import $ from 'jquery'; import initCopyAsGFM from '~/behaviors/markdown/copy_as_gfm'; import ShortcutsIssuable from '~/behaviors/shortcuts/shortcuts_issuable'; initCopyAsGFM(); const FORM_SELECTOR = '.js-main-target-form .js-vue-comment-form'; describe('ShortcutsIssuable', function() { const fixtureName = 'snippets/show.html.raw'; preloadFixtures(fixtureName); beforeEach(() => { loadFixtures(fixtureName); $('body').append( `
`, ); document.querySelector('.js-new-note-form').classList.add('js-main-target-form'); this.shortcut = new ShortcutsIssuable(true); }); afterEach(() => { $(FORM_SELECTOR).remove(); }); describe('replyWithSelectedText', () => { // Stub to return a node with the provided HTML. const stubSelection = html => { = () => { const node = document.createElement('div'); node.innerHTML = html; return node; }; }; describe('with empty selection', () => { it('does not return an error', () => { ShortcutsIssuable.replyWithSelectedText(true); expect($(FORM_SELECTOR).val()).toBe(''); }); it('triggers `focus`', () => { const spy = spyOn(document.querySelector(FORM_SELECTOR), 'focus'); ShortcutsIssuable.replyWithSelectedText(true); expect(spy).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); }); describe('with any selection', () => { beforeEach(() => { stubSelection('

Selected text.

'); }); it('leaves existing input intact', () => { $(FORM_SELECTOR).val('This text was already here.'); expect($(FORM_SELECTOR).val()).toBe('This text was already here.'); ShortcutsIssuable.replyWithSelectedText(true); expect($(FORM_SELECTOR).val()).toBe('This text was already here.\n\n> Selected text.\n\n'); }); it('triggers `input`', () => { let triggered = false; $(FORM_SELECTOR).on('input', () => { triggered = true; }); ShortcutsIssuable.replyWithSelectedText(true); expect(triggered).toBe(true); }); it('triggers `focus`', () => { const spy = spyOn(document.querySelector(FORM_SELECTOR), 'focus'); ShortcutsIssuable.replyWithSelectedText(true); expect(spy).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); }); describe('with a one-line selection', () => { it('quotes the selection', () => { stubSelection('

This text has been selected.

'); ShortcutsIssuable.replyWithSelectedText(true); expect($(FORM_SELECTOR).val()).toBe('> This text has been selected.\n\n'); }); }); describe('with a multi-line selection', () => { it('quotes the selected lines as a group', () => { stubSelection( '

Selected line one.


Selected line two.


Selected line three.

', ); ShortcutsIssuable.replyWithSelectedText(true); expect($(FORM_SELECTOR).val()).toBe( '> Selected line one.\n>\n> Selected line two.\n>\n> Selected line three.\n\n', ); }); }); }); });