# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' RSpec.describe 'lograge', type: :request do let(:headers) { { 'X-Request-ID' => 'new-correlation-id' } } let(:large_params) do half_limit = Gitlab::Utils::LogLimitedArray::MAXIMUM_ARRAY_LENGTH / 2 { a: 'a', b: 'b' * half_limit, c: 'c' * half_limit, d: 'd' } end let(:limited_params) do large_params.slice(:a, :b).map { |k, v| { key: k.to_s, value: v } } + [{ key: 'truncated', value: '...' }] end context 'for API requests' do it 'logs to api_json log' do # we assert receiving parameters by grape logger expect_any_instance_of(Gitlab::GrapeLogging::Formatters::LogrageWithTimestamp).to receive(:call) .with(anything, anything, anything, a_hash_including("correlation_id" => "new-correlation-id")) .and_call_original get("/api/v4/endpoint", params: {}, headers: headers) end it 'limits param size' do expect(Lograge.formatter).to receive(:call) .with(a_hash_including(params: limited_params)) .and_call_original get("/api/v4/endpoint", params: large_params, headers: headers) end end context 'for Controller requests' do subject { get("/", params: {}, headers: headers) } it 'logs to production_json log' do # formatter receives a hash with correlation id expect(Lograge.formatter).to receive(:call) .with(a_hash_including("correlation_id" => "new-correlation-id")) .and_call_original # a log file receives a line with correlation id expect(Lograge.logger).to receive(:send) .with(anything, include('"correlation_id":"new-correlation-id"')) .and_call_original subject end it 'logs cpu_s on supported platform' do allow(Gitlab::Metrics::System).to receive(:thread_cpu_time) .and_return( 0.111222333, 0.222333833 ) expect(Lograge.formatter).to receive(:call) .with(a_hash_including(cpu_s: 0.111112)) .and_call_original expect(Lograge.logger).to receive(:send) .with(anything, include('"cpu_s":0.111112')) .and_call_original subject end it 'does not log cpu_s on unsupported platform' do allow(Gitlab::Metrics::System).to receive(:thread_cpu_time) .and_return(nil) expect(Lograge.formatter).to receive(:call) .with(hash_not_including(:cpu_s)) .and_call_original expect(Lograge.logger).not_to receive(:send) .with(anything, include('"cpu_s":')) .and_call_original subject end context 'when logging memory allocations' do include MemoryInstrumentationHelper before do verify_memory_instrumentation_available! end it 'logs memory usage metrics' do expect(Lograge.formatter).to receive(:call) .with(a_hash_including(:mem_objects)) .and_call_original expect(Lograge.logger).to receive(:send) .with(anything, include('"mem_objects":')) .and_call_original subject end end it 'limits param size' do expect(Lograge.formatter).to receive(:call) .with(a_hash_including(params: limited_params)) .and_call_original get("/", params: large_params, headers: headers) end end context 'with a log subscriber' do include_context 'parsed logs' let(:subscriber) { Lograge::LogSubscribers::ActionController.new } let(:event) do ActiveSupport::Notifications::Event.new( 'process_action.action_controller', Time.now, Time.now, 2, status: 200, controller: 'HomeController', action: 'index', format: 'application/json', method: 'GET', path: '/home?foo=bar', params: {}, db_runtime: 0.02, view_runtime: 0.01 ) end describe 'with an exception' do let(:exception) { RuntimeError.new('bad request') } let(:backtrace) { caller } before do allow(exception).to receive(:backtrace).and_return(backtrace) event.payload[:exception_object] = exception end it 'adds exception data to log' do subscriber.process_action(event) expect(log_data['exception.class']).to eq('RuntimeError') expect(log_data['exception.message']).to eq('bad request') expect(log_data['exception.backtrace']).to eq(Gitlab::BacktraceCleaner.clean_backtrace(backtrace)) end context 'with an ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid' do let(:exception) { ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid.new(sql: 'SELECT "users".* FROM "users" WHERE "users"."id" = 1 AND "users"."foo" = $1') } it 'adds the SQL query to the log' do subscriber.process_action(event) expect(log_data['exception.sql']).to eq('SELECT "users".* FROM "users" WHERE "users"."id" = $2 AND "users"."foo" = $1') end end end describe 'with etag_route' do let(:etag_route) { 'etag route' } before do event.payload[:etag_route] = etag_route end it 'adds etag_route to log' do subscriber.process_action(event) expect(log_data['etag_route']).to eq(etag_route) end end describe 'with access token in url' do before do event.payload[:location] = 'http://example.com/auth.html#access_token=secret_token&token_type=Bearer' end it 'strips location from sensitive information' do subscriber.redirect_to(event) subscriber.process_action(event) expect(log_data['location']).not_to include('secret_token') expect(log_data['location']).to include('filtered') end it 'leaves non-sensitive information from location' do subscriber.redirect_to(event) subscriber.process_action(event) expect(log_data['location']).to include('&token_type=Bearer') end end context 'with db payload' do let(:db_load_balancing_logging_keys) do %w[ db_primary_wal_count db_replica_wal_count db_primary_wal_cached_count db_replica_wal_cached_count db_replica_count db_replica_cached_count db_primary_count db_primary_cached_count db_primary_duration_s db_replica_duration_s ] end before do ApplicationRecord.connection.execute('SELECT pg_sleep(0.1);') end context 'when RequestStore is enabled', :request_store do it 'includes db counters' do subscriber.process_action(event) expect(log_data).to include("db_count" => a_value >= 1, "db_write_count" => 0, "db_cached_count" => 0) end end context 'when RequestStore is disabled' do it 'does not include db counters' do subscriber.process_action(event) expect(log_data).not_to include("db_count", "db_write_count", "db_cached_count") end end context 'with db payload' do context 'when RequestStore is enabled', :request_store do it 'includes db counters for load balancing' do subscriber.process_action(event) expect(log_data).to include(*db_load_balancing_logging_keys) end end context 'when RequestStore is disabled' do it 'does not include db counters for load balancing' do subscriber.process_action(event) expect(log_data).not_to include(*db_load_balancing_logging_keys) end end end end end end