import { GlIcon } from '@gitlab/ui'; import { shallowMount } from '@vue/test-utils'; import { extendedWrapper } from 'helpers/vue_test_utils_helper'; import component from '~/reports/codequality_report/components/codequality_issue_body.vue'; import { STATUS_FAILED, STATUS_NEUTRAL, STATUS_SUCCESS } from '~/reports/constants'; describe('code quality issue body issue body', () => { let wrapper; const findSeverityIcon = () => wrapper.findByTestId('codequality-severity-icon'); const findGlIcon = () => wrapper.find(GlIcon); const codequalityIssue = { name: 'rubygem-rest-client: session fixation vulnerability via Set-Cookie headers in 30x redirection responses', path: 'Gemfile.lock', severity: 'normal', type: 'Issue', urlPath: '/Gemfile.lock#L22', }; const createComponent = (initialStatus, issue = codequalityIssue) => { wrapper = extendedWrapper( shallowMount(component, { propsData: { issue, status: initialStatus, }, }), ); }; afterEach(() => { wrapper.destroy(); wrapper = null; }); describe('severity rating', () => { it.each` severity | iconClass | iconName ${'INFO'} | ${'text-primary-400'} | ${'severity-info'} ${'MINOR'} | ${'text-warning-200'} | ${'severity-low'} ${'CRITICAL'} | ${'text-danger-600'} | ${'severity-high'} ${'BLOCKER'} | ${'text-danger-800'} | ${'severity-critical'} ${'UNKNOWN'} | ${'text-secondary-400'} | ${'severity-unknown'} ${'INVALID'} | ${'text-secondary-400'} | ${'severity-unknown'} ${'info'} | ${'text-primary-400'} | ${'severity-info'} ${'minor'} | ${'text-warning-200'} | ${'severity-low'} ${'major'} | ${'text-warning-400'} | ${'severity-medium'} ${'critical'} | ${'text-danger-600'} | ${'severity-high'} ${'blocker'} | ${'text-danger-800'} | ${'severity-critical'} ${'unknown'} | ${'text-secondary-400'} | ${'severity-unknown'} ${'invalid'} | ${'text-secondary-400'} | ${'severity-unknown'} ${undefined} | ${'text-secondary-400'} | ${'severity-unknown'} `( 'renders correct icon for "$severity" severity rating', ({ severity, iconClass, iconName }) => { createComponent(STATUS_FAILED, { ...codequalityIssue, severity, }); const icon = findGlIcon(); expect(findSeverityIcon().classes()).toContain(iconClass); expect(icon.exists()).toBe(true); expect(icon.props('name')).toBe(iconName); }, ); }); describe('with success', () => { it('renders fixed label', () => { createComponent(STATUS_SUCCESS); expect(wrapper.text()).toContain('Fixed'); }); }); describe('without success', () => { it('does not render fixed label', () => { createComponent(STATUS_FAILED); expect(wrapper.text()).not.toContain('Fixed'); }); }); describe('name', () => { it('renders name', () => { createComponent(STATUS_NEUTRAL); expect(wrapper.text()).toContain(; }); }); describe('path', () => { it('renders the report-link path using the correct code quality issue', () => { createComponent(STATUS_NEUTRAL); expect(wrapper.find('report-link-stub').props('issue')).toBe(codequalityIssue); }); }); });