import { shallowMount } from '@vue/test-utils'; import { GlEmptyState, GlButton } from '@gitlab/ui'; import Success from '~/static_site_editor/pages/success.vue'; import { savedContentMeta, returnUrl, sourcePath } from '../mock_data'; import { HOME_ROUTE } from '~/static_site_editor/router/constants'; describe('static_site_editor/pages/success', () => { const mergeRequestsIllustrationPath = 'illustrations/merge_requests.svg'; let wrapper; let router; const buildRouter = () => { router = { push: jest.fn(), }; }; const buildWrapper = (data = {}) => { wrapper = shallowMount(Success, { mocks: { $router: router, }, stubs: { GlEmptyState, GlButton, }, propsData: { mergeRequestsIllustrationPath, }, data() { return { savedContentMeta, appData: { returnUrl, sourcePath, },, }; }, }); }; const findEmptyState = () => wrapper.find(GlEmptyState); const findReturnUrlButton = () => wrapper.find(GlButton); beforeEach(() => { buildRouter(); }); afterEach(() => { wrapper.destroy(); wrapper = null; }); it('renders empty state with a link to the created merge request', () => { buildWrapper(); expect(findEmptyState().exists()).toBe(true); expect(findEmptyState().props()).toMatchObject({ primaryButtonText: 'View merge request', primaryButtonLink: savedContentMeta.mergeRequest.url, title: 'Your merge request has been created', svgPath: mergeRequestsIllustrationPath, }); }); it('displays merge request instructions in the empty state', () => { buildWrapper(); expect(findEmptyState().text()).toContain( 'To see your changes live you will need to do the following things:', ); expect(findEmptyState().text()).toContain('1. Add a clear title to describe the change.'); expect(findEmptyState().text()).toContain( '2. Add a description to explain why the change is being made.', ); expect(findEmptyState().text()).toContain( '3. Assign a person to review and accept the merge request.', ); }); it('displays return to site button', () => { buildWrapper(); expect(findReturnUrlButton().text()).toBe('Return to site'); expect(findReturnUrlButton().attributes().href).toBe(returnUrl); }); it('displays source path', () => { buildWrapper(); expect(wrapper.text()).toContain(`Update ${sourcePath} file`); }); it('redirects to the HOME route when content has not been submitted', () => { buildWrapper({ savedContentMeta: null }); expect(router.push).toHaveBeenCalledWith(HOME_ROUTE); expect(wrapper.html()).toBe(''); }); });