# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' describe Banzai::Filter::RelativeLinkFilter do def filter(doc, contexts = {}) contexts.reverse_merge!({ commit: commit, project: project, group: group, project_wiki: project_wiki, ref: ref, requested_path: requested_path, only_path: only_path }) described_class.call(doc, contexts) end def image(path) %() end def video(path) %() end def link(path) %(#{path}) end def nested(element) %(
) end let(:project) { create(:project, :repository) } let(:group) { nil } let(:project_path) { project.full_path } let(:ref) { 'markdown' } let(:commit) { project.commit(ref) } let(:project_wiki) { nil } let(:requested_path) { '/' } let(:only_path) { true } shared_examples :preserve_unchanged do it 'does not modify any relative URL in anchor' do doc = filter(link('README.md')) expect(doc.at_css('a')['href']).to eq 'README.md' end it 'does not modify any relative URL in image' do doc = filter(image('files/images/logo-black.png')) expect(doc.at_css('img')['src']).to eq 'files/images/logo-black.png' end it 'does not modify any relative URL in video' do doc = filter(video('files/videos/intro.mp4'), commit: project.commit('video'), ref: 'video') expect(doc.at_css('video')['src']).to eq 'files/videos/intro.mp4' end end context 'with a project_wiki' do let(:project_wiki) { double('ProjectWiki') } include_examples :preserve_unchanged end context 'without a repository' do let(:project) { create(:project) } include_examples :preserve_unchanged end context 'with an empty repository' do let(:project) { create(:project_empty_repo) } include_examples :preserve_unchanged end it 'does not raise an exception on invalid URIs' do act = link("://foo") expect { filter(act) }.not_to raise_error end it 'does not raise an exception with a garbled path' do act = link("open(/var/tmp/):%20/location%0Afrom:%20/test") expect { filter(act) }.not_to raise_error end it 'does not explode with an escaped null byte' do act = link("/%00") expect { filter(act) }.not_to raise_error end it 'does not raise an exception with a space in the path' do act = link("/uploads/d18213acd3732630991986120e167e3d/Landscape_8.jpg \nBut here's some more unexpected text :smile:)") expect { filter(act) }.not_to raise_error end it 'ignores ref if commit is passed' do doc = filter(link('non/existent.file'), commit: project.commit('empty-branch') ) expect(doc.at_css('a')['href']) .to eq "/#{project_path}/#{ref}/non/existent.file" # non-existent files have no leading blob/raw/tree end shared_examples :valid_repository do it 'rebuilds absolute URL for a file in the repo' do doc = filter(link('/doc/api/README.md')) expect(doc.at_css('a')['href']) .to eq "/#{project_path}/blob/#{ref}/doc/api/README.md" end it 'does not modify relative URLs in system notes' do path = "#{project_path}/merge_requests/1/diffs" doc = filter(link(path), system_note: true) expect(doc.at_css('a')['href']).to eq path end it 'ignores absolute URLs with two leading slashes' do doc = filter(link('//doc/api/README.md')) expect(doc.at_css('a')['href']).to eq '//doc/api/README.md' end it 'rebuilds relative URL for a file in the repo' do doc = filter(link('doc/api/README.md')) expect(doc.at_css('a')['href']) .to eq "/#{project_path}/blob/#{ref}/doc/api/README.md" end it 'rebuilds relative URL for a file in the repo with leading ./' do doc = filter(link('./doc/api/README.md')) expect(doc.at_css('a')['href']) .to eq "/#{project_path}/blob/#{ref}/doc/api/README.md" end it 'rebuilds relative URL for a file in the repo up one directory' do relative_link = link('../api/README.md') doc = filter(relative_link, requested_path: 'doc/update/7.14-to-8.0.md') expect(doc.at_css('a')['href']) .to eq "/#{project_path}/blob/#{ref}/doc/api/README.md" end it 'rebuilds relative URL for a file in the repo up multiple directories' do relative_link = link('../../../api/README.md') doc = filter(relative_link, requested_path: 'doc/foo/bar/baz/README.md') expect(doc.at_css('a')['href']) .to eq "/#{project_path}/blob/#{ref}/doc/api/README.md" end it 'rebuilds relative URL for a file in the repository root' do relative_link = link('../README.md') doc = filter(relative_link, requested_path: 'doc/some-file.md') expect(doc.at_css('a')['href']) .to eq "/#{project_path}/blob/#{ref}/README.md" end it 'rebuilds relative URL for a file in the repo with an anchor' do doc = filter(link('README.md#section')) expect(doc.at_css('a')['href']) .to eq "/#{project_path}/blob/#{ref}/README.md#section" end it 'rebuilds relative URL for a directory in the repo' do doc = filter(link('doc/api/')) expect(doc.at_css('a')['href']) .to eq "/#{project_path}/tree/#{ref}/doc/api" end it 'rebuilds relative URL for an image in the repo' do doc = filter(image('files/images/logo-black.png')) expect(doc.at_css('img')['src']) .to eq "/#{project_path}/raw/#{ref}/files/images/logo-black.png" end it 'rebuilds relative URL for link to an image in the repo' do doc = filter(link('files/images/logo-black.png')) expect(doc.at_css('a')['href']) .to eq "/#{project_path}/raw/#{ref}/files/images/logo-black.png" end it 'rebuilds relative URL for a video in the repo' do doc = filter(video('files/videos/intro.mp4'), commit: project.commit('video'), ref: 'video') expect(doc.at_css('video')['src']) .to eq "/#{project_path}/raw/video/files/videos/intro.mp4" end it 'does not modify relative URL with an anchor only' do doc = filter(link('#section-1')) expect(doc.at_css('a')['href']).to eq '#section-1' end it 'does not modify absolute URL' do doc = filter(link('http://example.com')) expect(doc.at_css('a')['href']).to eq 'http://example.com' end it 'supports Unicode filenames' do path = 'files/images/한글.png' escaped = Addressable::URI.escape(path) # Stub this method so the file doesn't actually need to be in the repo allow_any_instance_of(described_class).to receive(:uri_type).and_return(:raw) doc = filter(image(escaped)) expect(doc.at_css('img')['src']).to eq "/#{project_path}/raw/#{Addressable::URI.escape(ref)}/#{escaped}" end context 'when requested path is a file in the repo' do let(:requested_path) { 'doc/api/README.md' } it 'rebuilds URL relative to the containing directory' do doc = filter(link('users.md')) expect(doc.at_css('a')['href']).to eq "/#{project_path}/blob/#{Addressable::URI.escape(ref)}/doc/api/users.md" end end context 'when requested path is a directory in the repo' do let(:requested_path) { 'doc/api/' } it 'rebuilds URL relative to the directory' do doc = filter(link('users.md')) expect(doc.at_css('a')['href']).to eq "/#{project_path}/blob/#{Addressable::URI.escape(ref)}/doc/api/users.md" end end context 'when ref name contains percent sign' do let(:ref) { '100%branch' } let(:commit) { project.commit('1b12f15a11fc6e62177bef08f47bc7b5ce50b141') } let(:requested_path) { 'foo/bar/' } it 'correctly escapes the ref' do doc = filter(link('.gitkeep')) expect(doc.at_css('a')['href']).to eq "/#{project_path}/blob/#{Addressable::URI.escape(ref)}/foo/bar/.gitkeep" end end context 'when ref name contains special chars' do let(:ref) {'mark#\'@],+;-._/#@!$&()+down'} it 'correctly escapes the ref' do # Addressable won't escape the '#', so we do this manually ref_escaped = 'mark%23\'@%5D,+;-._/%23@!$&()+down' # Stub this method so the branch doesn't actually need to be in the repo allow_any_instance_of(described_class).to receive(:uri_type).and_return(:raw) doc = filter(link('files/images/logo-black.png')) expect(doc.at_css('a')['href']) .to eq "/#{project_path}/raw/#{ref_escaped}/files/images/logo-black.png" end end context 'when requested path is a directory with space in the repo' do let(:ref) { 'master' } let(:commit) { project.commit('38008cb17ce1466d8fec2dfa6f6ab8dcfe5cf49e') } let(:requested_path) { 'with space/' } it 'does not escape the space twice' do doc = filter(link('README.md')) expect(doc.at_css('a')['href']).to eq "/#{project_path}/blob/#{Addressable::URI.escape(ref)}/with%20space/README.md" end end end context 'with a valid commit' do include_examples :valid_repository end context 'with a valid ref' do let(:commit) { nil } # force filter to use ref instead of commit include_examples :valid_repository end context 'with a /upload/ URL' do # not needed let(:commit) { nil } let(:ref) { nil } let(:requested_path) { nil } let(:upload_path) { '/uploads/e90decf88d8f96fe9e1389afc2e4a91f/test.jpg' } let(:relative_path) { "/#{project.full_path}#{upload_path}" } context 'to a project upload' do context 'with an absolute URL' do let(:absolute_path) { Gitlab.config.gitlab.url + relative_path } let(:only_path) { false } it 'rewrites the link correctly' do doc = filter(link(upload_path)) expect(doc.at_css('a')['href']).to eq(absolute_path) end end it 'rebuilds relative URL for a link' do doc = filter(link(upload_path)) expect(doc.at_css('a')['href']).to eq(relative_path) doc = filter(nested(link(upload_path))) expect(doc.at_css('a')['href']).to eq(relative_path) end it 'rebuilds relative URL for an image' do doc = filter(image(upload_path)) expect(doc.at_css('img')['src']).to eq(relative_path) doc = filter(nested(image(upload_path))) expect(doc.at_css('img')['src']).to eq(relative_path) end it 'does not modify absolute URL' do doc = filter(link('http://example.com')) expect(doc.at_css('a')['href']).to eq 'http://example.com' end it 'supports unescaped Unicode filenames' do path = '/uploads/한글.png' doc = filter(link(path)) expect(doc.at_css('a')['href']).to eq("/#{project.full_path}/uploads/%ED%95%9C%EA%B8%80.png") end it 'supports escaped Unicode filenames' do path = '/uploads/한글.png' escaped = Addressable::URI.escape(path) doc = filter(image(escaped)) expect(doc.at_css('img')['src']).to eq("/#{project.full_path}/uploads/%ED%95%9C%EA%B8%80.png") end end context 'to a group upload' do let(:upload_link) { link('/uploads/e90decf88d8f96fe9e1389afc2e4a91f/test.jpg') } let(:group) { create(:group) } let(:project) { nil } let(:relative_path) { "/groups/#{group.full_path}/-/uploads/e90decf88d8f96fe9e1389afc2e4a91f/test.jpg" } context 'with an absolute URL' do let(:absolute_path) { Gitlab.config.gitlab.url + relative_path } let(:only_path) { false } it 'rewrites the link correctly' do doc = filter(upload_link) expect(doc.at_css('a')['href']).to eq(absolute_path) end end it 'rewrites the link correctly' do doc = filter(upload_link) expect(doc.at_css('a')['href']).to eq(relative_path) end it 'rewrites the link correctly for subgroup' do group.update!(parent: create(:group)) doc = filter(upload_link) expect(doc.at_css('a')['href']).to eq(relative_path) end it 'does not modify absolute URL' do doc = filter(link('http://example.com')) expect(doc.at_css('a')['href']).to eq 'http://example.com' end end context 'to a personal snippet' do let(:group) { nil } let(:project) { nil } let(:relative_path) { '/uploads/-/system/personal_snippet/6/674e4f07fbf0a7736c3439212896e51a/example.tar.gz' } context 'with an absolute URL' do let(:absolute_path) { Gitlab.config.gitlab.url + relative_path } let(:only_path) { false } it 'rewrites the link correctly' do doc = filter(link(relative_path)) expect(doc.at_css('a')['href']).to eq(absolute_path) end end context 'with a relative URL root' do let(:gitlab_root) { '/gitlab' } let(:absolute_path) { Gitlab.config.gitlab.url + gitlab_root + relative_path } before do stub_config_setting(relative_url_root: gitlab_root) end context 'with an absolute URL' do let(:only_path) { false } it 'rewrites the link correctly' do doc = filter(link(relative_path)) expect(doc.at_css('a')['href']).to eq(absolute_path) end end it 'rewrites the link correctly' do doc = filter(link(relative_path)) expect(doc.at_css('a')['href']).to eq(gitlab_root + relative_path) end end it 'rewrites the link correctly' do doc = filter(link(relative_path)) expect(doc.at_css('a')['href']).to eq(relative_path) end it 'does not modify absolute URL' do doc = filter(link('http://example.com')) expect(doc.at_css('a')['href']).to eq 'http://example.com' end end end end