# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' RSpec.describe Types::GlobalIDType do include GraphqlHelpers include GlobalIDDeprecationHelpers let_it_be(:project) { create(:project) } let(:gid) { project.to_global_id } it 'is has the correct name' do expect(described_class.graphql_name).to eq('GlobalID') end describe '.coerce_result' do it 'can coerce results' do expect(described_class.coerce_isolated_result(gid)).to eq(gid.to_s) end it 'rejects integer IDs' do expect { described_class.coerce_isolated_result(project.id) } .to raise_error(ArgumentError) end it 'rejects strings' do expect { described_class.coerce_isolated_result('not a GID') } .to raise_error(ArgumentError) end end describe '.coerce_input' do it 'can coerce valid input' do coerced = described_class.coerce_isolated_input(gid.to_s) expect(coerced).to eq(gid) end it 'handles all valid application GIDs' do expect { described_class.coerce_isolated_input(build_stubbed(:user).to_global_id.to_s) } .not_to raise_error end it 'rejects invalid input' do expect { described_class.coerce_isolated_input('not valid') } .to raise_error(GraphQL::CoercionError, /not a valid Global ID/) end it 'rejects nil' do expect(described_class.coerce_isolated_input(nil)).to be_nil end it 'rejects GIDs from different apps' do invalid_gid = GlobalID.new(::URI::GID.build(app: 'otherapp', model_name: 'Project', model_id: project.id, params: nil)) expect { described_class.coerce_isolated_input(invalid_gid) } .to raise_error(GraphQL::CoercionError, /is not a Gitlab Global ID/) end end describe 'a parameterized type' do let(:type) { ::Types::GlobalIDType[::Project] } it 'is has the correct name' do expect(type.graphql_name).to eq('ProjectID') end context 'the GID is appropriate' do it 'can coerce results' do expect(type.coerce_isolated_result(gid)).to eq(gid.to_s) end it 'can coerce IDs to a GlobalIDType' do expect(type.coerce_isolated_result(project.id)).to eq(gid.to_s) end it 'can coerce valid input' do expect(type.coerce_isolated_input(gid.to_s)).to eq(gid) end end context 'the GID is not for an appropriate type' do let(:gid) { build_stubbed(:user).to_global_id } it 'raises errors when coercing results' do expect { type.coerce_isolated_result(gid) } .to raise_error(GraphQL::CoercionError, /Expected a Project ID/) end it 'will not coerce invalid input, even if its a valid GID' do expect { type.coerce_isolated_input(gid.to_s) } .to raise_error(GraphQL::CoercionError, /does not represent an instance of Project/) end end it 'handles GIDs for invalid resource names gracefully' do invalid_gid = GlobalID.new(::URI::GID.build(app: GlobalID.app, model_name: 'invalid', model_id: 1, params: nil)) expect { type.coerce_isolated_input(invalid_gid) } .to raise_error(GraphQL::CoercionError, /does not represent an instance of Project/) end context 'with a deprecation' do around do |example| # Unset all previously memoized GlobalIDTypes to allow us to define one # that will use the constants stubbed in the `before` block. previous_id_types = Types::GlobalIDType.instance_variable_get(:@id_types) Types::GlobalIDType.instance_variable_set(:@id_types, {}) example.run ensure Types::GlobalIDType.instance_variable_set(:@id_types, previous_id_types) end before do deprecation = Gitlab::GlobalId::Deprecations::Deprecation.new(old_model_name: 'OldIssue', new_model_name: 'Issue', milestone: '10.0') stub_global_id_deprecations(deprecation) end let_it_be(:issue) { create(:issue) } let!(:type) { ::Types::GlobalIDType[::Issue] } let(:deprecated_gid) { Gitlab::GlobalId.build(model_name: 'OldIssue', id: issue.id) } let(:deprecating_gid) { Gitlab::GlobalId.build(model_name: 'Issue', id: issue.id) } it 'appends the description with a deprecation notice for the old Global ID' do expect(type.description).to include('The older format `"gid://gitlab/OldIssue/1"` was deprecated in 10.0') end describe 'coercing input against the type (parsing the Global ID string when supplied as an argument)' do subject(:result) { type.coerce_isolated_input(gid.to_s) } context 'when passed the deprecated Global ID' do let(:gid) { deprecated_gid } it 'changes the model_name to the new model name' do expect(result.model_name).to eq('Issue') end it 'changes the model_class to the new model class' do expect(result.model_class).to eq(Issue) end it 'can find the correct resource' do expect(result.find).to eq(issue) end it 'can find the correct resource loaded through GitlabSchema' do expect(force(GitlabSchema.object_from_id(result, expected_class: Issue))).to eq(issue) end end context 'when passed the Global ID that is deprecating another' do let(:gid) { deprecating_gid } it 'works as normal' do expect(result).to have_attributes( model_class: Issue, model_name: 'Issue', find: issue, to_s: gid.to_s ) end end end describe 'coercing the result against the type (producing the Global ID string when used in a field)' do context 'when passed the deprecated Global ID' do let(:gid) { deprecated_gid } it 'works, but does not result in matching the new Global ID', :aggregate_failures do # Note, this would normally never happen in real life as the object being parsed # by the field would not produce the GlobalID of the deprecated model. This test # proves that it is technically possible for the deprecated GlobalID to be # considered parsable for the type, as opposed to raising a `GraphQL::CoercionError`. expect(type.coerce_isolated_result(gid)).not_to eq(issue.to_global_id.to_s) expect(type.coerce_isolated_result(gid)).to eq(gid.to_s) end end context 'when passed the Global ID that is deprecating another' do let(:gid) { deprecating_gid } it 'works as normal' do expect(type.coerce_isolated_result(gid)).to eq(issue.to_global_id.to_s) end end end describe 'executing against the schema' do let(:query_result) do context = { current_user: issue.project.first_owner } variables = { 'id' => gid } run_with_clean_state(query, context: context, variables: variables).to_h end shared_examples 'a query that works with old and new GIDs' do let(:query) do <<-GQL query($id: #{argument_name}!) { issue(id: $id) { id } } GQL end subject { query_result.dig('data', 'issue', 'id') } context 'when the argument value is the new GID' do let(:gid) { Gitlab::GlobalId.build(model_name: 'Issue', id: issue.id) } it { is_expected.to be_present } end context 'when the argument value is the old GID' do let(:gid) { Gitlab::GlobalId.build(model_name: 'OldIssue', id: issue.id) } it { is_expected.to be_present } end end context 'when the query signature includes the old type name' do let(:argument_name) { 'OldIssueID' } it_behaves_like 'a query that works with old and new GIDs' end context 'when the query signature includes the new type name' do let(:argument_name) { 'IssueID' } it_behaves_like 'a query that works with old and new GIDs' end end end end describe 'a parameterized type with a namespace' do let(:type) { ::Types::GlobalIDType[::Ci::Build] } it 'is has a valid GraphQL identifier for a name' do expect(type.graphql_name).to eq('CiBuildID') end end describe '.model_name_to_graphql_name' do it 'returns a graphql name for the given model name' do expect(described_class.model_name_to_graphql_name('DesignManagement::Design')).to eq('DesignManagementDesignID') end end describe '.[]' do it 'returns a custom class for work items' do expect(described_class[::WorkItem]).to eq(::Types::WorkItemIdType) end end end