import * as getters from '~/releases/stores/modules/edit_new/getters'; describe('Release edit/new getters', () => { describe('isExistingRelease', () => { it('returns true if the release is an existing release that already exists in the database', () => { const state = { tagName: 'test-tag-name' }; expect(getters.isExistingRelease(state)).toBe(true); }); it('returns false if the release is a new release that has not yet been saved to the database', () => { const state = { tagName: null }; expect(getters.isExistingRelease(state)).toBe(false); }); }); describe('releaseLinksToCreate', () => { it("returns an empty array if state.release doesn't exist", () => { const state = {}; expect(getters.releaseLinksToCreate(state)).toEqual([]); }); it("returns all release links that aren't empty", () => { const emptyLinks = [ { url: '', name: '' }, { url: ' ', name: '' }, { url: ' ', name: ' ' }, { url: '\r\n', name: '\t' }, ]; const nonEmptyLinks = [ { url: '', name: 'Example 1' }, { url: '', name: 'Example 2' }, { url: '', name: '' }, ]; const state = { release: { assets: { links: [...emptyLinks, ...nonEmptyLinks], }, }, }; expect(getters.releaseLinksToCreate(state)).toEqual(nonEmptyLinks); }); }); describe('releaseLinksToDelete', () => { it("returns an empty array if state.originalRelease doesn't exist", () => { const state = {}; expect(getters.releaseLinksToDelete(state)).toEqual([]); }); it('returns all links associated with the original release', () => { const originalLinks = [ { url: '', name: 'Example 1' }, { url: '', name: 'Example 2' }, ]; const state = { originalRelease: { assets: { links: originalLinks, }, }, }; expect(getters.releaseLinksToDelete(state)).toEqual(originalLinks); }); }); describe('validationErrors', () => { describe('when the form is valid', () => { it('returns no validation errors', () => { const state = { release: { tagName: 'test-tag-name', assets: { links: [ { id: 1, url: '', name: 'Link 1' }, { id: 2, url: '', name: '' }, { id: 3, url: '', name: ' ' }, { id: 4, url: ' ', name: '' }, { id: 5, url: ' ', name: ' ' }, ], }, }, }; const expectedErrors = { assets: { links: { 1: {}, 2: {}, 3: {}, 4: {}, 5: {}, }, }, }; expect(getters.validationErrors(state)).toEqual(expectedErrors); }); }); describe('when the form is invalid', () => { let actualErrors; beforeEach(() => { const state = { release: { // empty tag name tagName: '', assets: { links: [ // Duplicate URLs { id: 1, url: '', name: 'Link 1' }, { id: 2, url: '', name: 'Link 2' }, // the validation check ignores leading/trailing // whitespace and is case-insensitive { id: 3, url: ' \tHTTPS://EXAMPLE.COM/DUPLICATE\n\r\n ', name: 'Link 3' }, // Invalid URL format { id: 4, url: 'invalid', name: 'Link 4' }, // Missing URL { id: 5, url: '', name: 'Link 5' }, { id: 6, url: ' ', name: 'Link 6' }, // Missing title { id: 7, url: '', name: '' }, { id: 8, url: '', name: ' ' }, // Duplicate title { id: 9, url: '', name: 'Link 7' }, { id: 10, url: '', name: 'Link 7' }, // title validation ignores leading/trailing whitespace { id: 11, url: '', name: ' Link 7\t ' }, { id: 12, url: '', name: ' Link 7\n\r\n ' }, ], }, }, }; actualErrors = getters.validationErrors(state); }); it('returns a validation error if the tag name is empty', () => { const expectedErrors = { isTagNameEmpty: true, }; expect(actualErrors).toMatchObject(expectedErrors); }); it('returns a validation error if links share a URL', () => { const expectedErrors = { assets: { links: { 1: { isDuplicate: true }, 2: { isDuplicate: true }, 3: { isDuplicate: true }, }, }, }; expect(actualErrors).toMatchObject(expectedErrors); }); it('returns a validation error if the URL is in the wrong format', () => { const expectedErrors = { assets: { links: { 4: { isBadFormat: true }, }, }, }; expect(actualErrors).toMatchObject(expectedErrors); }); it('returns a validation error if the URL missing (and the title is populated)', () => { const expectedErrors = { assets: { links: { 6: { isUrlEmpty: true }, 5: { isUrlEmpty: true }, }, }, }; expect(actualErrors).toMatchObject(expectedErrors); }); it('returns a validation error if the title missing (and the URL is populated)', () => { const expectedErrors = { assets: { links: { 7: { isNameEmpty: true }, 8: { isNameEmpty: true }, }, }, }; expect(actualErrors).toMatchObject(expectedErrors); }); it('returns a validation error if links share a title', () => { const expectedErrors = { assets: { links: { 9: { isTitleDuplicate: true }, 10: { isTitleDuplicate: true }, 11: { isTitleDuplicate: true }, 12: { isTitleDuplicate: true }, }, }, }; expect(actualErrors).toMatchObject(expectedErrors); }); }); }); describe('isValid', () => { // the value of state is not actually used by this getter const state = {}; describe('when the form is valid', () => { it('returns true', () => { const mockGetters = { validationErrors: { assets: { links: { 1: {}, }, }, }, }; expect(getters.isValid(state, mockGetters)).toBe(true); }); }); describe('when an asset link contains a validation error', () => { it('returns false', () => { const mockGetters = { validationErrors: { assets: { links: { 1: { isNameEmpty: true }, }, }, }, }; expect(getters.isValid(state, mockGetters)).toBe(false); }); }); describe('when the tag name is empty', () => { it('returns false', () => { const mockGetters = { validationErrors: { isTagNameEmpty: true, assets: { links: { 1: {}, }, }, }, }; expect(getters.isValid(state, mockGetters)).toBe(false); }); }); }); describe.each([ [ 'returns all the data needed for the releaseUpdate GraphQL query', { projectPath: 'projectPath', release: { tagName: 'release.tagName', name: '', description: 'release.description', milestones: ['release.milestone[0].title'], }, }, { projectPath: 'projectPath', tagName: 'release.tagName', name: '', description: 'release.description', milestones: ['release.milestone[0].title'], }, ], [ 'trims whitespace from the release name', { release: { name: ' name \t\n' } }, { name: 'name' }, ], [ 'returns the name as null if the name is nothing but whitespace', { release: { name: ' \t\n' } }, { name: null }, ], ['returns the name as null if the name is undefined', { release: {} }, { name: null }], [ 'returns just the milestone titles even if the release includes full milestone objects', { release: { milestones: [{ title: 'release.milestone[0].title' }] } }, { milestones: ['release.milestone[0].title'] }, ], ])('releaseUpdateMutatationVariables', (description, state, expectedVariables) => { it(description, () => { const expectedVariablesObject = { input: expect.objectContaining(expectedVariables) }; const actualVariables = getters.releaseUpdateMutatationVariables(state); expect(actualVariables).toEqual(expectedVariablesObject); }); }); describe('releaseCreateMutatationVariables', () => { it('returns all the data needed for the releaseCreate GraphQL query', () => { const state = { createFrom: 'main', }; const otherGetters = { releaseUpdateMutatationVariables: { input: { name: '', }, }, releaseLinksToCreate: [ { name: '', url: 'link.url', linkType: 'link.linkType', }, ], }; const expectedVariables = { input: { name: '', ref: 'main', assets: { links: [ { name: '', url: 'link.url', linkType: 'LINK.LINKTYPE', }, ], }, }, }; const actualVariables = getters.releaseCreateMutatationVariables(state, otherGetters); expect(actualVariables).toEqual(expectedVariables); }); }); });