import Vue from 'vue'; import repoTab from '~/repo/components/repo_tab.vue'; describe('RepoTab', () => { function createComponent(propsData) { const RepoTab = Vue.extend(repoTab); return new RepoTab({ propsData, }).$mount(); } it('renders a close link and a name link', () => { const tab = { url: 'url', name: 'name', }; const vm = createComponent({ tab, }); const close = vm.$el.querySelector('.close'); const name = vm.$el.querySelector(`a[title="${tab.url}"]`); spyOn(vm, 'xClicked'); spyOn(vm, 'tabClicked'); expect(close.querySelector('.fa-times')).toBeTruthy(); expect(name.textContent.trim()).toEqual(;;; expect(vm.xClicked).toHaveBeenCalledWith(tab); expect(vm.tabClicked).toHaveBeenCalledWith(tab); }); it('renders an fa-circle icon if tab is changed', () => { const tab = { url: 'url', name: 'name', changed: true, }; const vm = createComponent({ tab, }); expect(vm.$el.querySelector('.close .fa-circle')).toBeTruthy(); }); describe('methods', () => { describe('xClicked', () => { const vm = jasmine.createSpyObj('vm', ['$emit']); it('returns undefined and does not $emit if file is changed', () => { const file = { changed: true }; const returnVal =, file); expect(returnVal).toBeUndefined(); expect(vm.$emit).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it('$emits xclicked event with file obj', () => { const file = { changed: false };, file); expect(vm.$emit).toHaveBeenCalledWith('xclicked', file); }); }); }); });