import { cloneDeep } from 'lodash'; import testAction from 'helpers/vuex_action_helper'; import { getJSONFixture } from 'helpers/fixtures'; import { fetchReleases, fetchReleasesGraphQl, fetchReleasesRest, receiveReleasesError, } from '~/releases/stores/modules/list/actions'; import createState from '~/releases/stores/modules/list/state'; import * as types from '~/releases/stores/modules/list/mutation_types'; import api from '~/api'; import { gqClient, convertGraphQLResponse } from '~/releases/util'; import { normalizeHeaders, parseIntPagination, convertObjectPropsToCamelCase, } from '~/lib/utils/common_utils'; import { pageInfoHeadersWithoutPagination } from '../../../mock_data'; import allReleasesQuery from '~/releases/queries/all_releases.query.graphql'; import { PAGE_SIZE } from '~/releases/constants'; const originalRelease = getJSONFixture('api/releases/release.json'); const originalReleases = [originalRelease]; const originalGraphqlReleasesResponse = getJSONFixture( 'graphql/releases/queries/all_releases.query.graphql.json', ); describe('Releases State actions', () => { let mockedState; let releases; let graphqlReleasesResponse; const projectPath = 'root/test-project'; const projectId = 19; const before = 'testBeforeCursor'; const after = 'testAfterCursor'; const page = 2; beforeEach(() => { mockedState = { ...createState({ projectId, projectPath, }), }; releases = convertObjectPropsToCamelCase(originalReleases, { deep: true }); graphqlReleasesResponse = cloneDeep(originalGraphqlReleasesResponse); }); describe('when all the necessary GraphQL feature flags are enabled', () => { beforeEach(() => { mockedState.useGraphQLEndpoint = true; }); describe('fetchReleases', () => { it('dispatches fetchReleasesGraphQl with before and after parameters', () => { return testAction( fetchReleases, { before, after, page }, mockedState, [], [ { type: 'fetchReleasesGraphQl', payload: { before, after }, }, ], ); }); }); }); describe('when at least one of the GraphQL feature flags is disabled', () => { beforeEach(() => { mockedState.useGraphQLEndpoint = false; }); describe('fetchReleases', () => { it('dispatches fetchReleasesRest with a page parameter', () => { return testAction( fetchReleases, { before, after, page }, mockedState, [], [ { type: 'fetchReleasesRest', payload: { page }, }, ], ); }); }); }); describe('fetchReleasesGraphQl', () => { describe('GraphQL query variables', () => { let vuexParams; beforeEach(() => { jest.spyOn(gqClient, 'query'); vuexParams = { dispatch: jest.fn(), commit: jest.fn(), state: mockedState }; }); describe('when neither a before nor an after parameter is provided', () => { beforeEach(() => { fetchReleasesGraphQl(vuexParams, { before: undefined, after: undefined }); }); it('makes a GraphQl query with a first variable', () => { expect(gqClient.query).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ query: allReleasesQuery, variables: { fullPath: projectPath, first: PAGE_SIZE }, }); }); }); describe('when only a before parameter is provided', () => { beforeEach(() => { fetchReleasesGraphQl(vuexParams, { before, after: undefined }); }); it('makes a GraphQl query with last and before variables', () => { expect(gqClient.query).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ query: allReleasesQuery, variables: { fullPath: projectPath, last: PAGE_SIZE, before }, }); }); }); describe('when only an after parameter is provided', () => { beforeEach(() => { fetchReleasesGraphQl(vuexParams, { before: undefined, after }); }); it('makes a GraphQl query with first and after variables', () => { expect(gqClient.query).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ query: allReleasesQuery, variables: { fullPath: projectPath, first: PAGE_SIZE, after }, }); }); }); describe('when both before and after parameters are provided', () => { it('throws an error', () => { const callFetchReleasesGraphQl = () => { fetchReleasesGraphQl(vuexParams, { before, after }); }; expect(callFetchReleasesGraphQl).toThrowError( 'Both a `before` and an `after` parameter were provided to fetchReleasesGraphQl. These parameters cannot be used together.', ); }); }); }); describe('when the request is successful', () => { beforeEach(() => { jest.spyOn(gqClient, 'query').mockResolvedValue(graphqlReleasesResponse); }); it(`commits ${types.REQUEST_RELEASES} and ${types.RECEIVE_RELEASES_SUCCESS}`, () => { const convertedResponse = convertGraphQLResponse(graphqlReleasesResponse); return testAction( fetchReleasesGraphQl, {}, mockedState, [ { type: types.REQUEST_RELEASES, }, { type: types.RECEIVE_RELEASES_SUCCESS, payload: { data:, graphQlPageInfo: convertedResponse.paginationInfo, }, }, ], [], ); }); }); describe('when the request fails', () => { beforeEach(() => { jest.spyOn(gqClient, 'query').mockRejectedValue(new Error('Something went wrong!')); }); it(`commits ${types.REQUEST_RELEASES} and dispatch receiveReleasesError`, () => { return testAction( fetchReleasesGraphQl, {}, mockedState, [ { type: types.REQUEST_RELEASES, }, ], [ { type: 'receiveReleasesError', }, ], ); }); }); }); describe('fetchReleasesRest', () => { describe('REST query parameters', () => { let vuexParams; beforeEach(() => { jest .spyOn(api, 'releases') .mockResolvedValue({ data: releases, headers: pageInfoHeadersWithoutPagination }); vuexParams = { dispatch: jest.fn(), commit: jest.fn(), state: mockedState }; }); describe('when a page parameter is provided', () => { beforeEach(() => { fetchReleasesRest(vuexParams, { page: 2 }); }); it('makes a REST query with a page query parameter', () => { expect(api.releases).toHaveBeenCalledWith(projectId, { page }); }); }); }); describe('when the request is successful', () => { beforeEach(() => { jest .spyOn(api, 'releases') .mockResolvedValue({ data: releases, headers: pageInfoHeadersWithoutPagination }); }); it(`commits ${types.REQUEST_RELEASES} and ${types.RECEIVE_RELEASES_SUCCESS}`, () => { return testAction( fetchReleasesRest, {}, mockedState, [ { type: types.REQUEST_RELEASES, }, { type: types.RECEIVE_RELEASES_SUCCESS, payload: { data: convertObjectPropsToCamelCase(releases, { deep: true }), restPageInfo: parseIntPagination( normalizeHeaders(pageInfoHeadersWithoutPagination), ), }, }, ], [], ); }); }); describe('when the request fails', () => { beforeEach(() => { jest.spyOn(api, 'releases').mockRejectedValue(new Error('Something went wrong!')); }); it(`commits ${types.REQUEST_RELEASES} and dispatch receiveReleasesError`, () => { return testAction( fetchReleasesRest, {}, mockedState, [ { type: types.REQUEST_RELEASES, }, ], [ { type: 'receiveReleasesError', }, ], ); }); }); }); describe('receiveReleasesError', () => { it('should commit RECEIVE_RELEASES_ERROR mutation', () => { return testAction( receiveReleasesError, null, mockedState, [{ type: types.RECEIVE_RELEASES_ERROR }], [], ); }); }); });