import { GlSkeletonLoader, GlIcon } from '@gitlab/ui'; import { mountExtended } from 'helpers/vue_test_utils_helper'; import { AVAILABILITY_STATUS } from '~/set_status_modal/utils'; import UserNameWithStatus from '~/sidebar/components/assignees/user_name_with_status.vue'; import UserPopover from '~/vue_shared/components/user_popover/user_popover.vue'; const DEFAULT_PROPS = { user: { username: 'root', name: 'Administrator', location: 'Vienna', localTime: '2:30 PM', bot: false, bio: null, workInformation: null, status: null, pronouns: 'they/them', loaded: true, }, }; describe('User Popover Component', () => { const fixtureTemplate = 'merge_requests/diff_comment.html'; let wrapper; beforeEach(() => { loadFixtures(fixtureTemplate); }); afterEach(() => { wrapper.destroy(); }); const findUserStatus = () => wrapper.findByTestId('user-popover-status'); const findTarget = () => document.querySelector('.js-user-link'); const findUserName = () => wrapper.find(UserNameWithStatus); const findSecurityBotDocsLink = () => wrapper.findByTestId('user-popover-bot-docs-link'); const findUserLocalTime = () => wrapper.findByTestId('user-popover-local-time'); const createWrapper = (props = {}, options = {}) => { wrapper = mountExtended(UserPopover, { propsData: { ...DEFAULT_PROPS, target: findTarget(), ...props, }, ...options, }); }; describe('when user is loading', () => { it('displays skeleton loader', () => { createWrapper({ user: { name: null, username: null, location: null, bio: null, workInformation: null, status: null, loaded: false, }, }); expect(wrapper.find(GlSkeletonLoader).exists()).toBe(true); }); }); describe('basic data', () => { it('should show basic fields', () => { createWrapper(); expect(wrapper.text()).toContain(; expect(wrapper.text()).toContain(DEFAULT_PROPS.user.username); }); it('shows icon for location', () => { createWrapper(); const iconEl = wrapper.find(GlIcon); expect(iconEl.props('name')).toEqual('location'); }); it("should not show a link to bot's documentation", () => { createWrapper(); const securityBotDocsLink = findSecurityBotDocsLink(); expect(securityBotDocsLink.exists()).toBe(false); }); }); describe('job data', () => { const findWorkInformation = () => wrapper.find({ ref: 'workInformation' }); const findBio = () => wrapper.find({ ref: 'bio' }); const bio = 'My super interesting bio'; it('should show only bio if work information is not available', () => { const user = { ...DEFAULT_PROPS.user, bio }; createWrapper({ user }); expect(findBio().text()).toBe('My super interesting bio'); expect(findWorkInformation().exists()).toBe(false); }); it('should show work information when it is available', () => { const user = { ...DEFAULT_PROPS.user, workInformation: 'Frontend Engineer at GitLab', }; createWrapper({ user }); expect(findWorkInformation().text()).toBe('Frontend Engineer at GitLab'); }); it('should display bio and work information in separate lines', () => { const user = { ...DEFAULT_PROPS.user, bio, workInformation: 'Frontend Engineer at GitLab', }; createWrapper({ user }); expect(findBio().text()).toBe('My super interesting bio'); expect(findWorkInformation().text()).toBe('Frontend Engineer at GitLab'); }); it('should encode special characters in bio', () => { const user = { ...DEFAULT_PROPS.user, bio: 'I like CSS', }; createWrapper({ user }); expect(findBio().html()).toContain('I like <b>CSS</b>'); }); it('shows icon for bio', () => { const user = { ...DEFAULT_PROPS.user, bio: 'My super interesting bio', }; createWrapper({ user }); expect( wrapper.findAll(GlIcon).filter((icon) => icon.props('name') === 'profile').length, ).toEqual(1); }); it('shows icon for work information', () => { const user = { ...DEFAULT_PROPS.user, workInformation: 'GitLab', }; createWrapper({ user }); expect( wrapper.findAll(GlIcon).filter((icon) => icon.props('name') === 'work').length, ).toEqual(1); }); }); describe('local time', () => { it('should show local time when it is available', () => { createWrapper(); expect(findUserLocalTime().exists()).toBe(true); }); it('should not show local time when it is not available', () => { const user = { ...DEFAULT_PROPS.user, localTime: null, }; createWrapper({ user }); expect(findUserLocalTime().exists()).toBe(false); }); }); describe('status data', () => { it('should show only message', () => { const user = { ...DEFAULT_PROPS.user, status: { message_html: 'Hello World' } }; createWrapper({ user }); expect(findUserStatus().exists()).toBe(true); expect(wrapper.text()).toContain('Hello World'); }); it('should show message and emoji', () => { const user = { ...DEFAULT_PROPS.user, status: { emoji: 'basketball_player', message_html: 'Hello World' }, }; createWrapper({ user }); expect(findUserStatus().exists()).toBe(true); expect(wrapper.text()).toContain('Hello World'); expect(wrapper.html()).toContain(' { const user = { ...DEFAULT_PROPS.user, status: null }; createWrapper({ user }); expect(findUserStatus().exists()).toBe(false); }); it('hides the div when status is empty', () => { const user = { ...DEFAULT_PROPS.user, status: { emoji: '', message_html: '' } }; createWrapper({ user }); expect(findUserStatus().exists()).toBe(false); }); it('should show the busy status if user set to busy', () => { const user = { ...DEFAULT_PROPS.user, status: { availability: AVAILABILITY_STATUS.BUSY }, }; createWrapper({ user }); expect(findUserName().exists()).toBe(true); expect(wrapper.text()).toContain(; expect(wrapper.text()).toContain('(Busy)'); }); it('should hide the busy status for any other status', () => { const user = { ...DEFAULT_PROPS.user, status: { availability: AVAILABILITY_STATUS.NOT_SET }, }; createWrapper({ user }); expect(wrapper.text()).not.toContain('(Busy)'); }); it('passes `pronouns` prop to `UserNameWithStatus` component', () => { createWrapper(); expect(findUserName().props('pronouns')).toBe('they/them'); }); }); describe('bot user', () => { const SECURITY_BOT_USER = { ...DEFAULT_PROPS.user, name: 'GitLab Security Bot', username: 'GitLab-Security-Bot', websiteUrl: '/security/bot/docs', bot: true, }; it("shows a link to the bot's documentation", () => { createWrapper({ user: SECURITY_BOT_USER }); const securityBotDocsLink = findSecurityBotDocsLink(); expect(securityBotDocsLink.exists()).toBe(true); expect(securityBotDocsLink.attributes('href')).toBe(SECURITY_BOT_USER.websiteUrl); expect(securityBotDocsLink.text()).toBe('Learn more about GitLab Security Bot'); }); it("does not show a link to the bot's documentation if there is no website_url", () => { createWrapper({ user: { ...SECURITY_BOT_USER, websiteUrl: null } }); const securityBotDocsLink = findSecurityBotDocsLink(); expect(securityBotDocsLink.exists()).toBe(false); }); it("doesn't escape user's name", () => { createWrapper({ user: { ...SECURITY_BOT_USER, name: '%<>\';"' } }); const securityBotDocsLink = findSecurityBotDocsLink(); expect(securityBotDocsLink.text()).toBe('Learn more about %<>\';"'); }); it('does not display local time', () => { createWrapper({ user: SECURITY_BOT_USER }); expect(findUserLocalTime().exists()).toBe(false); }); }); });