require 'spec_helper' describe ApplicationHelper do describe 'current_controller?' do before do controller.stub!(:controller_name).and_return('foo') end it "returns true when controller matches argument" do current_controller?(:foo).should be_true end it "returns false when controller does not match argument" do current_controller?(:bar).should_not be_true end it "should take any number of arguments" do current_controller?(:baz, :bar).should_not be_true current_controller?(:baz, :bar, :foo).should be_true end end describe 'current_action?' do before do stub!(:action_name).and_return('foo') end it "returns true when action matches argument" do current_action?(:foo).should be_true end it "returns false when action does not match argument" do current_action?(:bar).should_not be_true end it "should take any number of arguments" do current_action?(:baz, :bar).should_not be_true current_action?(:baz, :bar, :foo).should be_true end end describe "gravatar_icon" do let(:user_email) { '' } it "should return a generic avatar path when Gravatar is disabled" do Gitlab.config.gravatar.stub(:enabled).and_return(false) gravatar_icon(user_email).should == 'no_avatar.png' end it "should return a generic avatar path when email is blank" do gravatar_icon('').should == 'no_avatar.png' end it "should return default gravatar url" do stub!(:request).and_return(double(:ssl? => false)) gravatar_icon(user_email).should match('') end it "should use SSL when appropriate" do stub!(:request).and_return(double(:ssl? => true)) gravatar_icon(user_email).should match('') end it "should return custom gravatar path when gravatar_url is set" do stub!(:request).and_return(double(:ssl? => false)) Gitlab.config.gravatar.stub(:plain_url).and_return('http://example.local/?s=%{size}&hash=%{hash}') gravatar_icon(user_email, 20).should == 'http://example.local/?s=20&hash=b58c6f14d292556214bd64909bcdb118' end it "should accept a custom size" do stub!(:request).and_return(double(:ssl? => false)) gravatar_icon(user_email, 64).should match(/\?s=64/) end it "should use default size when size is wrong" do stub!(:request).and_return(double(:ssl? => false)) gravatar_icon(user_email, nil).should match(/\?s=40/) end it "should be case insensitive" do stub!(:request).and_return(double(:ssl? => false)) gravatar_icon(user_email).should == gravatar_icon(user_email.upcase + " ") end end describe "user_color_scheme_class" do context "with current_user is nil" do it "should return a string" do stub!(:current_user).and_return(nil) user_color_scheme_class.should be_kind_of(String) end end context "with a current_user" do (1..5).each do |color_scheme_id| context "with color_scheme_id == #{color_scheme_id}" do it "should return a string" do current_user = double(:color_scheme_id => color_scheme_id) stub!(:current_user).and_return(current_user) user_color_scheme_class.should be_kind_of(String) end end end end end end