import { mount } from '@vue/test-utils'; import AwardsList from '~/vue_shared/components/awards_list.vue'; const createUser = (id, name) => ({ id, name }); const createAward = (name, user) => ({ name, user }); const USERS = { root: createUser(1, 'Root'), ada: createUser(2, 'Ada'), marie: createUser(3, 'Marie'), jane: createUser(4, 'Jane'), leonardo: createUser(5, 'Leonardo'), }; const EMOJI_SMILE = 'smile'; const EMOJI_OK = 'ok_hand'; const EMOJI_THUMBSUP = 'thumbsup'; const EMOJI_THUMBSDOWN = 'thumbsdown'; const EMOJI_A = 'a'; const EMOJI_B = 'b'; const EMOJI_CACTUS = 'cactus'; const EMOJI_100 = '100'; const TEST_AWARDS = [ createAward(EMOJI_SMILE, USERS.ada), createAward(EMOJI_OK, USERS.ada), createAward(EMOJI_THUMBSUP, USERS.ada), createAward(EMOJI_THUMBSDOWN, USERS.ada), createAward(EMOJI_SMILE, USERS.jane), createAward(EMOJI_OK, USERS.jane), createAward(EMOJI_OK, USERS.leonardo), createAward(EMOJI_THUMBSUP, USERS.leonardo), createAward(EMOJI_THUMBSUP, USERS.marie), createAward(EMOJI_THUMBSDOWN, USERS.marie), createAward(EMOJI_THUMBSDOWN, USERS.root), createAward(EMOJI_OK, USERS.root), // Test that emoji list preserves order of occurrence, not alphabetical order createAward(EMOJI_CACTUS, USERS.root), createAward(EMOJI_A, USERS.marie), createAward(EMOJI_B, USERS.root), createAward(EMOJI_100, USERS.ada), ]; const TEST_AWARDS_LENGTH = [ EMOJI_SMILE, EMOJI_OK, EMOJI_THUMBSUP, EMOJI_THUMBSDOWN, EMOJI_A, EMOJI_B, EMOJI_CACTUS, EMOJI_100, ].length; const TEST_ADD_BUTTON_CLASS = 'js-test-add-button-class'; const REACTION_CONTROL_CLASSES = [ 'btn', 'gl-mr-3', 'gl-my-2', 'btn-default', 'btn-md', 'gl-button', ]; describe('vue_shared/components/awards_list', () => { let wrapper; const createComponent = (props = {}) => { wrapper = mount(AwardsList, { propsData: props }); }; const matchingEmojiTag = (name) => expect.stringMatching(`gl-emoji data-name="${name}"`); const findAwardButtons = () => wrapper.findAll('[data-testid="award-button"]'); const findAwardsData = () => findAwardButtons() => { return { classes: x.classes(), title: x.attributes('title'), html: x.find('[data-testid="award-html"]').html(), count: Number(x.find('.js-counter').text()), }; }); const findAddAwardButton = () => wrapper.find('[data-testid="emoji-picker"]'); describe('default', () => { beforeEach(() => { createComponent({ awards: TEST_AWARDS, canAwardEmoji: true, currentUserId:, addButtonClass: TEST_ADD_BUTTON_CLASS, }); }); it('shows awards in correct order', () => { expect(findAwardsData()).toEqual([ { classes: REACTION_CONTROL_CLASSES, count: 3, html: matchingEmojiTag(EMOJI_THUMBSUP), title: `Ada, Leonardo, and Marie reacted with :${EMOJI_THUMBSUP}:`, }, { classes: [...REACTION_CONTROL_CLASSES, 'selected'], count: 3, html: matchingEmojiTag(EMOJI_THUMBSDOWN), title: `You, Ada, and Marie reacted with :${EMOJI_THUMBSDOWN}:`, }, { classes: REACTION_CONTROL_CLASSES, count: 1, html: matchingEmojiTag(EMOJI_100), title: `Ada reacted with :${EMOJI_100}:`, }, { classes: REACTION_CONTROL_CLASSES, count: 2, html: matchingEmojiTag(EMOJI_SMILE), title: `Ada and Jane reacted with :${EMOJI_SMILE}:`, }, { classes: [...REACTION_CONTROL_CLASSES, 'selected'], count: 4, html: matchingEmojiTag(EMOJI_OK), title: `You, Ada, Jane, and Leonardo reacted with :${EMOJI_OK}:`, }, { classes: [...REACTION_CONTROL_CLASSES, 'selected'], count: 1, html: matchingEmojiTag(EMOJI_CACTUS), title: `You reacted with :${EMOJI_CACTUS}:`, }, { classes: REACTION_CONTROL_CLASSES, count: 1, html: matchingEmojiTag(EMOJI_A), title: `Marie reacted with :${EMOJI_A}:`, }, { classes: [...REACTION_CONTROL_CLASSES, 'selected'], count: 1, html: matchingEmojiTag(EMOJI_B), title: `You reacted with :${EMOJI_B}:`, }, ]); }); it('with award clicked, it emits award', () => { expect(wrapper.emitted().award).toBeUndefined(); findAwardButtons().at(3).vm.$emit('click'); expect(wrapper.emitted().award).toEqual([[EMOJI_SMILE]]); }); it('with numeric award clicked, it emits award as is', () => { expect(wrapper.emitted().award).toBeUndefined(); findAwardButtons().at(2).vm.$emit('click'); expect(wrapper.emitted().award).toEqual([[EMOJI_100]]); }); it('shows add award button', () => { const btn = findAddAwardButton(); expect(btn.exists()).toBe(true); }); }); describe('with no awards', () => { beforeEach(() => { createComponent({ awards: [], canAwardEmoji: true, }); }); it('has no award buttons', () => { expect(findAwardButtons().length).toBe(0); }); }); describe('when cannot award emoji', () => { beforeEach(() => { createComponent({ awards: [createAward(EMOJI_CACTUS,], canAwardEmoji: false, currentUserId:, }); }); it('does not have add button', () => { expect(findAddAwardButton().exists()).toBe(false); }); }); describe('with no user', () => { beforeEach(() => { createComponent({ awards: TEST_AWARDS, canAwardEmoji: false, }); }); it('disables award buttons', () => { const buttons = findAwardButtons(); expect(buttons.length).toBe(TEST_AWARDS_LENGTH); expect(buttons.wrappers.every((x) => x.classes('disabled'))).toBe(true); }); }); describe('with default awards', () => { beforeEach(() => { createComponent({ awards: [createAward(EMOJI_SMILE, USERS.marie), createAward(EMOJI_100, USERS.marie)], canAwardEmoji: true, currentUserId:, // Let's assert that it puts thumbsup and thumbsdown in the right order still defaultAwards: [EMOJI_THUMBSDOWN, EMOJI_100, EMOJI_THUMBSUP], }); }); it('shows awards in correct order', () => { expect(findAwardsData()).toEqual([ { classes: REACTION_CONTROL_CLASSES, count: 0, html: matchingEmojiTag(EMOJI_THUMBSUP), title: '', }, { classes: REACTION_CONTROL_CLASSES, count: 0, html: matchingEmojiTag(EMOJI_THUMBSDOWN), title: '', }, // We expect the EMOJI_100 before the EMOJI_SMILE because it was given as a defaultAward { classes: REACTION_CONTROL_CLASSES, count: 1, html: matchingEmojiTag(EMOJI_100), title: `Marie reacted with :${EMOJI_100}:`, }, { classes: REACTION_CONTROL_CLASSES, count: 1, html: matchingEmojiTag(EMOJI_SMILE), title: `Marie reacted with :${EMOJI_SMILE}:`, }, ]); }); }); });