# frozen_string_literal: true require "spec_helper" RSpec.describe "CarrierWave::Uploader::Url", feature_category: :shared do let(:uploader) { MyCoolUploader.new } subject(:url) { uploader.url } before do stub_const("MyCoolUploader", Class.new(CarrierWave::Uploader::Base)) end describe "#url" do let(:file) { Class.new.new } before do allow(uploader).to receive(:file).and_return(file) end context "when file responds to url" do it "returns nil when the file.url is empty" do file.define_singleton_method(:url) { nil } expect(url).to be_nil end it "returns the given file url" do file.define_singleton_method(:url) { "url" } expect(url).to eq("url") end it "passes any given options to the file url method" do file.define_singleton_method(:url) { |x = true| x } expect(file).to receive(:url).once.and_call_original options = { options: true } expect(uploader.url(options)).to eq(options) end end context "when file responds to path" do before do file.define_singleton_method(:path) { "file/path" } end context "when the asset host is a string" do it "prefix the path with the asset host" do expect(uploader).to receive(:asset_host).and_return("host/") expect(url).to eq("host/file/path") end end context "when the asset host responds to call" do it "prefix the path with the asset host" do expect(uploader).to receive(:asset_host).and_return(proc { |f| "callable/#{f.class.class}/" }) expect(url).to eq("callable/Class/file/path") end end context "when asset_host is empty" do context "when base_path is empty" do it "returns the file path" do expect(url).to eq("file/path") end end context "when base_path is not empty" do it "returns the file path prefixed with the base_path" do expect(uploader).to receive(:base_path).and_return("base/path/") expect(url).to eq("base/path/file/path") end end end end context "when file does not respond to either url nor path" do it "returns nil" do expect(url).to eq(nil) end end end end