require 'spec_helper' describe LabelsHelper do describe '#show_label_issuables_link?' do shared_examples 'a valid response to show_label_issuables_link?' do |issuables_type, when_enabled = true, when_disabled = false| let(:context_project) { project } context "when asking for a #{issuables_type} link" do subject { show_label_issuables_link?(label, issuables_type, project: context_project) } context "when #{issuables_type} are enabled for the project" do let(:project) { create(:project, "#{issuables_type}_access_level": ProjectFeature::ENABLED) } it { be(when_enabled) } end context "when #{issuables_type} are disabled for the project" do let(:project) { create(:project, :public, "#{issuables_type}_access_level": ProjectFeature::DISABLED) } it { be(when_disabled) } end end end context 'with a project label' do let(:label) { create(:label, project: project, title: 'bug') } context 'when asking for an issue link' do it_behaves_like 'a valid response to show_label_issuables_link?', :issues end context 'when asking for a merge requests link' do it_behaves_like 'a valid response to show_label_issuables_link?', :merge_requests end end context 'with a group label' do set(:group) { create(:group) } let(:label) { create(:group_label, group: group, title: 'bug') } context 'when asking for an issue link' do context 'in the context of a project' do it_behaves_like 'a valid response to show_label_issuables_link?', :issues, true, true end context 'in the context of a group' do let(:context_project) { nil } it_behaves_like 'a valid response to show_label_issuables_link?', :issues, true, true end end context 'when asking for a merge requests link' do context 'in the context of a project' do it_behaves_like 'a valid response to show_label_issuables_link?', :merge_requests, true, true end context 'in the context of a group' do let(:context_project) { nil } it_behaves_like 'a valid response to show_label_issuables_link?', :merge_requests, true, true end end end end describe 'link_to_label' do let(:project) { create(:project) } let(:label) { create(:label, project: project) } context 'without subject' do it "uses the label's project" do expect(link_to_label(label)).to match %r{.*} end end context 'with a project as subject' do let(:namespace) { build(:namespace, name: 'foo3') } let(:another_project) { build(:project, namespace: namespace, name: 'bar3') } it 'links to project issues page' do expect(link_to_label(label, subject: another_project)).to match %r{.*} end end context 'with a group as subject' do let(:group) { build(:group, name: 'bar') } it 'links to group issues page' do expect(link_to_label(label, subject: group)).to match %r{.*} end end context 'with a type argument' do ['issue', :issue, 'merge_request', :merge_request].each do |type| context "set to #{type}" do it 'links to correct page' do expect(link_to_label(label, type: type)).to match %r{.*} end end end end context 'with a tooltip argument' do context 'set to false' do it 'does not include the has-tooltip class' do expect(link_to_label(label, tooltip: false)).not_to match /has-tooltip/ end end end context 'with block' do it 'passes the block to link_to' do link = link_to_label(label) { 'Foo' } expect(link).to match('Foo') end end context 'without block' do it 'uses render_colored_label as the link content' do expect(self).to receive(:render_colored_label) .with(label, tooltip: true).and_return('Foo') expect(link_to_label(label)).to match('Foo') end end end describe 'text_color_for_bg' do it 'uses light text on dark backgrounds' do expect(text_color_for_bg('#222E2E')).to eq('#FFFFFF') end it 'uses dark text on light backgrounds' do expect(text_color_for_bg('#EEEEEE')).to eq('#333333') end it 'supports RGB triplets' do expect(text_color_for_bg('#FFF')).to eq '#333333' expect(text_color_for_bg('#000')).to eq '#FFFFFF' end end describe 'create_label_title' do set(:group) { create(:group) } context 'with a group as subject' do it 'returns "Create group label"' do expect(create_label_title(group)).to eq 'Create group label' end end context 'with a project as subject' do set(:project) { create(:project, namespace: group) } it 'returns "Create project label"' do expect(create_label_title(project)).to eq 'Create project label' end end context 'with no subject' do it 'returns "Create new label"' do expect(create_label_title(nil)).to eq 'Create new label' end end end describe 'manage_labels_title' do set(:group) { create(:group) } context 'with a group as subject' do it 'returns "Manage group labels"' do expect(manage_labels_title(group)).to eq 'Manage group labels' end end context 'with a project as subject' do set(:project) { create(:project, namespace: group) } it 'returns "Manage project labels"' do expect(manage_labels_title(project)).to eq 'Manage project labels' end end context 'with no subject' do it 'returns "Manage labels"' do expect(manage_labels_title(nil)).to eq 'Manage labels' end end end describe 'view_labels_title' do set(:group) { create(:group) } context 'with a group as subject' do it 'returns "View group labels"' do expect(view_labels_title(group)).to eq 'View group labels' end end context 'with a project as subject' do set(:project) { create(:project, namespace: group) } it 'returns "View project labels"' do expect(view_labels_title(project)).to eq 'View project labels' end end context 'with no subject' do it 'returns "View labels"' do expect(view_labels_title(nil)).to eq 'View labels' end end end describe 'labels_filter_path' do let(:group) { create(:group) } let(:project) { create(:project) } it 'links to the dashboard labels page' do expect(labels_filter_path).to eq(dashboard_labels_path) end it 'links to the group labels page' do assign(:group, group) expect(helper.labels_filter_path).to eq(group_labels_path(group)) end it 'links to the project labels page' do assign(:project, project) expect(helper.labels_filter_path).to eq(project_labels_path(project)) end it 'supports json format' do expect(labels_filter_path(format: :json)).to eq(dashboard_labels_path(format: :json)) end end describe 'labels_sorted_by_title' do it 'sorts labels alphabetically' do label1 = double(:label, title: 'a') label2 = double(:label, title: 'B') label3 = double(:label, title: 'c') label4 = double(:label, title: 'D') labels = [label1, label2, label3, label4] expect(labels_sorted_by_title(labels)) .to match_array([label2, label4, label1, label3]) end end end