems = () => wrapper.findAll(GlDropdownItem); const findSearchBox = () => wrapper.findComponent(GlSearchBoxByType); const createComponent = (props = {}, mountFn = shallowMount) => { wrapper = mountFn(RefsDropdown, { provide: { projectRefsEndpoint, }, propsData: { value: { shortName: refShortName, fullName: refFullName, }, ...props, }, }); }; beforeEach(() => { mock = new MockAdapter(axios); mock.onGet(projectRefsEndpoint, { params: { search: '' } }).reply(httpStatusCodes.OK, mockRefs); }); afterEach(() => { wrapper.destroy(); wrapper = null; mock.restore(); }); beforeEach(() => { createComponent(); }); it('displays empty dropdown initially', async () => { await findDropdown().vm.$emit('show'); expect(findRefsDropdownItems()).toHaveLength(0); }); it('does not make requests immediately', async () => { expect(mock.history.get).toHaveLength(0); }); describe('when user opens dropdown', () => { beforeEach(async () => { await findDropdown().vm.$emit('show'); await waitForPromises(); }); it('requests unfiltered tags and branches', async () => { expect(mock.history.get).toHaveLength(1); expect(mock.history.get[0].url).toBe(projectRefsEndpoint); expect(mock.history.get[0].params).toEqual({ search: '' }); }); it('displays dropdown with branches and tags', async () => { const refLength = mockRefs.Tags.length + mockRefs.Branches.length; expect(findRefsDropdownItems()).toHaveLength(refLength); }); it('displays the names of refs', () => { // Branches expect(findRefsDropdownItems().at(0).text()).toBe(mockRefs.Branches[0]); // Tags (appear after branches) const firstTag = mockRefs.Branches.length; expect(findRefsDropdownItems().at(firstTag).text()).toBe(mockRefs.Tags[0]); }); it('when user shows dropdown a second time, only one request is done', () => { expect(mock.history.get).toHaveLength(1); }); describe('when user selects a value', () => { const selectedIndex = 1; beforeEach(async () => { await findRefsDropdownItems().at(selectedIndex).vm.$emit('click'); }); it('component emits @input', () => { const inputs = wrapper.emitted('input'); expect(inputs).toHaveLength(1); expect(inputs[0]).toEqual([{ shortName: 'branch-1', fullName: 'refs/heads/branch-1' }]); }); }); describe('when user types searches for a tag', () => { const mockSearchTerm = 'my-search'; beforeEach(async () => { mock .onGet(projectRefsEndpoint, { params: { search: mockSearchTerm } }) .reply(httpStatusCodes.OK, mockFilteredRefs); await findSearchBox().vm.$emit('input', mockSearchTerm); await waitForPromises(); }); it('requests filtered tags and branches', async () => { expect(mock.history.get).toHaveLength(2); expect(mock.history.get[1].params).toEqual({ search: mockSearchTerm, }); }); it('displays dropdown with branches and tags', async () => { const filteredRefLength = mockFilteredRefs.Tags.length + mockFilteredRefs.Branches.length; expect(findRefsDropdownItems()).toHaveLength(filteredRefLength); }); }); }); describe('when user has selected a value', () => { const selectedIndex = 1; const mockShortName = mockRefs.Branches[selectedIndex]; const mockFullName = `refs/heads/${mockShortName}`; beforeEach(async () => { mock .onGet(projectRefsEndpoint, { params: { ref: mockFullName }, }) .reply(httpStatusCodes.OK, mockRefs); createComponent({ value: { shortName: mockShortName, fullName: mockFullName, }, }); await findDropdown().vm.$emit('show'); await waitForPromises(); }); it('branch is checked', () => { expect(findRefsDropdownItems().at(selectedIndex).props('isChecked')).toBe(true); }); }); describe('when server returns an error', () => { beforeEach(async () => { mock .onGet(projectRefsEndpoint, { params: { search: '' } }) .reply(httpStatusCodes.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR); await findDropdown().vm.$emit('show'); await waitForPromises(); }); it('loading error event is emitted', () => { expect(wrapper.emitted('loadingError')).toHaveLength(1); expect(wrapper.emitted('loadingError')[0]).toEqual([expect.any(Error)]); }); }); });