import testReports from 'test_fixtures/pipelines/test_report.json'; import * as types from '~/pipelines/stores/test_reports/mutation_types'; import mutations from '~/pipelines/stores/test_reports/mutations'; import createFlash from '~/flash'; jest.mock('~/flash.js'); describe('Mutations TestReports Store', () => { let mockState; const defaultState = { endpoint: '', testReports: {}, selectedSuite: null, isLoading: false, pageInfo: { page: 1, perPage: 2, }, }; beforeEach(() => { mockState = { ...defaultState }; }); describe('set page', () => { it('should set the current page to display', () => { const pageToDisplay = 3; mutations[types.SET_PAGE](mockState, pageToDisplay); expect(; }); }); describe('set suite', () => { it('should set the suite at the given index', () => { mockState.testReports = testReports; const suite = { name: 'test_suite' }; const index = 0; const expectedState = { ...mockState }; expectedState.testReports.test_suites[index] = { suite, hasFullSuite: true }; mutations[types.SET_SUITE](mockState, { suite, index }); expect(mockState.testReports.test_suites[index]).toEqual( expectedState.testReports.test_suites[index], ); }); }); describe('set suite error', () => { it('should set the error message in state if provided', () => { const message = 'Test report artifacts have expired'; mutations[types.SET_SUITE_ERROR](mockState, { response: { data: { errors: message } }, }); expect(mockState.errorMessage).toBe(message); }); it('should show a flash message otherwise', () => { mutations[types.SET_SUITE_ERROR](mockState, {}); expect(createFlash).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); }); describe('set selected suite index', () => { it('should set selectedSuiteIndex', () => { const selectedSuiteIndex = 0; mutations[types.SET_SELECTED_SUITE_INDEX](mockState, selectedSuiteIndex); expect(mockState.selectedSuiteIndex).toEqual(selectedSuiteIndex); }); }); describe('set summary', () => { it('should set summary', () => { const summary = { total: { time: 0, count: 10, success: 1, failed: 2, skipped: 3, error: 4 }, }; const expectedSummary = { ...summary, total_time: 0, total_count: 10, success_count: 1, failed_count: 2, skipped_count: 3, error_count: 4, }; mutations[types.SET_SUMMARY](mockState, summary); expect(mockState.testReports).toEqual(expectedSummary); }); }); describe('toggle loading', () => { it('should set to true', () => { const expectedState = { ...mockState, isLoading: true }; mutations[types.TOGGLE_LOADING](mockState); expect(mockState.isLoading).toEqual(expectedState.isLoading); }); it('should toggle back to false', () => { const expectedState = { ...mockState, isLoading: false }; mockState.isLoading = true; mutations[types.TOGGLE_LOADING](mockState); expect(mockState.isLoading).toEqual(expectedState.isLoading); }); }); });