# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' RSpec.describe GitlabSchema.types['Timeframe'] do let(:input) { { start: "2018-06-04", end: "2020-10-06" } } let(:output) { { start: Date.parse(input[:start]), end: Date.parse(input[:end]) } } it 'coerces ISO-dates into Time objects' do expect(described_class.coerce_isolated_input(input).to_h).to eq(output) end it 'rejects invalid input' do input[:start] = 'foo' expect { described_class.coerce_isolated_input(input) } .to raise_error(GraphQL::CoercionError) end it 'accepts times as input' do with_time = input.merge(start: '2018-06-04T13:48:14Z') expect(described_class.coerce_isolated_input(with_time).to_h).to eq(output) end it 'requires both ends of the range' do types = described_class.arguments.slice('start', 'end').values.map(&:type) expect(types).to all(be_non_null) end it 'rejects invalid range' do input.merge!(start: input[:end], end: input[:start]) expect { described_class.coerce_isolated_input(input) } .to raise_error(::Gitlab::Graphql::Errors::ArgumentError, 'start must be before end') end end