# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' RSpec.describe Gitlab::BackgroundMigration::BackfillWorkItemTypeIdForIssues, :migration, schema: 20221111123146, feature_category: :team_planning do let(:batch_column) { 'id' } let(:sub_batch_size) { 2 } let(:pause_ms) { 0 } # let_it_be can't be used in migration specs because all tables but `work_item_types` are deleted after each spec let(:issue_type_enum) { { issue: 0, incident: 1, test_case: 2, requirement: 3, task: 4 } } let(:namespace) { table(:namespaces).create!(name: 'namespace', path: 'namespace') } let(:project) { table(:projects).create!(namespace_id: namespace.id, project_namespace_id: namespace.id) } let(:issues_table) { table(:issues) } let(:issue_type) { table(:work_item_types).find_by!(namespace_id: nil, base_type: issue_type_enum[:issue]) } let(:task_type) { table(:work_item_types).find_by!(namespace_id: nil, base_type: issue_type_enum[:task]) } let(:issue1) { issues_table.create!(project_id: project.id, issue_type: issue_type_enum[:issue]) } let(:issue2) { issues_table.create!(project_id: project.id, issue_type: issue_type_enum[:issue]) } let(:issue3) { issues_table.create!(project_id: project.id, issue_type: issue_type_enum[:issue]) } let(:incident1) { issues_table.create!(project_id: project.id, issue_type: issue_type_enum[:incident]) } # test_case and requirement are EE only, but enum values exist on the FOSS model let(:test_case1) { issues_table.create!(project_id: project.id, issue_type: issue_type_enum[:test_case]) } let(:requirement1) { issues_table.create!(project_id: project.id, issue_type: issue_type_enum[:requirement]) } let(:start_id) { issue1.id } let(:end_id) { requirement1.id } let!(:all_issues) { [issue1, issue2, issue3, incident1, test_case1, requirement1] } let(:migration) do described_class.new( start_id: start_id, end_id: end_id, batch_table: :issues, batch_column: :id, sub_batch_size: sub_batch_size, pause_ms: pause_ms, job_arguments: [issue_type_enum[:issue], issue_type.id], connection: ApplicationRecord.connection ) end subject(:migrate) { migration.perform } it 'sets work_item_type_id only for the given type' do expect(all_issues).to all(have_attributes(work_item_type_id: nil)) expect { migrate }.to make_queries_matching(/UPDATE "issues" SET "work_item_type_id"/, 2) all_issues.each(&:reload) expect([issue1, issue2, issue3]).to all(have_attributes(work_item_type_id: issue_type.id)) expect(all_issues - [issue1, issue2, issue3]).to all(have_attributes(work_item_type_id: nil)) end context 'when a record already had a work_item_type_id assigned' do let!(:issue4) do issues_table.create!( project_id: project.id, issue_type: issue_type_enum[:issue], work_item_type_id: task_type.id ) end let(:end_id) { issue4.id } it 'ovewrites the work_item_type_id' do # creating with the wrong issue_type/work_item_type_id on purpose so we can test # that the migration is capable of fixing such inconsistencies expect do migrate issue4.reload end.to change { issue4.work_item_type_id }.from(task_type.id).to(issue_type.id) end end it 'tracks timings of queries' do expect(migration.batch_metrics.timings).to be_empty expect { migrate }.to change { migration.batch_metrics.timings } end context 'when database timeouts' do using RSpec::Parameterized::TableSyntax where(error_class: [ActiveRecord::StatementTimeout, ActiveRecord::QueryCanceled]) with_them do it 'retries on timeout error' do expect(migration).to receive(:update_batch).exactly(3).times.and_raise(error_class) expect(migration).to receive(:sleep).with(30).twice expect do migrate end.to raise_error(error_class) end end end end